Package org.apache.stratum.configuration

Examples of org.apache.stratum.configuration.Configuration

    public void init()
        pools = (Map) new HashMap();

        Configuration configuration = getConfiguration();

        // Get the value for the default pool, but if there
        // isn't a value than fall back to the standard
        // "default" value.
        defaultPool = configuration.getString(DEFAULT_POOL, DEFAULT);

        // Create monitor thread
        Monitor monitor = new Monitor();
        // Indicate that this is a system thread. JVM will quit only when there
        // are no more active user threads. Settings threads spawned internally
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    private void initVelocity() throws InitializationException
         * Get the configuration for this service.
        Configuration configuration = getConfiguration();

         * Now we have to perform a couple of path translations
         * for our log file and template paths.
        String path = Turbine.getRealPath
            (configuration.getString(Velocity.RUNTIME_LOG, null));

        if (StringUtils.isValid(path))
            configuration.setProperty(Velocity.RUNTIME_LOG, path);
            String msg = VelocityService.SERVICE_NAME + " runtime log file " +
                "is misconfigured: '" + path + "' is not a valid log file";

            if (TurbineServlet.getServletConfig() instanceof TurbineConfig)
                msg += ": TurbineConfig users must use a path relative to " +
                    "web application root";
            throw new Error(msg);

         * Get all the template paths where the velocity runtime should search
         * for templates and collect them into a separate vector to avoid
         * concurrent modification exceptions.
        String key;
        Vector keys = new Vector();
        for (Iterator i = configuration.getKeys(); i.hasNext();)
            key = (String);
            if (key.endsWith(RESOURCE_LOADER_PATH))

         * Loop through all template paths, clear the corresponding
         * velocity properties and translate them all to the webapp space.

        int ind;
        Vector paths;
        String entry;
        for (Iterator i = keys.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
            key = (String);
            paths = configuration.getVector(key,null);
            if (paths != null)

                for (Iterator j = paths.iterator(); j.hasNext();)
                    path = (String);
                    if (path.startsWith(JAR_PREFIX + "file"))
                         * A local jar resource URL path is a bit more
                         * complicated, but we can translate it as well.
                        ind = path.indexOf("!/");
                        if (ind >= 0)
                            entry = path.substring(ind);
                            path = path.substring(9,ind);
                            entry = "!/";
                            path = path.substring(9);
                        path = JAR_PREFIX + "file:" +
                            Turbine.getRealPath(path) + entry;
                    else if (path.startsWith(ABSOLUTE_PREFIX))
                        path = path.substring (ABSOLUTE_PREFIX.length(),
                    else if (!path.startsWith(JAR_PREFIX))
                        // But we don't translate remote jar URLs.
                        path = Turbine.getRealPath(path);
                    // Put the translated paths back to the configuration.
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Related Classes of org.apache.stratum.configuration.Configuration

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