Package org.apache.oozie.util

Examples of org.apache.oozie.util.XLog$Info

     * Destroy all services.
    public void destroy() {
        XLog log = new XLog(LogFactory.getLog(getClass()));
        log.trace("Shutting down");
        boolean deleteRuntimeDir = false;
        if (conf != null) {
            deleteRuntimeDir = conf.getBoolean(CONF_DELETE_RUNTIME_DIR, false);
        if (services != null) {
            List<Service> list = new ArrayList<Service>(services.values());
            for (Service service : list) {
                try {
                    log.trace("Destroying service[{0}]", service.getInterface());
                    if (service.getInterface() == XLogService.class) {
                catch (Throwable ex) {
                    log.error("Error destroying service[{0}], {1}", service.getInterface(), ex.getMessage(), ex);
        if (deleteRuntimeDir) {
            try {
                IOUtils.delete(new File(runtimeDir));
            catch (IOException ex) {
                log.error("Error deleting runtime directory [{0}], {1}", runtimeDir, ex.getMessage(), ex);
        services = null;
        conf = null;
        SERVICES = null;
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            Service oldService = services.get(newService.getInterface());
            if (oldService != null) {
            if (logging) {
                XLog log = new XLog(LogFactory.getLog(getClass()));
                log.trace("Initializing service[{0}] class[{1}]", newService.getInterface(), newService.getClass());
            services.put(newService.getInterface(), newService);
        catch (ServiceException ex) {
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    public static boolean hasIdSwap(RunningJob runningJob, String user, String group, Path actionDir)
            throws IOException, HadoopAccessorException {
        boolean swap = false;

        XLog log = XLog.getLog("org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.LauncherMapper");

        Counters counters = runningJob.getCounters();
        if (counters != null) {
            Counters.Group counterGroup = counters.getGroup(COUNTER_GROUP);
            if (counterGroup != null) {
                swap = counterGroup.getCounter(COUNTER_DO_ID_SWAP) == 1;
        // additional check for swapped hadoop ID
        // Can't rely on hadoop counters existing
        // we'll check for the newID file in hdfs if the hadoop counters is null
        else {

            Path p = getIdSwapPath(actionDir);
            // log.debug("Checking for newId file in: [{0}]", p);

            FileSystem fs = Services.get().get(HadoopAccessorService.class).createFileSystem(user, p.toUri(),
                                                                                             new Configuration());
            if (fs.exists(p)) {
                log.debug("Hadoop Counters is null, but found newID file.");

                swap = true;
            else {
                log.debug("Hadoop Counters is null, and newID file doesn't exist at: [{0}]", p);
        return swap;
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    public Class<? extends Service> getInterface() {
        return ActionService.class;

    public void register(Class<? extends ActionExecutor> klass) throws ServiceException {
        XLog log = XLog.getLog(getClass());
        ActionExecutor executor = (ActionExecutor) ReflectionUtils.newInstance(klass, services.getConf());
        if (executors.containsKey(executor.getType())) {
            throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.E0150, XLog.format(
                    "Action executor for action type [{1}] already registered", executor.getType()));
        executors.put(executor.getType(), klass);
        log.trace("Registered Action executor for action type [{0}] class [{1}]", executor.getType(), klass);
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        return classes;

    public void initActionType() {
        XLog log = XLog.getLog(getClass());
        maxActionOutputLen = getOozieConf()
          // TODO: Remove the below config get in a subsequent release..
          // This other irrelevant property is only used to
          // preserve backwards compatibility cause of a typo.
          // See OOZIE-4.
            2 * 1024));
        //Get the limit for the maximum allowed size of action stats
        maxExternalStatsSize = getOozieConf().getInt(JavaActionExecutor.MAX_EXTERNAL_STATS_SIZE, MAX_EXTERNAL_STATS_SIZE_DEFAULT);
        maxExternalStatsSize = (maxExternalStatsSize == -1) ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : maxExternalStatsSize;
        try {
            List<Class> classes = getLauncherClasses();
            Class[] launcherClasses = classes.toArray(new Class[classes.size()]);
            IOUtils.createJar(new File(getOozieRuntimeDir()), getLauncherJarName(), launcherClasses);

            registerError(UnknownHostException.class.getName(), ActionExecutorException.ErrorType.TRANSIENT, "JA001");
            registerError(AccessControlException.class.getName(), ActionExecutorException.ErrorType.NON_TRANSIENT,
                    ActionExecutorException.ErrorType.NON_TRANSIENT, "JA003");
                    ActionExecutorException.ErrorType.NON_TRANSIENT, "JA004");
                    ActionExecutorException.ErrorType.NON_TRANSIENT, "JA005");
            registerError(ConnectException.class.getName(), ActionExecutorException.ErrorType.TRANSIENT, "  JA006");
            registerError(JDOMException.class.getName(), ActionExecutorException.ErrorType.ERROR, "JA007");
            registerError(FileNotFoundException.class.getName(), ActionExecutorException.ErrorType.ERROR, "JA008");
            registerError(IOException.class.getName(), ActionExecutorException.ErrorType.TRANSIENT, "JA009");
        catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);
        catch (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError err) {
            ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            err.printStackTrace(new PrintStream(baos));
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                    if (runningJob.isSuccessful() && LauncherMapper.isMainSuccessful(runningJob)) {
                        getActionData(actionFs, runningJob, action, context);
                        XLog.getLog(getClass()).info(XLog.STD, "action produced output");
                    else {
                        XLog log = XLog.getLog(getClass());
                        String errorReason;
                        Path actionError = LauncherMapper.getErrorPath(context.getActionDir());
                        if (actionFs.exists(actionError)) {
                            InputStream is =;
                            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
                            Properties props = PropertiesUtils.readProperties(reader, -1);
                            String errorCode = props.getProperty("error.code");
                            if (errorCode.equals("0")) {
                                errorCode = "JA018";
                            if (errorCode.equals("-1")) {
                                errorCode = "JA019";
                            errorReason = props.getProperty("error.reason");
                            log.warn("Launcher ERROR, reason: {0}", errorReason);
                            String exMsg = props.getProperty("exception.message");
                            String errorInfo = (exMsg != null) ? exMsg : errorReason;
                            context.setErrorInfo(errorCode, errorInfo);
                            String exStackTrace = props.getProperty("exception.stacktrace");
                            if (exMsg != null) {
                                log.warn("Launcher exception: {0}{E}{1}", exMsg, exStackTrace);
                        else {
                            errorReason = XLog.format("LauncherMapper died, check Hadoop log for job [{0}:{1}]", action
                                    .getTrackerUri(), action.getExternalId());
                        context.setExecutionData(FAILED_KILLED, null);
                else {
                    XLog.getLog(getClass()).info(XLog.STD, "checking action, external ID [{0}] status [{1}]",
                            action.getExternalId(), action.getExternalStatus());
            else {
                XLog.getLog(getClass()).info(XLog.STD, "checking action, external ID [{0}] status [{1}]",
                        action.getExternalId(), action.getExternalStatus());
        catch (Exception ex) {
            XLog.getLog(getClass()).warn("Exception in check(). Message[{0}]", ex.getMessage(), ex);
            exception = true;
            throw convertException(ex);
        finally {
            if (jobClient != null) {
                try {
                catch (Exception e) {
                    if (exception) {
                        log.error("JobClient error: ", e);
                    else {
                        throw convertException(e);
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        return classes;

    public void initActionType() {
        XLog log = XLog.getLog(getClass());
        maxActionOutputLen = getOozieConf()
          // TODO: Remove the below config get in a subsequent release..
          // This other irrelevant property is only used to
          // preserve backwards compatibility cause of a typo.
          // See OOZIE-4.
            2 * 1024));
        //Get the limit for the maximum allowed size of action stats
        maxExternalStatsSize = getOozieConf().getInt(JavaActionExecutor.MAX_EXTERNAL_STATS_SIZE, MAX_EXTERNAL_STATS_SIZE_DEFAULT);
        maxExternalStatsSize = (maxExternalStatsSize == -1) ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : maxExternalStatsSize;
        try {
            List<Class> classes = getLauncherClasses();
            Class[] launcherClasses = classes.toArray(new Class[classes.size()]);
            IOUtils.createJar(new File(getOozieRuntimeDir()), getLauncherJarName(), launcherClasses);

            registerError(UnknownHostException.class.getName(), ActionExecutorException.ErrorType.TRANSIENT, "JA001");
            registerError(AccessControlException.class.getName(), ActionExecutorException.ErrorType.NON_TRANSIENT,
                    ActionExecutorException.ErrorType.NON_TRANSIENT, "JA003");
                    ActionExecutorException.ErrorType.NON_TRANSIENT, "JA004");
                    ActionExecutorException.ErrorType.NON_TRANSIENT, "JA005");
            registerError(ConnectException.class.getName(), ActionExecutorException.ErrorType.TRANSIENT, "  JA006");
            registerError(JDOMException.class.getName(), ActionExecutorException.ErrorType.ERROR, "JA007");
            registerError(FileNotFoundException.class.getName(), ActionExecutorException.ErrorType.ERROR, "JA008");
            registerError(IOException.class.getName(), ActionExecutorException.ErrorType.TRANSIENT, "JA009");
        catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);
        catch (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError err) {
            ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            err.printStackTrace(new PrintStream(baos));
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                    if (runningJob.isSuccessful() && LauncherMapper.isMainSuccessful(runningJob)) {
                        getActionData(actionFs, runningJob, action, context);
                        XLog.getLog(getClass()).info(XLog.STD, "action produced output");
                    else {
                        XLog log = XLog.getLog(getClass());
                        String errorReason;
                        Path actionError = LauncherMapper.getErrorPath(context.getActionDir());
                        if (actionFs.exists(actionError)) {
                            InputStream is =;
                            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
                            Properties props = PropertiesUtils.readProperties(reader, -1);
                            String errorCode = props.getProperty("error.code");
                            if (errorCode.equals("0")) {
                                errorCode = "JA018";
                            if (errorCode.equals("-1")) {
                                errorCode = "JA019";
                            errorReason = props.getProperty("error.reason");
                            log.warn("Launcher ERROR, reason: {0}", errorReason);
                            String exMsg = props.getProperty("exception.message");
                            String errorInfo = (exMsg != null) ? exMsg : errorReason;
                            context.setErrorInfo(errorCode, errorInfo);
                            String exStackTrace = props.getProperty("exception.stacktrace");
                            if (exMsg != null) {
                                log.warn("Launcher exception: {0}{E}{1}", exMsg, exStackTrace);
                        else {
                            errorReason = XLog.format("LauncherMapper died, check Hadoop log for job [{0}:{1}]", action
                                    .getTrackerUri(), action.getExternalId());
                        context.setExecutionData(FAILED_KILLED, null);
                        setActionCompletionData(context, actionFs);
                else {
                    XLog.getLog(getClass()).info(XLog.STD, "checking action, external ID [{0}] status [{1}]",
                            action.getExternalId(), action.getExternalStatus());
            else {
                XLog.getLog(getClass()).info(XLog.STD, "checking action, external ID [{0}] status [{1}]",
                        action.getExternalId(), action.getExternalStatus());
        catch (Exception ex) {
            XLog.getLog(getClass()).warn("Exception in check(). Message[{0}]", ex.getMessage(), ex);
            exception = true;
            throw convertException(ex);
        finally {
            if (jobClient != null) {
                try {
                catch (Exception e) {
                    if (exception) {
                        log.error("JobClient error: ", e);
                    else {
                        throw convertException(e);
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    public static boolean hasIdSwap(RunningJob runningJob, String user, String group, Path actionDir)
            throws IOException, HadoopAccessorException {
        boolean swap = false;

        XLog log = XLog.getLog("org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.LauncherMapper");

        Counters counters = runningJob.getCounters();
        if (counters != null) {
            Counters.Group counterGroup = counters.getGroup(COUNTER_GROUP);
            if (counterGroup != null) {
                swap = counterGroup.getCounter(COUNTER_DO_ID_SWAP) == 1;
        // additional check for swapped hadoop ID
        // Can't rely on hadoop counters existing
        // we'll check for the newID file in hdfs if the hadoop counters is null
        else {

            Path p = getIdSwapPath(actionDir);
            // log.debug("Checking for newId file in: [{0}]", p);

            HadoopAccessorService has = Services.get().get(HadoopAccessorService.class);
            Configuration conf = has.createJobConf(p.toUri().getAuthority());
            FileSystem fs = has.createFileSystem(user, p.toUri(), conf);
            if (fs.exists(p)) {
                log.debug("Hadoop Counters is null, but found newID file.");

                swap = true;
            else {
                log.debug("Hadoop Counters is null, and newID file doesn't exist at: [{0}]", p);
        return swap;
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     * @throws ServiceException thrown if any of the built in services could not initialize.
    public Services() throws ServiceException {
        if (SERVICES != null) {
            XLog log = XLog.getLog(getClass());
            log.warn(XLog.OPS, "Previous services singleton active, destroying it");
            SERVICES = null;
        setServiceInternal(XLogService.class, false);
        setServiceInternal(ConfigurationService.class, true);
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Related Classes of org.apache.oozie.util.XLog$Info

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