* vmidentifier = new VmIdentifier("" + p.getPid()); MonitoredVm vm
* = monitoredhost.getMonitoredVm(vmidentifier, 0);
// System.out.println("cmd " +MonitoredVmUtil.commandLine(vm));
PropertiesConfiguration conf;
if (input == null)
conf = new PropertiesConfiguration();
conf = new PropertiesConfiguration(input);
JCLParser parsedCmd = JCLParser.parse(cmd);
* String mainClass = MonitoredVmUtil.mainClass(vm, true); if
* (!isNotNullEmpty(mainClass)) {System.out.println(
* "could not retrieve main class of java application -> abort");
* return; } mainClass = confString(mainClass); if
* (mainClass.endsWith(".jar"))
* conf.setProperty("wrapper.java.app.jar",
* relativeString(mainClass, workingDir)); else
* conf.setProperty("wrapper.java.app.mainclass", mainClass);
if (parsedCmd.getMainClass() != null)
conf.setProperty("wrapper.java.app.mainclass", parsedCmd.getMainClass());
conf.setProperty("wrapper.java.app.jar", relativeString(parsedCmd.getJar(), workingDir));
* // this does not seem to work correctly -> get jvm the hard way
* // System.out.println("vmVersion " + vmVersion); String jvm =
* null; if (cmd.startsWith("\"")) jvm = cmd.substring(0,
* cmd.indexOf("\" ") + 1); else jvm = cmd.substring(0,
* cmd.indexOf(" ")); if (isNotNullEmpty(jvm)) { jvm =
* confString(jvm); conf.setProperty("wrapper.java.command", jvm); }
conf.setProperty("wrapper.java.command", parsedCmd.getJava());
* String classpath = ((StringMonitor)
* vm.findByName("java.property.java.class.path")).stringValue(); if
* (isNotNullEmpty(classpath)) { classpath =
* relativeString(classpath, workingDir); classpath =
* confString(classpath); String[] classpaths =
* classpath.split(System.getProperty("path.separator")); int i = 1;
* for (String file : classpaths) {
* conf.setProperty("wrapper.java.classpath." + i, file); i++; } }
int i = 1;
List<String> classpathList = parsedCmd.getClasspath();
// no longer required - wrapper will automatically add the jar to the classpath
//if (conf.getString("wrapper.java.app.jar", null) != null)
// classpathList.add(conf.getString("wrapper.java.app.jar"));
if (classpathList == null || classpathList.isEmpty())
classpathList = getClasspathFromEnvironment(p);
if (classpathList.isEmpty() && parsedCmd.getJar() == null)
for (String classpath : classpathList)
classpath = relativeString(classpath, workingDir);
classpath = confString(classpath);
conf.setProperty("wrapper.java.classpath." + i++, classpath);
* // bug in MonitoredVMUtil 'c:/x.txt "d d"' returns 'c:/x.txt d d'
* //String mainArgs = MonitoredVmUtil.mainArgs(vm); // TODO really
* parse the cmd String mainArgs =
* cmd.substring(cmd.indexOf(" "+mainClass
* +" ")+mainClass.length()+2); if (isNotNullEmpty(mainArgs)) { List
* args = splitArgs(mainArgs); int i = 1; for (Iterator
* it=args.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String arg = (String)
* it.next(); arg = relativeString(arg, workingDir); arg =
* confString(arg); conf.setProperty("wrapper.app.parameter."+i++,
* arg); } }
i = 1;
for (String arg : parsedCmd.getArgs())
arg = relativeString(arg, workingDir);
arg = confString(arg);
conf.setProperty("wrapper.app.parameter." + i++, arg);
* // bug in MonitoredVMUtil '"-Xd=a a"' returns '-Xd=a a' //String
* jvmArgs = MonitoredVmUtil.jvmArgs(vm); // TODO really parse the
* cmd String jvmArgs = cmd.substring(jvm.length(),
* cmd.indexOf(" "+mainClass+" ")); if (cmd.startsWith("\""))
* jvmArgs = jvmArgs.substring(1); jvmArgs =
* jvmArgs.replace(classpath, ""); jvmArgs =
* jvmArgs.replace(" -classpath ", ""); jvmArgs =
* jvmArgs.replace(" -cp ", "");
* if (isNotNullEmpty(jvmArgs)) { List args = splitArgs(jvmArgs);
* int i = 1; for (Iterator it=args.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
* String arg = (String) it.next(); arg = relativeString(arg,
* workingDir); arg = confString(arg);
* conf.setProperty("wrapper.java.additional."+i++, arg); } }
* String jvmFlags = MonitoredVmUtil.jvmFlags(vm);
i = 1;
for (String opt : parsedCmd.getVmOptions())
opt = relativeString(opt, workingDir);
opt = confString(opt);
conf.setProperty("wrapper.java.additional." + i++, opt);
if (isNotNullEmpty(workingDir))
workingDir = confString(workingDir);
conf.setProperty("wrapper.working.dir", workingDir);
String title = p.getTitle();
if (cmd.equals(title))
title = parsedCmd.getMainClass();
if (isNotNullEmpty(title))
title = confString(title);
conf.setProperty("wrapper.console.title", title);
conf.setProperty("wrapper.ntservice.name", title);
conf.setProperty("wrapper.ntservice.displayname", title);
conf.setProperty("wrapper.ntservice.description", title);
* String account = p.getUser(); if (account != null &&
* !"".equals(account)) conf.setProperty("wrapper.app.account",
* account);
* List l = vm.findByPattern(".*"); for (Iterator it = l.iterator();
* it.hasNext(); ) { Monitor m = (Monitor) it.next();
* System.out.println(m.getName()); System.out.println("> "+
* m.getValue()); }
catch (Exception ex)