"sender info insufficient: " + ((user == null) ? "no from" : user.getFullQualifiedName()), null,
RosterItem setRosterItem;
try {
setRosterItem = RosterUtils.parseRosterItem(stanza);
} catch (RosterBadRequestException e) {
return ServerErrorResponses.getStanzaError(StanzaErrorCondition.BAD_REQUEST, stanza,
StanzaErrorType.MODIFY, e.getMessage(), null, null);
} catch (RosterNotAcceptableException e) {
return ServerErrorResponses.getStanzaError(StanzaErrorCondition.NOT_ACCEPTABLE, stanza,
StanzaErrorType.MODIFY, e.getMessage(), null, null);
Entity contactJid = setRosterItem.getJid().getBareJID();
RosterItem existingItem;
try {
existingItem = rosterManager.getContact(user.getBareJID(), contactJid);
} catch (RosterException e) {
existingItem = null;
if (setRosterItem.getSubscriptionType() == REMOVE) {
// remove is handled in separate method, return afterwards
return rosterItemRemove(stanza, sessionContext, rosterManager, user, contactJid, existingItem);
} /* else: all other subscription types are ignored in a roster set and have been filtered out by RosterUtils.parseRosterItem() */
// proper set (update, not a remove)
if (existingItem == null) {
existingItem = new RosterItem(contactJid, NONE);
if (setRosterItem.getName() != null) {
logger.debug(user.getBareJID() + " roster: set roster item name to " + setRosterItem.getName());
logger.debug(user.getBareJID() + " roster: roster item groups set to " + setRosterItem.getGroups());
try {
// update contact persistently
rosterManager.addContact(user.getBareJID(), existingItem);