Package org.apache.xml.utils

Examples of org.apache.xml.utils.XMLString


      while (DTM.NULL != (pos = ni.nextNode()))
        dtm = xctxt.getDTM(pos);
        XMLString ref = dtm.getStringValue(pos);

        if (null == ref)

        if (null == usedrefs)
          usedrefs = new Hashtable();

        if (usedrefs.get(ref) != null)
          continue// We already have 'em.

          // ISTRUE being used as a dummy value.
          usedrefs.put(ref, ISTRUE);

        XNodeSet nl =
          kmgr.getNodeSetDTMByKey(xctxt, docContext, keyname, ref,
        nl.setRoot(xctxt.getCurrentNode(), xctxt);

//        try
//        {
//        }
//        catch(CloneNotSupportedException cnse)
//        {
//          // will never happen.
//        }
        //mnodeset.addNodesInDocOrder(nl, xctxt); needed??

      int current = xctxt.getCurrentNode();
      upi.setRoot(current, xctxt);

      nodes = new XNodeSet(upi);
      XMLString ref = arg.xstr();
      nodes = kmgr.getNodeSetDTMByKey(xctxt, docContext, keyname,
      nodes.setRoot(xctxt.getCurrentNode(), xctxt);
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   * @return numeric value of the string conversion from a single node.
  public double getNumberFromNode(int n)
    XMLString xstr = m_dtmMgr.getDTM(n).getStringValue(n);
    return xstr.toDouble();
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      int node1;
      java.util.Vector node2Strings = null;

      while (DTM.NULL != (node1 = list1.nextNode()))
        XMLString s1 = getStringFromNode(node1);

        if (null == node2Strings)
          int node2;

          while (DTM.NULL != (node2 = list2.nextNode()))
            XMLString s2 = getStringFromNode(node2);

            if (comparator.compareStrings(s1, s2))
              result = true;


            if (null == node2Strings)
              node2Strings = new java.util.Vector();

          int n = node2Strings.size();

          for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            if (comparator.compareStrings(s1, (XMLString)node2Strings.elementAt(i)))
              result = true;

    else if (XObject.CLASS_BOOLEAN == type)

      // From
      // If one object to be compared is a node-set and the other is a boolean,
      // then the comparison will be true if and only if the result of
      // performing the comparison on the boolean and on the result of
      // converting the node-set to a boolean using the boolean function
      // is true.
      double num1 = bool() ? 1.0 : 0.0;
      double num2 = obj2.num();

      result = comparator.compareNumbers(num1, num2);
    else if (XObject.CLASS_NUMBER == type)

      // From
      // If one object to be compared is a node-set and the other is a number,
      // then the comparison will be true if and only if there is a
      // node in the node-set such that the result of performing the
      // comparison on the number to be compared and on the result of
      // converting the string-value of that node to a number using
      // the number function is true.
      DTMIterator list1 = iterRaw();
      double num2 = obj2.num();
      int node;

      while (DTM.NULL != (node = list1.nextNode()))
        double num1 = getNumberFromNode(node);

        if (comparator.compareNumbers(num1, num2))
          result = true;

    else if (XObject.CLASS_RTREEFRAG == type)
      XMLString s2 = obj2.xstr();
      DTMIterator list1 = iterRaw();
      int node;

      while (DTM.NULL != (node = list1.nextNode()))
        XMLString s1 = getStringFromNode(node);

        if (comparator.compareStrings(s1, s2))
          result = true;

    else if (XObject.CLASS_STRING == type)

      // From
      // If one object to be compared is a node-set and the other is a
      // string, then the comparison will be true if and only if there
      // is a node in the node-set such that the result of performing
      // the comparison on the string-value of the node and the other
      // string is true.
      XMLString s2 = obj2.xstr();
      DTMIterator list1 = iterRaw();
      int node;

      while (DTM.NULL != (node = list1.nextNode()))
        XMLString s1 = getStringFromNode(node);
        if (comparator.compareStrings(s1, s2))
          result = true;

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                            ? arg.iter() : null;
    int pos = DTM.NULL;

    while ((null == iterator) || (DTM.NULL != (pos = iterator.nextNode())))
      XMLString ref = (null != iterator)
                   ? xctxt.getDTM(pos).getStringValue(pos) : arg.xstr();
      // The first and only argument was a nodeset, the base in that
      // case is the base URI of the node from the first argument nodeset.
      // Remember, when the document function has exactly one argument and
      // the argument is a node-set, then the result is the union, for each
      // node in the argument node-set, of the result of calling the document
      // function with the first argument being the string-value of the node,
      // and the second argument being a node-set with the node as its only
      // member.
      if (null == arg1Expr && DTM.NULL != pos)
        DTM baseDTM = xctxt.getDTM(pos);
        base = baseDTM.getDocumentBaseURI();

      if (null == ref)

      if (DTM.NULL == docContext)
        error(xctxt, XSLTErrorResources.ER_NO_CONTEXT_OWNERDOC, null)//"context does not have an owner document!");

      // From
      // A partial form can be distinguished from an absolute form in that the
      // latter must have a colon and that colon must occur before any slash
      // characters. Systems not requiring partial forms should not use any
      // unencoded slashes in their naming schemes.  If they do, absolute URIs
      // will still work, but confusion may result.
      int indexOfColon = ref.indexOf(':');
      int indexOfSlash = ref.indexOf('/');

      if ((indexOfColon != -1) && (indexOfSlash != -1)
              && (indexOfColon < indexOfSlash))

        // The url (or filename, for that matter) is absolute.
        base = null;

      int newDoc = getDoc(xctxt, context, ref.toString(), base);

      // nodes.mutableNodeset().addNode(newDoc); 
      if (DTM.NULL != newDoc)
        // TODO: mnl.addNodeInDocOrder(newDoc, true, xctxt); ??
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    if(null == xctxt)
      assertion(false, "xctxt can not be null here!");

      XMLString lookupKey = m_ref;

      // System.out.println("lookupKey: "+lookupKey);
      int nDeclarations = keys.size();

      // Walk through each of the declarations made with xsl:key
      for (int i = 0; i < nDeclarations; i++)
        KeyDeclaration kd = (KeyDeclaration) keys.elementAt(i);

        // Only continue if the name on this key declaration
        // matches the name on the iterator for this walker.
        if (!kd.getName().equals(name))

        foundKey = true;
        // xctxt.setNamespaceContext(ki.getPrefixResolver());

        // Query from the node, according the the select pattern in the
        // use attribute in xsl:key.
        XObject xuse = kd.getUse().execute(xctxt, testNode, ki.getPrefixResolver());

        if (xuse.getType() != xuse.CLASS_NODESET)
          XMLString exprResult = xuse.xstr();

          if (lookupKey.equals(exprResult))
            return DTMIterator.FILTER_ACCEPT;
          DTMIterator nl = ((XNodeSet)xuse).iterRaw();
          int useNode;
          while (DTM.NULL != (useNode = nl.nextNode()))
            DTM dtm = getDTM(useNode);
            XMLString exprResult = dtm.getStringValue(useNode);
            if ((null != exprResult) && lookupKey.equals(exprResult))
              return DTMIterator.FILTER_ACCEPT;
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  public double num()
    throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException

    XMLString s = xstr();

    return s.toDouble();
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        // clone them explicitly. If so, we need the equivalent of
        // rth.addAttribute().
      case DTM.COMMENT_NODE :
        XMLString xstr = dtm.getStringValue (node);
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          XObject xuse = keyDeclaration.getUse().execute(xctxt, currentNode, ki.getPrefixResolver());

          if (xuse.getType() != xuse.CLASS_NODESET)
            XMLString exprResult = xuse.xstr();
            addValueInRefsTable(xctxt, exprResult, currentNode);
            DTMIterator i = ((XNodeSet)xuse).iterRaw();
            int currentNodeInUseClause;

            while (DTM.NULL != (currentNodeInUseClause = i.nextNode()))
              DTM dtm = xctxt.getDTM(currentNodeInUseClause);
              XMLString exprResult = dtm.getStringValue(currentNodeInUseClause);
              addValueInRefsTable(xctxt, exprResult, currentNode);
        catch (TransformerException te)
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          boolean normalize)
            throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
      XMLString str = getStringValue(nodeHandle);
      str = str.fixWhiteSpace(true, true, false);
      int type = getNodeType(nodeHandle);
      Node node = getNode(nodeHandle);
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    if(null == xctxt)
      assertion(false, "xctxt can not be null here!");

      XMLString lookupKey = m_ref;

      // System.out.println("lookupKey: "+lookupKey);
      int nDeclarations = keys.size();

      // Walk through each of the declarations made with xsl:key
      for (int i = 0; i < nDeclarations; i++)
        KeyDeclaration kd = (KeyDeclaration) keys.elementAt(i);

        // Only continue if the name on this key declaration
        // matches the name on the iterator for this walker.
        if (!kd.getName().equals(name))

        foundKey = true;
        // xctxt.setNamespaceContext(ki.getPrefixResolver());

        // Query from the node, according the the select pattern in the
        // use attribute in xsl:key.
        XObject xuse = kd.getUse().execute(xctxt, testNode, ki.getPrefixResolver());

        if (xuse.getType() != xuse.CLASS_NODESET)
          XMLString exprResult = xuse.xstr();

          if (lookupKey.equals(exprResult))
            return DTMIterator.FILTER_ACCEPT;
          DTMIterator nl = ((XNodeSet)xuse).iterRaw();
          int useNode;
          while (DTM.NULL != (useNode = nl.nextNode()))
            DTM dtm = getDTM(useNode);
            XMLString exprResult = dtm.getStringValue(useNode);
            if ((null != exprResult) && lookupKey.equals(exprResult))
              return DTMIterator.FILTER_ACCEPT;
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Related Classes of org.apache.xml.utils.XMLString

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