if (children != null) {
final Collection<SVNDirEntry> entries = SVNRepositoryUtil.getDir(workspaceRoot, "");
for (SVNDirEntry entry : entries) {
// All of the children of a directory will be another directory or a file, but never a "jcr:content" node ...
String localName = entry.getName();
Name childName = nameFactory().create(defaultNamespaceUri, localName);
Path childPath = pathFactory().create(requestedPath, childName);
// There are no properties on the root ...
} else {
try {
// Generate the properties for this File object ...
PropertyFactory factory = getExecutionContext().getPropertyFactory();
DateTimeFactory dateFactory = getExecutionContext().getValueFactories().getDateFactory();
// Figure out the kind of node this represents ...
SVNNodeKind kind = getNodeKind(workspaceRoot, requestedPath, accessData.getRepositoryRootUrl(), workspaceName);
if (kind == SVNNodeKind.DIR) {
String directoryPath = getPathAsString(requestedPath);
if (!accessData.getRepositoryRootUrl().equals(workspaceName)) {
directoryPath = directoryPath.substring(1);
if (children != null) {
// Decide how to represent the children ...
Collection<SVNDirEntry> dirEntries = SVNRepositoryUtil.getDir(workspaceRoot, directoryPath);
for (SVNDirEntry entry : dirEntries) {
// All of the children of a directory will be another directory or a file,
// but never a "jcr:content" node ...
String localName = entry.getName();
Name childName = nameFactory().create(defaultNamespaceUri, localName);
Path childPath = pathFactory().create(requestedPath, childName);
if (properties != null) {