// parens can be ignored since we have RPN tokens
if (optg instanceof ParenthesisPtg) { continue; }
if (optg instanceof AttrPtg) { continue; }
if (optg instanceof UnionPtg) { continue; }
OperationEval operation = (OperationEval) getOperationEvalForPtg(optg);
int numops = operation.getNumberOfOperands();
Eval[] ops = new Eval[numops];
// storing the ops in reverse order since they are popping
for (int j = numops - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
Eval p = (Eval) stack.pop();
ops[j] = p;
Eval opresult = operation.evaluate(ops, srcRowNum, srcColNum);
else if (ptgs[i] instanceof ReferencePtg) {
ReferencePtg ptg = (ReferencePtg) ptgs[i];
short colnum = ptg.getColumn();