Package org.apache.qpid.server.virtualhost

Examples of org.apache.qpid.server.virtualhost.VirtualHost$StartupRoutingTable$CreateQueueTuple

    public void methodReceived(AMQStateManager stateManager, BasicConsumeBody body, int channelId) throws AMQException
        AMQProtocolSession protocolConnection = stateManager.getProtocolSession();

        AMQChannel channel = protocolConnection.getChannel(channelId);
        VirtualHost vHost = protocolConnection.getVirtualHost();

        if (channel == null)
            throw body.getChannelNotFoundException(channelId);
            if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
                _logger.debug("BasicConsume: from '" + body.getQueue() +
                              "' for:" + body.getConsumerTag() +
                              " nowait:" + body.getNowait() +
                              " args:" + body.getArguments());

            AMQQueue queue = body.getQueue() == null ? channel.getDefaultQueue() : vHost.getQueue(body.getQueue().intern().toString());

            if (queue == null)
                if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
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    public void methodReceived(AMQStateManager stateManager, QueueDeclareBody body, int channelId) throws AMQException
        final AMQProtocolSession protocolConnection = stateManager.getProtocolSession();
        final AMQSessionModel session = protocolConnection.getChannel(channelId);
        VirtualHost virtualHost = protocolConnection.getVirtualHost();

        final AMQShortString queueName;

        // if we aren't given a queue name, we create one which we return to the client
        if ((body.getQueue() == null) || (body.getQueue().length() == 0))
            queueName = createName();
            queueName = body.getQueue().intern();

        AMQQueue queue;

        //TODO: do we need to check that the queue already exists with exactly the same "configuration"?

        AMQChannel channel = protocolConnection.getChannel(channelId);

        if (channel == null)
            throw body.getChannelNotFoundException(channelId);

            queue = virtualHost.getQueue(queueName.toString());
            if (queue == null)
                String msg = "Queue: " + queueName + " not found on VirtualHost(" + virtualHost + ").";
                throw body.getChannelException(AMQConstant.NOT_FOUND, msg);
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    public void methodReceived(AMQStateManager stateManager, ExchangeDeclareBody body, int channelId) throws AMQException
        AMQProtocolSession session = stateManager.getProtocolSession();
        VirtualHost virtualHost = session.getVirtualHost();
        final AMQChannel channel = session.getChannel(channelId);
        if (channel == null)
            throw body.getChannelNotFoundException(channelId);

        final AMQShortString exchangeName = body.getExchange();
        if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
            _logger.debug("Request to declare exchange of type " + body.getType() + " with name " + exchangeName);

        Exchange exchange;

        if (body.getPassive())
            exchange = virtualHost.getExchange(exchangeName == null ? null : exchangeName.toString());
            if(exchange == null)
                throw body.getChannelException(AMQConstant.NOT_FOUND, "Unknown exchange: " + exchangeName);
            else if (!(body.getType() == null || body.getType().length() ==0) && !exchange.getTypeName().equals(body.getType().asString()))

                throw new AMQConnectionException(AMQConstant.NOT_ALLOWED, "Attempt to redeclare exchange: " +
                                  exchangeName + " of type " + exchange.getTypeName()
                                  + " to " + body.getType() +".",body.getClazz(), body.getMethod(),body.getMajor(),body.getMinor(),null);

                exchange = virtualHost.createExchange(null,
                                                      exchangeName == null ? null : exchangeName.intern().toString(),
                                                      body.getType() == null ? null : body.getType().intern().toString(),
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    public void methodReceived(AMQStateManager stateManager, QueueDeleteBody body, int channelId) throws AMQException
        AMQProtocolSession protocolConnection = stateManager.getProtocolSession();
        VirtualHost virtualHost = protocolConnection.getVirtualHost();
        DurableConfigurationStore store = virtualHost.getDurableConfigurationStore();

        AMQChannel channel = protocolConnection.getChannel(channelId);

        if (channel == null)
            throw body.getChannelNotFoundException(channelId);
        AMQQueue queue;
        if (body.getQueue() == null)

            //get the default queue on the channel:
            queue = channel.getDefaultQueue();
            queue = virtualHost.getQueue(body.getQueue().toString());

        if (queue == null)
            if (_failIfNotFound)
                throw body.getChannelException(AMQConstant.NOT_FOUND, "Queue " + body.getQueue() + " does not exist.");
            if (body.getIfEmpty() && !queue.isEmpty())
                throw body.getChannelException(AMQConstant.IN_USE, "Queue: " + body.getQueue() + " is not empty.");
            else if (body.getIfUnused() && !queue.isUnused())
                // TODO - Error code
                throw body.getChannelException(AMQConstant.IN_USE, "Queue: " + body.getQueue() + " is still used.");
                AMQSessionModel session = queue.getExclusiveOwningSession();
                if (queue.isExclusive() && !queue.isDurable() && (session == null || session.getConnectionModel() != protocolConnection))
                    throw body.getConnectionException(AMQConstant.NOT_ALLOWED,
                                                      "Queue " + queue.getName() + " is exclusive, but not created on this Connection.");

                int purged = virtualHost.removeQueue(queue);

                MethodRegistry methodRegistry = protocolConnection.getMethodRegistry();
                QueueDeleteOkBody responseBody = methodRegistry.createQueueDeleteOkBody(purged);
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    public void methodReceived(AMQStateManager stateManager, ExchangeBoundBody body, int channelId) throws AMQException
        AMQProtocolSession session = stateManager.getProtocolSession();
        VirtualHost virtualHost = session.getVirtualHost();
        MethodRegistry methodRegistry = session.getMethodRegistry();

        final AMQChannel channel = session.getChannel(channelId);
        if (channel == null)
            throw body.getChannelNotFoundException(channelId);

        AMQShortString exchangeName = body.getExchange();
        AMQShortString queueName = body.getQueue();
        AMQShortString routingKey = body.getRoutingKey();
        if (exchangeName == null)
            throw new AMQException("Exchange exchange must not be null");
        Exchange exchange = virtualHost.getExchange(exchangeName.toString());
        ExchangeBoundOkBody response;
        if (exchange == null)

            response = methodRegistry.createExchangeBoundOkBody(EXCHANGE_NOT_FOUND,
                                                                new AMQShortString("Exchange " + exchangeName + " not found"));
        else if (routingKey == null)
            if (queueName == null)
                if (exchange.hasBindings())
                    response = methodRegistry.createExchangeBoundOkBody(OK, null);

                    response = methodRegistry.createExchangeBoundOkBody(NO_BINDINGS,  // replyCode
                        null)// replyText

                AMQQueue queue = virtualHost.getQueue(queueName.toString());
                if (queue == null)

                    response = methodRegistry.createExchangeBoundOkBody(QUEUE_NOT_FOUND,  // replyCode
                        new AMQShortString("Queue " + queueName + " not found"))// replyText
                    if (exchange.isBound(queue))

                        response = methodRegistry.createExchangeBoundOkBody(OK,  // replyCode
                            null)// replyText

                        response = methodRegistry.createExchangeBoundOkBody(QUEUE_NOT_BOUND,  // replyCode
                            new AMQShortString("Queue " + queueName + " not bound to exchange " + exchangeName))// replyText
        else if (queueName != null)
            AMQQueue queue = virtualHost.getQueue(queueName.toString());
            if (queue == null)

                response = methodRegistry.createExchangeBoundOkBody(QUEUE_NOT_FOUND,  // replyCode
                    new AMQShortString("Queue " + queueName + " not found"))// replyText
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    public void methodReceived(AMQStateManager stateManager, QueueUnbindBody body, int channelId) throws AMQException
        AMQProtocolSession session = stateManager.getProtocolSession();
        VirtualHost virtualHost = session.getVirtualHost();

        final AMQQueue queue;
        final AMQShortString routingKey;

        AMQChannel channel = session.getChannel(channelId);
        if (channel == null)
            throw body.getChannelNotFoundException(channelId);

        if (body.getQueue() == null)

            queue = channel.getDefaultQueue();

            if (queue == null)
                throw body.getChannelException(AMQConstant.NOT_FOUND, "No default queue defined on channel and queue was null");

            routingKey = body.getRoutingKey() == null ? null : body.getRoutingKey().intern(false);

            queue = virtualHost.getQueue(body.getQueue().toString());
            routingKey = body.getRoutingKey() == null ? null : body.getRoutingKey().intern(false);

        if (queue == null)
            throw body.getChannelException(AMQConstant.NOT_FOUND, "Queue " + body.getQueue() + " does not exist.");
        final Exchange exch = virtualHost.getExchange(body.getExchange() == null ? null : body.getExchange().toString());
        if (exch == null)
            throw body.getChannelException(AMQConstant.NOT_FOUND, "Exchange " + body.getExchange() + " does not exist.");
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        return createProtocolSession("test");

    public static InternalTestProtocolSession createProtocolSession(String hostName) throws Exception
        VirtualHost virtualHost = createVirtualHost(hostName);
        return new InternalTestProtocolSession(virtualHost, createBrokerMock());
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    public void connectionOpen(Connection conn, ConnectionOpen open)
        final ServerConnection sconn = (ServerConnection) conn;

        VirtualHost vhost;
        String vhostName;
            vhostName = open.getVirtualHost();
            vhostName = "";
        vhost = _broker.getVirtualHostRegistry().getVirtualHost(vhostName);


        if(vhost != null)

            if (!vhost.getSecurityManager().accessVirtualhost(vhostName, sconn.getRemoteAddress()))
                sconn.invoke(new ConnectionClose(ConnectionCloseCode.CONNECTION_FORCED, "Permission denied '"+vhostName+"'"));
            else if (vhost.getState() != State.ACTIVE)
                sconn.invoke(new ConnectionClose(ConnectionCloseCode.CONNECTION_FORCED, "Virtual host '"+vhostName+"' is not active"));
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    public void setUp() throws Exception
        _channel = BrokerTestHelper_0_8.createChannel();
        VirtualHost virtualHost = _channel.getVirtualHost();
        _queueName = getTestName();
        _queue = BrokerTestHelper.createQueue(_queueName, virtualHost);
        _messageStore = virtualHost.getMessageStore();
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    public void setUp() throws Exception
        _channel = BrokerTestHelper_0_8.createChannel();
        VirtualHost virtualHost = _channel.getVirtualHost();
        _queueName = getTestName();
        _queue = BrokerTestHelper.createQueue(_queueName, virtualHost);
        _messageStore = virtualHost.getMessageStore();
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Related Classes of org.apache.qpid.server.virtualhost.VirtualHost$StartupRoutingTable$CreateQueueTuple

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