// Force delegate Cas Multipliers to Stop generating new CASes
try {
CacheEntry entry = getInProcessCache().getCacheEntryForCAS(aCasReferenceId);
CasStateEntry casStateEntry = getLocalCache().lookupEntry(aCasReferenceId);
// Check if this CAS should be aborted due to previous error on this CAS or its
// parent. If this is the case the method will move the CAS to the final state
// where it will be dropped. If the CAS is an input CAS, it will be returned to
// the client with an exception
if (abortProcessingCas(casStateEntry, entry)) {
// This CAS was aborted, we are done here
// Check if this is an input CAS from the client. If not, check if last
// delegate handling this CAS was a Cas Multiplier configured to process
// parent CAS last
if (casStateEntry.getLastDelegate() != null) {
// Fetch the endpoint corresponding to the last Delegate handling the CAS
Endpoint lastDelegateEndpoint = casStateEntry.getLastDelegate().getEndpoint();
// Check if this delegate is a Cas Multiplier and the parent CAS is to be processed last
if (lastDelegateEndpoint.isCasMultiplier() && lastDelegateEndpoint.processParentLast()) {
synchronized (super.finalStepMux) {
// Determine if the CAS should be held until all its children leave this aggregate.
if (casStateEntry.getSubordinateCasInPlayCount() > 0) {
// This input CAS has child CASes still in play. It will remain in the cache
// until the last of the child CASes is released. Only than, the input CAS is
// is allowed to continue into the next step in the flow.
// The CAS has to be in final state
// The input CAS will be interned until all children leave this aggregate
// if we are here entry is not null. The above throws an exception if an entry is not
// found in the cache. First check if there is a delayedSingleStepList in the cache.
// If there is one, it means that a parallel step contained collocated delegate(s)
// The parallel step may only contain remote delegates. All collocated delegates
// were removed from the parallel step and added to the delayedSingleStepList in
// parallelStep() method.
List delayedSingleStepList = entry.getDelayedSingleStepList();
if (delayedSingleStepList != null && delayedSingleStepList.size() > 0) {
handlingDelayedStep = true;
// Reset number of parallel delegates back to one. This is done only if the previous step
// was a parallel step.
synchronized (parallelStepMux) {
if (casStateEntry.getNumberOfParallelDelegates() > 1) {
// Remove a delegate endpoint from the single step list cached in the CAS entry
Endpoint endpoint = (Endpoint_impl) entry.getDelayedSingleStepList().remove(0);
// send the CAS to a collocated delegate from the delayed single step list.