public void testSetCmykColors() throws IOException
PDDocument doc = new PDDocument();
PDPage page = new PDPage();
PDPageContentStream contentStream = new PDPageContentStream(doc, page, false, true);
// pass a non-stroking color in CMYK color space
contentStream.setNonStrokingColor(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f, 0.4f);
// now read the PDF stream and verify that the CMYK values are correct
COSStream stream = page.getStream().getStream();
PDFStreamParser parser = new PDFStreamParser(stream);
java.util.List<Object> pageTokens = parser.getTokens();
// expected five tokens :
// [0] = COSFloat{0.1}
// [1] = COSFloat{0.2}
// [2] = COSFloat{0.3}
// [3] = COSFloat{0.4}
// [4] = PDFOperator{"k"}
assertEquals(0.1f, ((COSFloat)pageTokens.get(0)).floatValue());
assertEquals(0.2f, ((COSFloat)pageTokens.get(1)).floatValue());
assertEquals(0.3f, ((COSFloat)pageTokens.get(2)).floatValue());
assertEquals(0.4f, ((COSFloat)pageTokens.get(3)).floatValue());
assertEquals("k", ((Operator) pageTokens.get(4)).getName());
// same as above but for PDPageContentStream#setStrokingColor
page = new PDPage();
contentStream = new PDPageContentStream(doc, page, false, false);
// pass a non-stroking color in CMYK color space
contentStream.setStrokingColor(0.5f, 0.6f, 0.7f, 0.8f);
// now read the PDF stream and verify that the CMYK values are correct
stream = page.getStream().getStream();
parser = new PDFStreamParser(stream);
pageTokens = parser.getTokens();
// expected five tokens :
// [0] = COSFloat{0.5}