List<PColumn> existingColumns = theTable.getColumns();
// Need to skip the salting column, as it's added in the makePTable call below
allcolumns.addAll(theTable.getBucketNum() == null ? existingColumns : existingColumns.subList(1, existingColumns.size()));
// Position still based on with the salting columns
int position = existingColumns.size();
PName defaultFamilyName = PNameFactory.newName(SchemaUtil.getEmptyColumnFamily(theTable));
for (ColumnDef dynColumn : dynColumns) {
PName familyName = defaultFamilyName;
PName name = PNameFactory.newName(dynColumn.getColumnDefName().getColumnName());
String family = dynColumn.getColumnDefName().getFamilyName();
if (family != null) {
theTable.getColumnFamily(family); // Verifies that column family exists
familyName = PNameFactory.newName(family);