* This method sets up the template cache.
private void initJsp() throws Exception
ServletContext context = TurbineServlet.getServletContext();
Configuration config = getConfiguration();
* Use the turbine template service to translate
* the template paths.
templatePaths = TurbineTemplate.translateTemplatePaths(
* Set relative paths from config.
* Needed for javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher
relativeTemplatePaths = config.getStringArray("templates");
* Make sure that the relative paths begin with /
for (int i = 0; i < relativeTemplatePaths.length; i++)
if (!relativeTemplatePaths[i].startsWith("/"))
relativeTemplatePaths[i] = "/" + relativeTemplatePaths[i];
bufferSize = config.getInt("buffer.size", 8192);
* Register with the template service.