parseWord6(root, xhtml);
org.apache.poi.hwpf.extractor.WordExtractor wordExtractor =
new org.apache.poi.hwpf.extractor.WordExtractor(document);
HeaderStories headerFooter = new HeaderStories(document);
// Grab the list of pictures. As far as we can tell,
// the pictures should be in order, and may be directly
// placed or referenced from an anchor
PicturesTable pictureTable = document.getPicturesTable();
PicturesSource pictures = new PicturesSource(document);
// Do any headers, if present
Range[] headers = new Range[] { headerFooter.getFirstHeaderSubrange(),
headerFooter.getEvenHeaderSubrange(), headerFooter.getOddHeaderSubrange() };
handleHeaderFooter(headers, "header", document, pictures, pictureTable, xhtml);
// Do the main paragraph text
Range r = document.getRange();
for(int i=0; i<r.numParagraphs(); i++) {
Paragraph p = r.getParagraph(i);
i += handleParagraph(p, 0, r, document, FieldsDocumentPart.MAIN, pictures, pictureTable, xhtml);
// Do everything else
for (String paragraph: wordExtractor.getMainTextboxText()) {
xhtml.element("p", paragraph);
for (String paragraph : wordExtractor.getFootnoteText()) {
xhtml.element("p", paragraph);
for (String paragraph : wordExtractor.getCommentsText()) {
xhtml.element("p", paragraph);
for (String paragraph : wordExtractor.getEndnoteText()) {
xhtml.element("p", paragraph);
// Do any footers, if present
Range[] footers = new Range[] { headerFooter.getFirstFooterSubrange(),
headerFooter.getEvenFooterSubrange(), headerFooter.getOddFooterSubrange() };
handleHeaderFooter(footers, "footer", document, pictures, pictureTable, xhtml);
// Handle any pictures that we haven't output yet
for(Picture p = pictures.nextUnclaimed(); p != null; ) {