Package org.apache.phoenix.jdbc

Examples of org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixConnection


    public PhoenixConnection connect(String url, Properties info) throws SQLException {
        return new PhoenixConnection(this, url, info, metaData);
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                    throw initializationException;
            SQLException sqlE = null;
            PhoenixConnection metaConnection = null;
            try {
                Properties scnProps = PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(props);
                scnProps.setProperty(PhoenixRuntime.CURRENT_SCN_ATTRIB, Long.toString(MetaDataProtocol.MIN_SYSTEM_TABLE_TIMESTAMP));
                metaConnection = new PhoenixConnection(this, url, scnProps, newEmptyMetaData());
                try {
                } catch (TableAlreadyExistsException ignore) {
                    // Ignore, as this will happen if the SYSTEM.TABLE already exists at this fixed timestamp.
                    // A TableAlreadyExistsException is not thrown, since the table only exists *after* this fixed timestamp.
                try {
                } catch (NewerTableAlreadyExistsException ignore) {
                    // Ignore, as this will happen if the SYSTEM.SEQUENCE already exists at this fixed timestamp.
                    // A TableAlreadyExistsException is not thrown, since the table only exists *after* this fixed timestamp.
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                sqlE = e;
            } finally {
                try {
                    if (metaConnection != null) metaConnection.close();
                } catch (SQLException e) {
                    if (sqlE != null) {
                    } else {
                        sqlE = e;
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    public void testSameColumnNameInPKAndNonPK() throws Exception {
        Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl());
        try {
            String query = "CREATE TABLE t1 (k integer not null primary key, a.k decimal, b.k decimal)";
            PhoenixConnection pconn = conn.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class);
            PColumn c = pconn.getMetaDataCache().getTable(new PTableKey(pconn.getTenantId(), "T1")).getColumn("K");
        } finally {
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    private void assertImmutableRows(Connection conn, String fullTableName, boolean expectedValue) throws SQLException {
        PhoenixConnection pconn = conn.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class);
        assertEquals(expectedValue, pconn.getMetaDataCache().getTable(new PTableKey(pconn.getTenantId(), fullTableName)).isImmutableRows());
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        this.scan = scan;
        this.sequences = seqManager;
        this.binds = new BindManager(statement.getParameters());
        this.aggregates = new AggregationManager();
        this.expressions = new ExpressionManager();
        PhoenixConnection connection = statement.getConnection();
        this.dateFormat = connection.getQueryServices().getProps().get(QueryServices.DATE_FORMAT_ATTRIB, DateUtil.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);
        this.dateFormatter = DateUtil.getDateFormatter(dateFormat);
        this.dateParser = DateUtil.getDateParser(dateFormat);
        this.numberFormat = connection.getQueryServices().getProps().get(QueryServices.NUMBER_FORMAT_ATTRIB, NumberUtil.DEFAULT_NUMBER_FORMAT);
        this.tempPtr = new ImmutableBytesWritable();
        this.currentTable = resolver != null && !resolver.getTables().isEmpty() ? resolver.getTables().get(0) : null;
        this.whereConditionColumns = new ArrayList<Pair<byte[],byte[]>>();
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         * However, if the statement has a CURRENT_DATE() call as a value, we need to know the
         * current time at execution time. In that case, we'll call MetaDataClient.updateCache
         * purely to bind the current time based on the server time.
        PTable table = this.getCurrentTable().getTable();
        PhoenixConnection connection = getConnection();
        MetaDataClient client = new MetaDataClient(connection);
        currentTime = client.getCurrentTime(table.getSchemaName().getString(), table.getTableName().getString());
        return currentTime;
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    private static void projectAllIndexColumns(StatementContext context, TableRef tableRef, boolean resolveColumn, List<Expression> projectedExpressions, List<ExpressionProjector> projectedColumns, List<? extends PDatum> targetColumns) throws SQLException {
        ColumnResolver resolver = context.getResolver();
        PTable index = tableRef.getTable();
        int projectedOffset = projectedExpressions.size();
        PhoenixConnection conn = context.getConnection();
        PName tenantId = conn.getTenantId();
        String tableName = index.getParentName().getString();
        PTable table = conn.getMetaDataCache().getTable(new PTableKey(conn.getTenantId(), tableName));
        int tableOffset = table.getBucketNum() == null ? 0 : 1;
        int minTablePKOffset = getMinPKOffset(table, tenantId);
        int minIndexPKOffset = getMinPKOffset(index, tenantId);
        if (index.getColumns().size()-minIndexPKOffset != table.getColumns().size()-minTablePKOffset) {
            // We'll end up not using this by the optimizer, so just throw
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    private static void projectIndexColumnFamily(StatementContext context, String cfName, TableRef tableRef, List<Expression> projectedExpressions, List<ExpressionProjector> projectedColumns) throws SQLException {
        PTable index = tableRef.getTable();
        PhoenixConnection conn = context.getConnection();
        String tableName = index.getParentName().getString();
        PTable table = conn.getMetaDataCache().getTable(new PTableKey(conn.getTenantId(), tableName));
        PColumnFamily pfamily = table.getColumnFamily(cfName);
        for (PColumn column : pfamily.getColumns()) {
            PColumn indexColumn = index.getColumn(IndexUtil.getIndexColumnName(column));
            ColumnRef ref = new ColumnRef(tableRef, indexColumn.getPosition());
            Expression expression = ref.newColumnExpression();
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        // Set the time range on the scan so we don't get back rows newer than when the statement was compiled
        // The time stamp comes from the server at compile time when the meta data
        // is resolved.
        // TODO: include time range in explain plan?
        PhoenixConnection connection = context.getConnection();
        if (context.getScanTimeRange() == null) {
          Long scn = connection.getSCN();
          if (scn == null) {
            scn = context.getCurrentTime();
            // Add one to server time since max of time range is exclusive
            // and we need to account of OSs with lower resolution clocks.
            if (scn < HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP) {
          ScanUtil.setTimeRange(scan, scn);
        } else {
          try {
            scan.setTimeRange(context.getScanTimeRange().getMin(), context.getScanTimeRange().getMax());
          } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new SQLException(e);
        ScanUtil.setTenantId(scan, connection.getTenantId() == null ? null : connection.getTenantId().getBytes());
        ResultIterator iterator = newIterator();
        return dependencies.isEmpty() ?
                iterator : new DelegateResultIterator(iterator) {
            public void close() throws SQLException {
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        Tuple[] expectedResults = new Tuple[] {
                new SingleKeyValueTuple(new KeyValue(A, SINGLE_COLUMN_FAMILY, SINGLE_COLUMN, PDataType.LONG.toBytes(3L))),
                new SingleKeyValueTuple(new KeyValue(B, SINGLE_COLUMN_FAMILY, SINGLE_COLUMN, PDataType.LONG.toBytes(2L))),

        PhoenixConnection pconn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl(), PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(TEST_PROPERTIES)).unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class);
        PhoenixStatement statement = new PhoenixStatement(pconn);
        StatementContext context = new StatementContext(statement, null, new Scan(), new SequenceManager(statement));
        AggregationManager aggregationManager = context.getAggregationManager();
        SumAggregateFunction func = new SumAggregateFunction(Arrays.<Expression>asList(new KeyValueColumnExpression(new PLongColumn() {
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Related Classes of org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixConnection

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