// Choose cell A9 instead of A10, so that the failing test case doesn't take too long to execute.
HSSFCell cell = row.getCell(8);
EvalListener evalListener = new EvalListener();
WorkbookEvaluator evaluator = WorkbookEvaluatorTestHelper.createEvaluator(wb, evalListener);
ValueEval ve = evaluator.evaluate(HSSFEvaluationTestHelper.wrapCell(cell));
int evalCount = evalListener.getCountCacheMisses();
if (evalCount > 10) {
// Without caching, evaluating cell 'A9' takes 21845 evaluations which consumes
// much time (~3 sec on Core 2 Duo 2.2GHz)
// short-circuit-if optimisation cuts this down to 255 evaluations which is still too high