Package org.apache.pdfbox.cos

Examples of org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSDictionary

     * Constructor.
    public PDFont()
        font = new COSDictionary();
        font.setItem( COSName.TYPE, COSName.FONT );
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                                COSArray descendantFontArray =
                                    (COSArray)font.getDictionaryObject( COSName.DESCENDANT_FONTS );
                                if (descendantFontArray != null)
                                    COSDictionary descendantFontDictionary =
                                        (COSDictionary)descendantFontArray.getObject( 0 );
                                    PDFont descendentFont = PDFontFactory.createFont( descendantFontDictionary );
                                    COSDictionary cidsysteminfo =
                                    if (cidsysteminfo != null)
                                        String ordering = cidsysteminfo.getString(COSName.ORDERING);
                                        String registry = cidsysteminfo.getString(COSName.REGISTRY);
                                        cmapName = registry + "-" + ordering+"-UCS2";
                                cmapName = CMapSubstitution.substituteCMap( cmapName );

                            String resourceRoot = "org/apache/pdfbox/resources/cmap/";
                            String resourceName = resourceRoot + cmapName;
                            parseCmap( resourceRoot, ResourceLoader.loadResource( resourceName ), encodingName );
                            if( cmap == null && !encodingName.getName().equals( COSName.IDENTITY_H.getName() ) )
                                throw new IOException( "Error: Could not find predefined " +
                                "CMAP file for '" + encodingName.getName() + "'" );
                    else if( encoding instanceof COSName ||
                             encoding instanceof COSDictionary )
                        Encoding currentFontEncoding = getEncoding();
                        if( currentFontEncoding != null )
                            retval = currentFontEncoding.getCharacter( getCodeFromArray( c, offset, length ) );
                        COSDictionary fontDescriptor =
                            (COSDictionary)font.getDictionaryObject( COSName.FONT_DESC );
                        if( isTrueTypeFont() && fontDescriptor != null &&
                            (fontDescriptor.getDictionaryObject( COSName.FONT_FILE )!= null ||
                             fontDescriptor.getDictionaryObject( COSName.FONT_FILE2 ) != null ||
                             fontDescriptor.getDictionaryObject( COSName.FONT_FILE3 ) != null ) )
                            //If we are using an embedded font then there is not much we can do besides
                            //return the same character codes.
                            //retval = new String( c,offset, length );
                            retval = getStringFromArray( c, offset, length );
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             * case one : The value associated with /Encoding is a reference to a dictionary.
             * This dictionary is represented by an instance of DictionaryEncoding class
            else if( encoding instanceof COSDictionary )
                COSDictionary encodingDic = (COSDictionary)encoding;
                //Let's see if the encoding dictionary has a base encoding
                //If it does not then we will attempt to get it from the font
                COSName baseEncodingName = (COSName) encodingDic.getDictionaryObject(
                //on ajoute une entr�e /BaseEncoding dans /Encoding uniquement si elle en est absente
                //if not find in Encoding dictinary target, we try to find it from else where
                if( baseEncodingName == null)
                    COSName fontEncodingFromFile = getEncodingFromFont();
                        fontEncodingFromFile );
                fontEncoding = new DictionaryEncoding( encodingDic );
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        //dans le flux r�f�renc� par � la cl� FileFont lui m�me situ� dans
        //le dictionnaire associ� � /FontDescriptor du dictionnaire de type /Font courrant
        //get the font program in the stream which should be located in
         //the /FileFont Stream object himself in the /FontDescriptior of the current
        //font dictionary
        COSDictionary fontDescriptor = (COSDictionary) font.getDictionaryObject(
        if( fontDescriptor != null )
            COSStream fontFile = (COSStream) fontDescriptor.getDictionaryObject(
            if( fontFile != null )
                BufferedReader in =
                        new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fontFile.getUnfilteredStream()));
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     * creates a new empty encryption dictionary.
    public PDEncryption()
        dictionary = new COSDictionary();
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     * @return the crypt filter with the given name if available
    public PDCryptFilterDictionary getCryptFilterDictionary(COSName cryptFilterName)
        COSDictionary cryptFilterDictionary = (COSDictionary) dictionary.getDictionaryObject( COSName.CF );
        if (cryptFilterDictionary != null)
            COSDictionary stdCryptFilterDictionary = (COSDictionary)cryptFilterDictionary.getDictionaryObject(cryptFilterName);
            if (stdCryptFilterDictionary != null)
                return new PDCryptFilterDictionary(stdCryptFilterDictionary);
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     * @param cryptFilterName the name of the crypt filter
     * @param cryptFilterDictionary the crypt filter to set
    public void setCryptFilterDictionary(COSName cryptFilterName, PDCryptFilterDictionary cryptFilterDictionary)
        COSDictionary cfDictionary = (COSDictionary)dictionary.getDictionaryObject( COSName.CF );
        if (cfDictionary == null)
            cfDictionary = new COSDictionary();
            dictionary.setItem(COSName.CF, cfDictionary);
        cfDictionary.setItem(cryptFilterName, cryptFilterDictionary.getCOSDictionary());
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     * Creates a new Lab color space.
    public PDLab()
        array = new COSArray();
        dictionary = new COSDictionary();
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     * creates a new empty crypt filter dictionary.
    public PDCryptFilterDictionary()
        cryptFilterDictionary = new COSDictionary();
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     * @throws IOException If there is an error in the decryption.
    protected void proceedDecryption() throws IOException

        COSDictionary trailer = document.getDocument().getTrailer();
        COSArray fields = (COSArray) trailer.getObjectFromPath("Root/AcroForm/Fields");

        // We need to collect all the signature dictionaries, for some
        // reason the 'Contents' entry of signatures is not really encrypted
        if (fields != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++)
                COSDictionary field = (COSDictionary) fields.getObject(i);
                if (field != null)
                    addDictionaryAndSubDictionary(potentialSignatures, field);
                    throw new IOException("Could not decypt document, object not found.");

        List<COSObject> allObjects = document.getDocument().getObjects();
        Iterator<COSObject> objectIter = allObjects.iterator();
        COSDictionary encryptionDict = document.getEncryption().getCOSDictionary();
        while (objectIter.hasNext())
            COSObject nextObj =;
            if (nextObj.getObject() != encryptionDict)
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Related Classes of org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSDictionary

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