public void finalStep(FinalStep aStep, String aCasReferenceId) {
Endpoint endpoint = null;
boolean replySentToClient = false;
boolean isSubordinate = false;
CacheEntry cacheEntry = null;
CasStateEntry casStateEntry = null;
CasStateEntry parentCasStateEntry = null;
Endpoint freeCasEndpoint = null;
CacheEntry parentCASCacheEntry = null;
Endpoint cEndpoint = null;
boolean casDropped = false;
boolean doDecrementChildCount = false;
// First locate entries in the global and local cache for a given CAS
// If not found, log a message and return
try {
// Get entry from the cache for a given CAS Id. This throws an exception if
// an entry doesnt exist in the cache
cacheEntry = getInProcessCache().getCacheEntryForCAS(aCasReferenceId);
casStateEntry = localCache.lookupEntry(aCasReferenceId);
if (casStateEntry.getState() != CacheEntry.FINAL_STATE) {
// Mark the entry to indicate that the CAS reached a final step. This CAS
// may still have children and will not be returned to the client until
// all of them are fully processed. This state info will aid in the
// internal bookkeeping when the final child is processed.
if (UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
new Object[] { getComponentName(), casStateEntry.getCasReferenceId(),
casStateEntry.getSubordinateCasInPlayCount() });
} catch (Exception e) {
if (UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).logrb(Level.WARNING, CLASS_NAME.getName(),
"UIMAEE_service_exception_WARNING", getComponentName());
UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).logrb(Level.WARNING, CLASS_NAME.getName(), "finalStep",
// Found entries in caches for a given CAS id
try {
endpoint = getInProcessCache().getEndpoint(null, aCasReferenceId);
synchronized (super.finalStepMux) {
// Check if the global cache still contains the CAS. It may have been deleted by another
// thread already
if (!getInProcessCache().entryExists(aCasReferenceId)) {
// Check if this CAS has children that are still being processed in this aggregate
if (casHasChildrenInPlay(casStateEntry)) {
if (UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
new Object[] { getComponentName(), casStateEntry.getCasReferenceId(),
casStateEntry.getSubordinateCasInPlayCount() });
replySentToClient = false;
if (UIMAFramework.getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).logrb(Level.FINEST, CLASS_NAME.getName(),
new Object[] { getComponentName(), aCasReferenceId });
// Determine if this CAS is a child of some CAS
isSubordinate = casStateEntry.getInputCasReferenceId() != null;
if (isSubordinate) {
// fetch the destination of a CM that produced this CAS, so that we know where to send
// Free Cas Notification
freeCasEndpoint = cacheEntry.getFreeCasEndpoint();
parentCasStateEntry = fetchParentCasFromLocalCache(casStateEntry);
parentCASCacheEntry = fetchParentCasFromGlobalCache(casStateEntry);
doDecrementChildCount = true;
// If the CAS was generated by this component but the Flow Controller wants to drop it OR
// this component
// is not a Cas Multiplier
if (forceToDropTheCas(parentCasStateEntry, cacheEntry, aStep)) {
if (casStateEntry.isReplyReceived()) {
if (isSubordinate) {
// drop the flow since we no longer need it
dropFlow(aCasReferenceId, true);
// Drop the CAS and remove cache entry for it
dropCAS(aCasReferenceId, true);
casDropped = true;
// If debug level=FINEST dump the entire cache
// Set this state as if we sent the reply to the client. This triggers a cleanup of
// origin map and stats
// for the current cas
if (isTopLevelComponent()) {
replySentToClient = true;
} else {
doDecrementChildCount = false;
} else if (!casStateEntry.isDropped()) {
// Send a reply to the Client. If the CAS is an input CAS it will be dropped
cEndpoint = replyToClient(cacheEntry, casStateEntry);
replySentToClient = true;
if (cEndpoint.isRemote()) {
// if this service is a Cas Multiplier don't remove the CAS. It will be removed
// when a remote client sends explicit Release CAS Request
if (!isCasMultiplier()) {
// Drop the CAS and remove cache entry for it
dropCAS(aCasReferenceId, true);
casDropped = true;
} else {
// Remove entry from the local cache for this CAS. If the client
// is remote the entry was removed in replyToClient()
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// If debug level=FINEST dump the entire cache
if (parentCasStateEntry == null && isSubordinate) {
parentCasStateEntry = localCache.lookupEntry(casStateEntry.getInputCasReferenceId());
if (doDecrementChildCount) {
// Child CAS has been fully processed, decrement its parent count of active child CASes
if (parentCasStateEntry != null) {
// If debug level=FINEST dump the entire cache
if (UIMAFramework.getLogger(CLASS_NAME).isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
new Object[] { getComponentName(), casStateEntry.getCasReferenceId(),
casStateEntry.getSubordinateCasInPlayCount() });
boolean clientIsCollocated = (cEndpoint == null || !cEndpoint.isRemote());
if (parentCasStateEntry != null && parentCasStateEntry.getSubordinateCasInPlayCount() == 0
&& parentCasStateEntry.isFailed()) {
// For subordinate CAS, check if its parent needs to be put in play. This should happen if
// this CAS was the last of the children in play
if (isSubordinate && releaseParentCas(casDropped, clientIsCollocated, parentCasStateEntry)) {
// Put the parent CAS in play. The parent CAS can be in one of two places now depending
// on the configuration. The parent CAS could have been suspended in the final step, or it
// could have
// been suspended in the process method. If the configuration indicates that the parent
// should follow only when the last of its children leaves this aggregate, call the
// process method.
// Otherwise, the CAS is in a final state and simply needs to resume there.
Endpoint lastDelegateEndpoint = parentCasStateEntry.getLastDelegate().getEndpoint();
if (lastDelegateEndpoint.processParentLast()) {
// The parent was suspended in the process call. Resume processing the CAS
process(parentCASCacheEntry.getCas(), parentCasStateEntry.getCasReferenceId());
} else {
// The parent was suspended in the final step. Resume processing the CAS
finalStep(parentCasStateEntry.getFinalStep(), parentCasStateEntry.getCasReferenceId());
} // synchronized
if (endpoint != null) {
// remove stats associated with this Cas and a given endpoint