error = new LogThrowErrorImpl();
String inputFile = null;
String outputDirectory = null;
TypeSystemDescription typeSystemDescription = null;
TypeDescription[] tds = null;
projectPathDir = ""; // init to default value
limitJCasGenToProjectScope = false;
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length - 1; i++) {
if (arguments[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-jcasgeninput")) {
inputFile = arguments[++i];
if (arguments[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-jcasgenoutput")) {
outputDirectory = arguments[++i];
// This next is not apparently used 5/2012 schor
if (arguments[i].equalsIgnoreCase("=jcasgenclasspath")) {
classPath = arguments[++i];
if (arguments[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-limitToDirectory")) {
projectPathDir = arguments[++i];
limitJCasGenToProjectScope = (projectPathDir.length() > 0);
xmlSourceFileName = inputFile.replaceAll("\\\\", "/");
URL url;
if(inputFile.substring(0, 4).equalsIgnoreCase("jar:")) {
// get things out of Jars
try {
url = new URL(inputFile);
// if (null == url) { // is never null from above line
// error.newError(IError.ERROR, getString("fileNotFound", new Object[] { inputFile }), null);
// }
if(null == outputDirectory || outputDirectory.equals("")) {
error.newError(IError.ERROR, getString("sourceArgNeedsDirectory", new Object[] { inputFile }), null);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
error.newError(IError.ERROR, getString("fileNotFound", new Object[] { inputFile }), null);
url = null; // never get here, the previous statement throws. Needed, though for java path analysis.
} else {
File file = new File(inputFile);
if (!file.exists()) {
error.newError(IError.ERROR, getString("fileNotFound", new Object[] { inputFile }), null);
if (null == outputDirectory || outputDirectory.equals("")) {
File dir = file.getParentFile();
if (null == dir) {
error.newError(IError.ERROR, getString("sourceArgNeedsDirectory",
new Object[] { inputFile }), null);
outputDirectory = dir.getPath() + File.separator + "JCas"
+ ((null != merger) ? "" : "New");
url = file.toURI().toURL();
progressMonitor.beginTask("", 5);
progressMonitor.subTask("Output going to '" + outputDirectory + "'");
new Object[] { inputFile }));
// code to read xml and make cas type instance
CASImpl casLocal = null;
// handle classpath
try {
XMLInputSource in = new XMLInputSource(url);
XMLizable specifier = UIMAFramework.getXMLParser().parse(in);
if (specifier instanceof AnalysisEngineDescription) {
AnalysisEngineDescription aeSpecifier = (AnalysisEngineDescription) specifier;
if (!aeSpecifier.isPrimitive())
typeSystemDescription = CasCreationUtils.mergeDelegateAnalysisEngineTypeSystems(
aeSpecifier, createResourceManager(), mergedTypesAddingFeatures);
typeSystemDescription = mergeTypeSystemImports(aeSpecifier
} else if (specifier instanceof TypeSystemDescription)
typeSystemDescription = mergeTypeSystemImports(((TypeSystemDescription) specifier));
else {
error.newError(IError.ERROR, getString("fileDoesntParse", new Object[] { inputFile }),
if (mergedTypesAddingFeatures.size() > 0) {
error.newError(IError.WARN, getString("typesHaveFeaturesAdded",
new Object[] { makeMergeMessage(mergedTypesAddingFeatures) }), null);
TypePriorities typePriorities = null;
FsIndexDescription[] fsIndexDescription = null;
try {
// no ResourceManager, since everything has been
// imported/merged by previous actions
casLocal = (CASImpl) CasCreationUtils.createCas(typeSystemDescription, typePriorities,
} catch (ResourceInitializationException e) {
error.newError(IError.WARN, getString("resourceInitializationException",
new Object[] { e.getLocalizedMessage() }), e);
casLocal = null; // continue with null cas, anyway
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (InvalidXMLException e) {
error.newError(IError.ERROR, getString("invalidXML", new Object[] { inputFile }), e);
} catch (ResourceInitializationException e) {
error.newError(IError.ERROR, getString("resourceInitializationExceptionError",
new Object[] {}), e);
tds = typeSystemDescription.getTypes();
// Generate type classes from DEFAULT templates
generateAllTypesFromTemplates(outputDirectory, tds, casLocal, JCasTypeTemplate.class,