Package org.apache.poi.hwpf.model

Examples of org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.FileInformationBlock

                    charRun.replaceText( text, "added" );

        doc = HWPFTestDataSamples.writeOutAndReadBack( doc );
        final FileInformationBlock fileInformationBlock = doc

        int totalLength = 0;
        for ( SubdocumentType type : SubdocumentType.values() )
            final int partLength = fileInformationBlock
                    .getSubdocumentTextStreamLength( type );
            assert ( partLength >= 0 );

            totalLength += partLength;
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        return "test-fields.doc";

    public void testReadFields()
        FileInformationBlock fib = _hWPFDocFixture._fib;
        byte[] tableStream = _hWPFDocFixture._tableStream;

        FieldsTables fieldsTables = new FieldsTables( tableStream, fib );

        for ( int i = 0; i < FieldsDocumentPart.values().length; i++ )
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        (DocumentEntry) filesystem.getRoot().getEntry("WordDocument");
      _mainStream = new byte[documentProps.getSize()];

      // use the fib to determine the name of the table stream.
      _fib = new FileInformationBlock(_mainStream);

      String name = "0Table";
      if (_fib.getFibBase().isFWhichTblStm())
        name = "1Table";
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    return "test-fields.doc";
  public void testReadFields()
    FileInformationBlock fib = _hWPFDocFixture._fib;
    byte[] tableStream = _hWPFDocFixture._tableStream;
    FieldsTables fieldsTables = new FieldsTables(tableStream, fib);
    for (int i = 0; i < ALL_TYPES.length; i++)
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        (DocumentEntry) filesystem.getRoot().getEntry("WordDocument");
      _mainStream = new byte[documentProps.getSize()];

      // use the fib to determine the name of the table stream.
      _fib = new FileInformationBlock(_mainStream);

      String name = "0Table";
      if (_fib.isFWhichTblStm())
        name = "1Table";
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        // adjustForInsert() or it would get updated multiple times if the range
        // has a parent)
        // without this, (v. 2.2.x) does not see all the text in
        // the document

        FileInformationBlock fib = _doc.getFileInformationBlock();

        // // Do for each affected part
        // if (_start < cpS.getMainDocumentEnd()) {
        // fib.setCcpText(fib.getCcpText() + adjustment);
        // }
        // if (_start < cpS.getCommentsEnd()) {
        // fib.setCcpAtn(fib.getCcpAtn() + adjustment);
        // }
        // if (_start < cpS.getEndNoteEnd()) {
        // fib.setCcpEdn(fib.getCcpEdn() + adjustment);
        // }
        // if (_start < cpS.getFootnoteEnd()) {
        // fib.setCcpFtn(fib.getCcpFtn() + adjustment);
        // }
        // if (_start < cpS.getHeaderStoryEnd()) {
        // fib.setCcpHdd(fib.getCcpHdd() + adjustment);
        // }
        // if (_start < cpS.getHeaderTextboxEnd()) {
        // fib.setCcpHdrTxtBx(fib.getCcpHdrTxtBx() + adjustment);
        // }
        // if (_start < cpS.getMainTextboxEnd()) {
        // fib.setCcpTxtBx(fib.getCcpTxtBx() + adjustment);
        // }

        // much simple implementation base on SubdocumentType --sergey

        int currentEnd = 0;
        for ( SubdocumentType type : SubdocumentType.ORDERED )
            int currentLength = fib.getSubdocumentTextStreamLength( type );
            currentEnd += currentLength;

            // do we need to shift this part?
            if ( _start > currentEnd )

            fib.setSubdocumentTextStreamLength( type, currentLength
                    + adjustment );

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  private boolean stripFields = false;

  public HeaderStories(HWPFDocument doc) {
    this.headerStories = doc.getHeaderStoryRange();
    FileInformationBlock fib = doc.getFileInformationBlock();

//        // If there's no PlcfHdd, nothing to do
//        if(fib.getCcpHdd() == 0) {
//            return;
//        }

        if (fib.getSubdocumentTextStreamLength( SubdocumentType.HEADER ) == 0)
    if(fib.getPlcfHddSize() == 0) {

        // Handle the PlcfHdd
         * Page 88:
         * "The plcfhdd, a table whose location and length within the file is
         * stored in fib.fcPlcfhdd and fib.cbPlcfhdd, describes where the text
         * of each header/footer begins. If there are n headers/footers stored
         * in the Word file, the plcfhdd consists of n+2 CP entries. The
         * beginning CP of the ith header/footer is the ith CP in the plcfhdd.
         * The limit CP (the CP of character 1 position past the end of a
         * header/footer) of the ith header/footer is the i+1st CP in the
         * plcfhdd. Note: at the limit CP - 1, Word always places a chEop as a
         * placeholder which is never displayed as part of the header/footer.
         * This allows Word to change an existing header/footer to be empty.
         * If there are n header/footers, the n+2nd CP entry value is always 1
         * greater than the n+1st CP entry value. A paragraph end (ASCII 13) is
         * always stored at the file position marked by the n+1st CP value.
         * The transformation in a full saved file from a header/footer CP to an
         * offset from the beginning of a file (fc) is
         * fc=fib.fcMin+ccpText+ccpFtn+cp."
        plcfHdd = new PlexOfCps( doc.getTableStream(), fib.getPlcfHddOffset(),
                fib.getPlcfHddSize(), 0 );
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    // has a parent)
    // without this, (v. 2.2.x) does not see all the text in
    // the document

    CPSplitCalculator cpS = ((HWPFDocument)_doc).getCPSplitCalculator();
    FileInformationBlock fib = _doc.getFileInformationBlock();

    // Do for each affected part
    if (_start < cpS.getMainDocumentEnd()) {
      fib.setCcpText(fib.getCcpText() + adjustment);

    if (_start < cpS.getCommentsEnd()) {
      fib.setCcpAtn(fib.getCcpAtn() + adjustment);
    if (_start < cpS.getEndNoteEnd()) {
      fib.setCcpEdn(fib.getCcpEdn() + adjustment);
    if (_start < cpS.getFootnoteEnd()) {
      fib.setCcpFtn(fib.getCcpFtn() + adjustment);
    if (_start < cpS.getHeaderStoryEnd()) {
      fib.setCcpHdd(fib.getCcpHdd() + adjustment);
    if (_start < cpS.getHeaderTextboxEnd()) {
      fib.setCcpHdrTxtBx(fib.getCcpHdrTxtBx() + adjustment);
    if (_start < cpS.getMainTextboxEnd()) {
      fib.setCcpTxtBx(fib.getCcpTxtBx() + adjustment);
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    _mainStream = new byte[documentProps.getSize()];


    // Create our FIB, and check for the doc being encrypted
    _fib = new FileInformationBlock(_mainStream);
    if(_fib.isFEncrypted()) {
      throw new EncryptedDocumentException("Cannot process encrypted word files!");
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  // update the FIB.CCPText field (this should happen once per adjustment, so we don't want it in
  // adjustForInsert() or it would get updated multiple times if the range has a parent)
  // without this, (v. 2.2.x) does not see all the text in the document

  CPSplitCalculator cpS = _doc.getCPSplitCalculator();
  FileInformationBlock fib = _doc.getFileInformationBlock();
  // Do for each affected part
  if(_start < cpS.getMainDocumentEnd()) {
    fib.setCcpText(fib.getCcpText() + adjustment);
  if(_start < cpS.getCommentsEnd()) {
    fib.setCcpAtn(fib.getCcpAtn() + adjustment);
  if(_start < cpS.getEndNoteEnd()) {
    fib.setCcpEdn(fib.getCcpEdn() + adjustment);
  if(_start < cpS.getFootnoteEnd()) {
    fib.setCcpFtn(fib.getCcpFtn() + adjustment);
  if(_start < cpS.getHeaderStoryEnd()) {
    fib.setCcpHdd(fib.getCcpHdd() + adjustment);
  if(_start < cpS.getHeaderTextboxEnd()) {
    fib.setCcpHdrTxtBx(fib.getCcpHdrTxtBx() + adjustment);
  if(_start < cpS.getMainTextboxEnd()) {
    fib.setCcpTxtBx(fib.getCcpTxtBx() + adjustment);
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Related Classes of org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.FileInformationBlock

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