Package org.apache.pivot.wtk

Examples of org.apache.pivot.wtk.TreeView$NodeEditor$NodeEditorListenerList

    public void install(Component component) {

        TreeView treeView = (TreeView)component;

        treeDataChanged(treeView, null);
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        treeDataChanged(treeView, null);

    public int getPreferredWidth(int height) {
        TreeView treeView = (TreeView)getComponent();
        TreeView.NodeRenderer nodeRenderer = treeView.getNodeRenderer();

        int preferredWidth = 0;

        VisibleNodeIterator visibleNodeIterator = new VisibleNodeIterator();
        while (visibleNodeIterator.hasNext()) {
            NodeInfo nodeInfo =;

            int nodeWidth = (nodeInfo.depth - 1) * (indent + spacing);

            nodeRenderer.render(, visibleNodeIterator.getPath(),
                visibleNodeIterator.getRowIndex(), treeView, false, false,
                TreeView.NodeCheckState.UNCHECKED, false, false);
            nodeWidth += nodeRenderer.getPreferredWidth(-1);

            preferredWidth = Math.max(preferredWidth, nodeWidth);

        if (showBranchControls) {
            preferredWidth += indent + spacing;

        if (treeView.getCheckmarksEnabled()) {
            preferredWidth += Math.max(CHECKBOX.getWidth(), indent) + spacing;

        return preferredWidth;
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    public int getBaseline(int width, int height) {
        int baseline = -1;

        if (visibleNodes.getLength() > 0) {
            TreeView treeView = (TreeView)getComponent();
            TreeView.NodeRenderer nodeRenderer = treeView.getNodeRenderer();

            NodeInfo nodeInfo = visibleNodes.get(0);

            int nodeWidth = width - (nodeInfo.depth - 1) * (indent + spacing);
            int nodeHeight = getNodeHeight();

            boolean expanded = false;
            boolean selected = nodeInfo.isSelected();
            boolean highlighted = nodeInfo.isHighlighted();
            boolean disabled = nodeInfo.isDisabled();

            if (showBranchControls) {
                if (nodeInfo instanceof BranchInfo) {
                    BranchInfo branchInfo = (BranchInfo)nodeInfo;
                    expanded = branchInfo.isExpanded();

                nodeWidth -= (indent + spacing);

            TreeView.NodeCheckState checkState = TreeView.NodeCheckState.UNCHECKED;
            if (treeView.getCheckmarksEnabled()) {
                checkState = nodeInfo.getCheckState();
                nodeWidth -= (Math.max(indent, CHECKBOX.getWidth()) + spacing);

            nodeRenderer.render(, nodeInfo.getPath(), 0, treeView, expanded, selected,
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        validateSelection = false;

    public void paint(Graphics2D graphics) {
        TreeView treeView = (TreeView)getComponent();
        TreeView.NodeRenderer nodeRenderer = treeView.getNodeRenderer();

        int width = getWidth();
        int height = getHeight();

        int nodeHeight = getNodeHeight();

        // Paint the background
        if (backgroundColor != null) {
            graphics.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);

        // nodeStart and nodeEnd are both inclusive
        int nodeStart = 0;
        int nodeEnd = visibleNodes.getLength() - 1;

        // Ensure that we only paint items that are visible
        Rectangle clipBounds = graphics.getClipBounds();
        if (clipBounds != null) {
            nodeStart = Math.max(nodeStart, (int)(clipBounds.y
                / (double)(nodeHeight + VERTICAL_SPACING)));
            nodeEnd = Math.min(nodeEnd, (int)((clipBounds.y +
                clipBounds.height) / (double)(nodeHeight + VERTICAL_SPACING)));

        int nodeY = nodeStart * (nodeHeight + VERTICAL_SPACING);

        VisibleNodeIterator visibleNodeIterator = new VisibleNodeIterator(nodeStart, nodeEnd);
        while (visibleNodeIterator.hasNext()) {
            NodeInfo nodeInfo =;

            boolean expanded = false;
            boolean highlighted = nodeInfo.isHighlighted();
            boolean selected = nodeInfo.isSelected();
            boolean disabled = nodeInfo.isDisabled();

            int nodeX = (nodeInfo.depth - 1) * (indent + spacing);

            if (treeView.isEnabled()) {
                if (selected) {
                    // Paint the selection state
                    Color selectionBackgroundColor = treeView.isFocused() ?
                        this.selectionBackgroundColor : inactiveSelectionBackgroundColor;
                    graphics.fillRect(0, nodeY, width, nodeHeight);
                } else if (highlighted && !disabled) {
                    // Paint the highlight state
                    graphics.fillRect(0, nodeY, width, nodeHeight);

            // Paint the expand/collapse control
            if (showBranchControls) {
                if (nodeInfo instanceof BranchInfo) {
                    BranchInfo branchInfo = (BranchInfo)nodeInfo;

                    boolean showBranchControl = true;
                    if (!showEmptyBranchControls) {
                        showBranchControl = !branchInfo.children.isEmpty();

                    if (showBranchControl) {
                        expanded = branchInfo.isExpanded();

                        Color branchControlColor;

                        if (selected) {
                            if (treeView.isFocused()) {
                                branchControlColor = branchControlSelectionColor;
                            } else {
                                branchControlColor = branchControlInactiveSelectionColor;
                        } else {
                            branchControlColor = this.branchControlColor;

                        GeneralPath shape = new GeneralPath();

                        int imageX = nodeX + (indent - BRANCH_CONTROL_IMAGE_WIDTH) / 2;
                        int imageY = nodeY + (nodeHeight - BRANCH_CONTROL_IMAGE_HEIGHT) / 2;

                        if (expanded) {
                            shape.moveTo(imageX, imageY + 1);
                            shape.lineTo(imageX + 8, imageY + 1);
                            shape.lineTo(imageX + 4, imageY + 7);
                        } else {
                            shape.moveTo(imageX + 1, imageY);
                            shape.lineTo(imageX + 7, imageY + 4);
                            shape.lineTo(imageX + 1, imageY + 8);


                        Graphics2D branchControlGraphics = (Graphics2D)graphics.create();
                        if (!treeView.isEnabled()
                            || disabled) {
                                (AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 0.5f));

                nodeX += indent + spacing;

            // Paint the checkbox
            TreeView.NodeCheckState checkState = TreeView.NodeCheckState.UNCHECKED;
            if (treeView.getCheckmarksEnabled()) {
                checkState = nodeInfo.getCheckState();

                int checkboxWidth = CHECKBOX.getWidth();
                int checkboxHeight = CHECKBOX.getHeight();

                int checkboxX = Math.max(indent - checkboxWidth, 0) / 2;
                int checkboxY = (nodeHeight - checkboxHeight) / 2;
                Graphics2D checkboxGraphics = (Graphics2D)graphics.create(nodeX + checkboxX,
                    nodeY + checkboxY, checkboxWidth, checkboxHeight);

                Button.State state;
                switch (checkState) {
                case CHECKED:
                    state = Button.State.SELECTED;
                case MIXED:
                    state = Button.State.MIXED;
                    state = Button.State.UNSELECTED;

                CHECKBOX.setEnabled(treeView.isEnabled() && !disabled
                    && !nodeInfo.isCheckmarkDisabled());

                nodeX += Math.max(indent, checkboxWidth) + spacing;
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     * Gets the fixed node height of this skin.
    protected int getNodeHeight() {
        TreeView treeView = (TreeView)getComponent();
        TreeView.NodeRenderer nodeRenderer = treeView.getNodeRenderer();
        nodeRenderer.render(null, null, -1, treeView, false, false,
            TreeView.NodeCheckState.UNCHECKED, false, false);

        int nodeHeight = nodeRenderer.getPreferredHeight(-1);
        if (treeView.getCheckmarksEnabled()) {
            nodeHeight = Math.max(CHECKBOX.getHeight() + (2 * CHECKBOX_VERTICAL_PADDING), nodeHeight);

        return nodeHeight;
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     * visibility. If no such node exists, nothing happens.
     * <p>
     * This should only be called when the tree view is valid.
    private void scrollSelectionToVisible() {
        TreeView treeView = (TreeView)getComponent();

        Sequence<Path> selectedPaths = treeView.getSelectedPaths();
        int n = selectedPaths.getLength();

        if (n > 0) {
            Bounds nodeBounds = null;

            for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0 && nodeBounds == null; i--) {
                NodeInfo nodeInfo = getNodeInfoAt(selectedPaths.get(i));
                nodeBounds = getNodeBounds(nodeInfo);

            if (nodeBounds != null) {
                Bounds visibleSelectionBounds = treeView.getVisibleArea(nodeBounds);
                if (visibleSelectionBounds != null
                    && visibleSelectionBounds.height < nodeBounds.height) {
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    public boolean mouseMove(Component component, int x, int y) {
        boolean consumed = super.mouseMove(component, x, y);

        TreeView treeView = (TreeView)getComponent();

        if (showHighlight
            && treeView.getSelectMode() != TreeView.SelectMode.NONE) {
            NodeInfo previousHighlightedNode = highlightedNode;
            highlightedNode = getNodeInfoAt(y);

            if (highlightedNode != previousHighlightedNode) {
                if (previousHighlightedNode != null) {
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    public boolean mouseDown(Component component, Mouse.Button button, int x, int y) {
        boolean consumed = super.mouseDown(component, button, x, y);

        if (!consumed) {
            TreeView treeView = (TreeView)getComponent();
            NodeInfo nodeInfo = getNodeInfoAt(y);

            if (nodeInfo != null
                && !nodeInfo.isDisabled()) {
                int nodeHeight = getNodeHeight();
                int baseNodeX = (nodeInfo.depth - 1) * (indent + spacing);

                int nodeX = baseNodeX + (showBranchControls ? indent + spacing : 0);
                int nodeY = (y / (nodeHeight + VERTICAL_SPACING)) * (nodeHeight + VERTICAL_SPACING);

                int checkboxWidth = CHECKBOX.getWidth();
                int checkboxHeight = CHECKBOX.getHeight();

                int checkboxX = Math.max(indent - checkboxWidth, 0) / 2;
                int checkboxY = (nodeHeight - checkboxHeight) / 2;

                // Only proceed if the user DIDN'T click on a checkbox
                if (!treeView.getCheckmarksEnabled()
                    || nodeInfo.isCheckmarkDisabled()
                    || x < nodeX + checkboxX
                    || x >= nodeX + checkboxX + checkboxWidth
                    || y < nodeY + checkboxY
                    || y >= nodeY + checkboxY + checkboxHeight) {
                    Path path = nodeInfo.getPath();

                    // See if the user clicked on an expand/collapse control of
                    // a branch. If so, expand/collapse the branch
                    if (showBranchControls
                        && nodeInfo instanceof BranchInfo
                        && x >= baseNodeX
                        && x < baseNodeX + indent) {
                        BranchInfo branchInfo = (BranchInfo)nodeInfo;

                        treeView.setBranchExpanded(path, !branchInfo.isExpanded());
                        consumed = true;

                    // If we haven't consumed the event, then proceed to manage
                    // the selection state of the node
                    if (!consumed) {
                        TreeView.SelectMode selectMode = treeView.getSelectMode();

                        if (button == Mouse.Button.RIGHT) {
                            if (!treeView.isNodeSelected(path)
                                && selectMode != TreeView.SelectMode.NONE) {
                        } else {
                            Keyboard.Modifier commandModifier = Platform.getCommandModifier();

                            if (Keyboard.isPressed(commandModifier)
                                && selectMode == TreeView.SelectMode.MULTI) {
                                // Toggle the item's selection state
                                if (nodeInfo.isSelected()) {
                                } else {
                            } else if (Keyboard.isPressed(commandModifier)
                                && selectMode == TreeView.SelectMode.SINGLE) {
                                // Toggle the item's selection state
                                if (nodeInfo.isSelected()) {
                                } else {
                            } else {
                                if (selectMode != TreeView.SelectMode.NONE) {
                                    if (nodeInfo.isSelected()) {
                                        selectPath = path;
                                    } else {


        return consumed;
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    public boolean mouseUp(Component component, Mouse.Button button, int x, int y) {
        boolean consumed = super.mouseUp(component, button, x, y);

        TreeView treeView = (TreeView)getComponent();
        if (selectPath != null
            && !treeView.getFirstSelectedPath().equals(treeView.getLastSelectedPath())) {
            selectPath = null;

        return consumed;
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    public boolean mouseClick(Component component, Mouse.Button button, int x, int y, int count) {
        boolean consumed = super.mouseClick(component, button, x, y, count);

        if (!consumed) {
            TreeView treeView = (TreeView)getComponent();

            NodeInfo nodeInfo = getNodeInfoAt(y);

            if (nodeInfo != null
                && !nodeInfo.isDisabled()) {
                int nodeHeight = getNodeHeight();
                int baseNodeX = (nodeInfo.depth - 1) * (indent + spacing);

                int nodeX = baseNodeX + (showBranchControls ? indent + spacing : 0);
                int nodeY = (y / (nodeHeight + VERTICAL_SPACING)) * (nodeHeight + VERTICAL_SPACING);

                int checkboxWidth = CHECKBOX.getWidth();
                int checkboxHeight = CHECKBOX.getHeight();

                int checkboxX = Math.max(indent - checkboxWidth, 0) / 2;
                int checkboxY = (nodeHeight - checkboxHeight) / 2;

                if (treeView.getCheckmarksEnabled()
                    && !nodeInfo.isCheckmarkDisabled()
                    && x >= nodeX + checkboxX
                    && x < nodeX + checkboxX + checkboxWidth
                    && y >= nodeY + checkboxY
                    && y < nodeY + checkboxY + checkboxHeight) {
                    Path path = nodeInfo.getPath();
                    treeView.setNodeChecked(path, !nodeInfo.isChecked());
                } else {
                    if (selectPath != null
                        && count == 1) {
                        TreeView.NodeEditor nodeEditor = treeView.getNodeEditor();

                        if (nodeEditor != null) {
                            if (nodeEditor.isEditing()) {
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Related Classes of org.apache.pivot.wtk.TreeView$NodeEditor$NodeEditorListenerList

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