Package org.apache.xml.utils

Examples of org.apache.xml.utils.XMLString

          XObject xuse = keyDeclaration.getUse().execute(xctxt, currentNode, ki.getPrefixResolver());

          if (xuse.getType() != xuse.CLASS_NODESET)
            XMLString exprResult = xuse.xstr();
            addValueInRefsTable(xctxt, exprResult, currentNode);
            DTMIterator i = ((XNodeSet)xuse).iterRaw();
            int currentNodeInUseClause;

            while (DTM.NULL != (currentNodeInUseClause = i.nextNode()))
              DTM dtm = xctxt.getDTM(currentNodeInUseClause);
              XMLString exprResult = dtm.getStringValue(currentNodeInUseClause);
              addValueInRefsTable(xctxt, exprResult, currentNode);
        catch (TransformerException te)
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      normalize + ")");

      XMLString str = getStringValue(nodeHandle);
      str = str.fixWhiteSpace(true, true, false);
      int type = getNodeType(nodeHandle);
      Node node = getNode(nodeHandle);
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      while (DTM.NULL != (pos = ni.nextNode()))
        dtm = xctxt.getDTM(pos);
        XMLString ref = dtm.getStringValue(pos);

        if (null == ref)

        if (null == usedrefs)
          usedrefs = new Hashtable();

        if (usedrefs.get(ref) != null)
          continue// We already have 'em.

          // ISTRUE being used as a dummy value.
          usedrefs.put(ref, ISTRUE);

        XNodeSet nl =
          kmgr.getNodeSetDTMByKey(xctxt, docContext, keyname, ref,
        nl.setRoot(xctxt.getCurrentNode(), xctxt);

//        try
//        {
//        }
//        catch(CloneNotSupportedException cnse)
//        {
//          // will never happen.
//        }
        //mnodeset.addNodesInDocOrder(nl, xctxt); needed??

      int current = xctxt.getCurrentNode();
      upi.setRoot(current, xctxt);

      nodes = new XNodeSet(upi);
      XMLString ref = arg.xstr();
      nodes = kmgr.getNodeSetDTMByKey(xctxt, docContext, keyname,
      nodes.setRoot(xctxt.getCurrentNode(), xctxt);
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                            ? arg.iter() : null;
    int pos = DTM.NULL;

    while ((null == iterator) || (DTM.NULL != (pos = iterator.nextNode())))
      XMLString ref = (null != iterator)
                   ? xctxt.getDTM(pos).getStringValue(pos) : arg.xstr();
      // The first and only argument was a nodeset, the base in that
      // case is the base URI of the node from the first argument nodeset.
      // Remember, when the document function has exactly one argument and
      // the argument is a node-set, then the result is the union, for each
      // node in the argument node-set, of the result of calling the document
      // function with the first argument being the string-value of the node,
      // and the second argument being a node-set with the node as its only
      // member.
      if (null == arg1Expr && DTM.NULL != pos)
        DTM baseDTM = xctxt.getDTM(pos);
        base = baseDTM.getDocumentBaseURI();

      if (null == ref)

      if (DTM.NULL == docContext)
        error(xctxt, XSLTErrorResources.ER_NO_CONTEXT_OWNERDOC, null)//"context does not have an owner document!");

      // From
      // A partial form can be distinguished from an absolute form in that the
      // latter must have a colon and that colon must occur before any slash
      // characters. Systems not requiring partial forms should not use any
      // unencoded slashes in their naming schemes.  If they do, absolute URIs
      // will still work, but confusion may result.
      int indexOfColon = ref.indexOf(':');
      int indexOfSlash = ref.indexOf('/');

      if ((indexOfColon != -1) && (indexOfSlash != -1)
              && (indexOfColon < indexOfSlash))

        // The url (or filename, for that matter) is absolute.
        base = null;

      int newDoc = getDoc(xctxt, context, ref.toString(), base);

      // nodes.mutableNodeset().addNode(newDoc); 
      if (DTM.NULL != newDoc)
        // TODO: mnl.addNodeInDocOrder(newDoc, true, xctxt); ??
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    if(null == xctxt)
      assertion(false, "xctxt can not be null here!");

      XMLString lookupKey = m_ref;

      // System.out.println("lookupKey: "+lookupKey);
      int nDeclarations = keys.size();

      // Walk through each of the declarations made with xsl:key
      for (int i = 0; i < nDeclarations; i++)
        KeyDeclaration kd = (KeyDeclaration) keys.elementAt(i);

        // Only continue if the name on this key declaration
        // matches the name on the iterator for this walker.
        if (!kd.getName().equals(name))

        foundKey = true;
        // xctxt.setNamespaceContext(ki.getPrefixResolver());

        // Query from the node, according the the select pattern in the
        // use attribute in xsl:key.
        XObject xuse = kd.getUse().execute(xctxt, testNode, ki.getPrefixResolver());

        if (xuse.getType() != xuse.CLASS_NODESET)
          XMLString exprResult = xuse.xstr();

          if (lookupKey.equals(exprResult))
            return DTMIterator.FILTER_ACCEPT;
          DTMIterator nl = ((XNodeSet)xuse).iterRaw();
          int useNode;
          while (DTM.NULL != (useNode = nl.nextNode()))
            DTM dtm = getDTM(useNode);
            XMLString exprResult = dtm.getStringValue(useNode);
            if ((null != exprResult) && lookupKey.equals(exprResult))
              return DTMIterator.FILTER_ACCEPT;
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      normalize + ")");

      XMLString str = getStringValue(nodeHandle);
      str = str.fixWhiteSpace(true, true, false);
      int type = getNodeType(nodeHandle);
      Node node = getNode(nodeHandle);
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    Vector keys = ki.getKeyDeclarations();

    QName name = ki.getName();
      XMLString lookupKey = m_lookupKey;

      // System.out.println("lookupKey: "+lookupKey);
      int nDeclarations = keys.size();

      // Walk through each of the declarations made with xsl:key
      for (int i = 0; i < nDeclarations; i++)
        KeyDeclaration kd = (KeyDeclaration) keys.elementAt(i);

        // Only continue if the name on this key declaration
        // matches the name on the iterator for this walker.
                                foundKey = true;

        // See if our node matches the given key declaration according to
        // the match attribute on xsl:key.
        double score = kd.getMatch().getMatchScore(ki.getXPathContext(),

        if (score == kd.getMatch().MATCH_SCORE_NONE)
        // Query from the node, according the the select pattern in the
        // use attribute in xsl:key.
        XObject xuse = kd.getUse().execute(ki.getXPathContext(), testNode,

        if (xuse.getType() != xuse.CLASS_NODESET)
          XMLString exprResult = xuse.xstr();
          ((KeyIterator)m_lpi).addRefNode(exprResult, testNode);
          if (lookupKey.equals(exprResult))
            return DTMIterator.FILTER_ACCEPT;
          DTMIterator nl = xuse.iter();
          int useNode;
          short result = -1;
          We are walking through all the nodes in this nodeset
          rather than stopping when we find the one we're looking
          for because we don't currently save the state of KeyWalker
          such that the next time it gets called it would continue
          to look in this nodeset for any further matches.
          TODO: Try to save the state of KeyWalker, i.e. keep this node
          iterator saved somewhere and finish walking through its nodes
          the next time KeyWalker is called before we look for any new
          matches. What if the next call is for the same match+use
          while (DTM.NULL != (useNode = nl.nextNode()))
            DTM dtm = getDTM(useNode);
            XMLString exprResult = dtm.getStringValue(useNode);
            ((KeyIterator)m_lpi).addRefNode(exprResult, testNode);
            if ((null != exprResult) && lookupKey.equals(exprResult))
              result = DTMIterator.FILTER_ACCEPT;
              //return DTMIterator.FILTER_ACCEPT;
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                            ? arg.iter() : null;
    int pos = DTM.NULL;

    while ((null == iterator) || (DTM.NULL != (pos = iterator.nextNode())))
      XMLString ref = (null != iterator)
                   ? xctxt.getDTM(pos).getStringValue(pos) : arg.xstr();
      // The first and only argument was a nodeset, the base in that
      // case is the base URI of the node from the first argument nodeset.
      // Remember, when the document function has exactly one argument and
      // the argument is a node-set, then the result is the union, for each
      // node in the argument node-set, of the result of calling the document
      // function with the first argument being the string-value of the node,
      // and the second argument being a node-set with the node as its only
      // member.
      if (null == arg1Expr && DTM.NULL != pos)
        DTM baseDTM = xctxt.getDTM(pos);
        base = baseDTM.getDocumentBaseURI();

      if (null == ref)

      if (DTM.NULL == docContext)
        error(xctxt, XSLTErrorResources.ER_NO_CONTEXT_OWNERDOC, null)//"context does not have an owner document!");

      // From
      // A partial form can be distinguished from an absolute form in that the
      // latter must have a colon and that colon must occur before any slash
      // characters. Systems not requiring partial forms should not use any
      // unencoded slashes in their naming schemes.  If they do, absolute URIs
      // will still work, but confusion may result.
      int indexOfColon = ref.indexOf(':');
      int indexOfSlash = ref.indexOf('/');

      if ((indexOfColon != -1) && (indexOfSlash != -1)
              && (indexOfColon < indexOfSlash))

        // The url (or filename, for that matter) is absolute.
        base = null;

      int newDoc = getDoc(xctxt, context, ref.toString(), base);

      // nodes.mutableNodeset().addNode(newDoc); 
      if (DTM.NULL != newDoc)
        // TODO: mnl.addNodeInDocOrder(newDoc, true, xctxt); ??
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          boolean normalize)
            throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
      XMLString str = getStringValue(nodeHandle);
      str = str.fixWhiteSpace(true, true, false);
      int type = getNodeType(nodeHandle);
      Node node = getNode(nodeHandle);
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      UnionPathIterator upi = new UnionPathIterator();

      while (DTM.NULL != (pos = ni.nextNode()))
        dtm = xctxt.getDTM(pos);
        XMLString ref = dtm.getStringValue(pos);

        if (null == ref)

        if (null == usedrefs)
          usedrefs = new Hashtable();

        if (usedrefs.get(ref) != null)
          continue// We already have 'em.

          // ISTRUE being used as a dummy value.
          usedrefs.put(ref, ISTRUE);

        LocPathIterator nl =
          kmgr.getNodeSetDTMByKey(xctxt, docContext, keyname, ref,

//        try
//        {
          upi.addIterator((LocPathIterator)nl.asIterator(xctxt, docContext));
//        }
//        catch(CloneNotSupportedException cnse)
//        {
//          // will never happen.
//        }
        //mnodeset.addNodesInDocOrder(nl, xctxt); needed??

      int current = xctxt.getCurrentNode();
      upi.setRoot(current, xctxt);

      nodes = new XNodeSet(upi);
      XMLString ref = arg.xstr();
      LocPathIterator nl = kmgr.getNodeSetDTMByKey(xctxt, docContext, keyname,

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Related Classes of org.apache.xml.utils.XMLString

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