Package org.apache.oozie.util

Examples of org.apache.oozie.util.XLog$Info

     * @param predicate predicate waiting on.
     * @return the waited time.
    protected long waitFor(int timeout, Predicate predicate) {
        ParamChecker.notNull(predicate, "predicate");
        XLog log = new XLog(LogFactory.getLog(getClass()));
        long started = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long mustEnd = System.currentTimeMillis() + (long)(WAITFOR_RATIO * timeout);
        long lastEcho = 0;
        try {
            long waiting = mustEnd - System.currentTimeMillis();
  "Waiting up to [{0}] msec", waiting);
            boolean eval;
            while (!(eval = predicate.evaluate()) && System.currentTimeMillis() < mustEnd) {
                if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastEcho) > 1000) {
                    waiting = mustEnd - System.currentTimeMillis();
          "Waiting up to [{0}] msec", waiting);
                    lastEcho = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if (!eval) {
      "Waiting timed out after [{0}] msec", timeout);
            return System.currentTimeMillis() - started;
        catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);
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     * @return Configuration merged configuration
     * @throws CommandException thrown if failed to merge configuration
    private static Configuration mergeConfig(Element coordElem,BundleJobBean bundleJob) throws CommandException {
        XLog log = XLog.getLog("RecoveryService");

        String jobConf = bundleJob.getConf();
        // Step 1: runConf = jobConf
        Configuration runConf = null;
        try {
            runConf = new XConfiguration(new StringReader(jobConf));
        catch (IOException e1) {
            log.warn("Configuration parse error in:" + jobConf);
            throw new CommandException(ErrorCode.E1306, e1.getMessage(), e1);
        // Step 2: Merge local properties into runConf
        // extract 'property' tags under 'configuration' block in the coordElem
        // convert Element to XConfiguration
        Element localConfigElement = coordElem.getChild("configuration", coordElem.getNamespace());

        if (localConfigElement != null) {
            String strConfig = XmlUtils.prettyPrint(localConfigElement).toString();
            Configuration localConf;
            try {
                localConf = new XConfiguration(new StringReader(strConfig));
            catch (IOException e1) {
                log.warn("Configuration parse error in:" + strConfig);
                throw new CommandException(ErrorCode.E1307, e1.getMessage(), e1);

            // copy configuration properties in the coordElem to the runConf
            XConfiguration.copy(localConf, runConf);
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         * Recover coordinator jobs that should be materialized
        private void runCoordJobMatLookup() {
            XLog LOG = XLog.getLog(getClass());
            JPAService jpaService = Services.get().get(JPAService.class);
            try {

                // get current date
                Date currDate = new Date(new Date().getTime() + CONF_LOOKUP_INTERVAL_DEFAULT * 1000);
                // get list of all jobs that have actions that should be materialized.
                int materializationLimit = Services.get().getConf()
                CoordJobsToBeMaterializedJPAExecutor cmatcmd = new CoordJobsToBeMaterializedJPAExecutor(currDate,
                List<CoordinatorJobBean> materializeJobs = jpaService.execute(cmatcmd);
                LOG.debug("CoordMaterializeTriggerService - Curr Date= " + currDate + ", Num jobs to materialize = "
                        + materializeJobs.size());
                for (CoordinatorJobBean coordJob : materializeJobs) {
                            .incr(INSTRUMENTATION_GROUP, INSTR_MAT_JOBS_COUNTER, 1);
                    int numWaitingActions = jpaService
                            .execute(new CoordActionsActiveCountJPAExecutor(coordJob.getId()));
                    LOG.debug("Job :" + coordJob.getId() + "  numWaitingActions : " + numWaitingActions
                            + " MatThrottle : " + coordJob.getMatThrottling());
                    // update lastModifiedTime so next time others might have higher chance to get pick up
                    coordJob.setLastModifiedTime(new Date());
                    jpaService.execute(new CoordJobUpdateJPAExecutor(coordJob));
                    if (numWaitingActions >= coordJob.getMatThrottling()) {
                        LOG.debug("Materialization skipped for JobID [" + coordJob.getId() + " already waiting "
                                + numWaitingActions + " actions. MatThrottle is : " + coordJob.getMatThrottling());
                    queueCallable(new CoordMaterializeTransitionXCommand(coordJob.getId(), materializationWindow));


            catch (JPAExecutorException jex) {
                LOG.warn("JPAExecutorException while attempting to materialize coordinator jobs", jex);
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     * @param context NodeHandler context.
     * @throws WorkflowException thrown if there was an error parsing the action configuration.
    protected static void liteExecute(NodeHandler.Context context) throws WorkflowException {
        XLog log = XLog.getLog(LiteWorkflowStoreService.class);
        String jobId = context.getProcessInstance().getId();
        String nodeName = context.getNodeDef().getName();
        String skipVar = context.getProcessInstance().getVar(context.getNodeDef().getName()
                + WorkflowInstance.NODE_VAR_SEPARATOR + ReRunXCommand.TO_SKIP);
        boolean skipAction = false;
        if (skipVar != null) {
            skipAction = skipVar.equals("true");
        WorkflowActionBean action = new WorkflowActionBean();
        String actionId = Services.get().get(UUIDService.class).generateChildId(jobId, nodeName);

        if (!skipAction) {
            String nodeConf = context.getNodeDef().getConf();
            String executionPath = context.getExecutionPath();

            String actionType;
            try {
                Element element = XmlUtils.parseXml(nodeConf);
                actionType = element.getName();
                nodeConf = XmlUtils.prettyPrint(element).toString();
            catch (JDOMException ex) {
                throw new WorkflowException(ErrorCode.E0700, ex.getMessage(), ex);

            log.debug(" Creating action for node [{0}]", nodeName);
            action.setLogToken(((WorkflowJobBean) context.getTransientVar(WORKFLOW_BEAN)).getLogToken());
        log.debug("Setting action for cred: '"+context.getNodeDef().getCred() +
            "', name: '"+ context.getNodeDef().getName() + "'");

        int userRetryMax = getUserRetryMax(context);
        int userRetryInterval = getUserRetryInterval(context);
        log.debug("Setting action for userRetryMax: '"+ userRetryMax +
            "', userRetryInterval: '" + userRetryInterval +
            "', name: '"+ context.getNodeDef().getName() + "'");

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        return ret;

    private static int getUserRetryMax(NodeHandler.Context context) throws WorkflowException {
        XLog log = XLog.getLog(LiteWorkflowStoreService.class);
        Configuration conf = Services.get().get(ConfigurationService.class).getConf();
        int ret = conf.getInt(CONF_USER_RETRY_MAX, 0);
        int max = ret;
        String userRetryMax = context.getNodeDef().getUserRetryMax();

        if (!userRetryMax.equals("null")) {
            try {
                ret = Integer.parseInt(userRetryMax);
                if (ret > max) {
                    ret = max;
                    log.warn(ErrorCode.E0820.getTemplate(), ret, max);
            catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                throw new WorkflowException(ErrorCode.E0700, nfe.getMessage(), nfe);
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     * @throws ServiceException thrown if any of the built in services could not initialize.
    public Services() throws ServiceException {
        if (SERVICES != null) {
            XLog log = XLog.getLog(getClass());
            log.warn(XLog.OPS, "Previous services singleton active, destroying it");
            SERVICES = null;
        setServiceInternal(XLogService.class, false);
        setServiceInternal(ConfigurationService.class, true);
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     * @param sysMode system mode

    public synchronized void setSystemMode(SYSTEM_MODE sysMode) {
        if (this.systemMode != sysMode) {
            XLog log = XLog.getLog(getClass());
  , "Exiting " + this.systemMode + " Entering " + sysMode);
        this.systemMode = sysMode;
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     * @throws ServiceException thrown if any of the services could not initialize.
    public void init() throws ServiceException {
        XLog log = new XLog(LogFactory.getLog(getClass()));
        SERVICES = this;
        try {
        catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            XLog.getLog(getClass()).fatal(ex.getMessage(), ex);
            throw ex;
        catch (ServiceException ex) {
            SERVICES = null;
            throw ex;
        InstrumentationService instrService = get(InstrumentationService.class);
        if (instrService != null) {
            for (Service service : services.values()) {
                if (service instanceof Instrumentable) {
                    ((Instrumentable) service).instrument(instrService.get());
        }"Initialized");"Running with JARs for Hadoop version [{0}]", VersionInfo.getVersion());"Oozie System ID [{0}] started!", getSystemId());
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     * @param list    list of loaded service in order of appearance in the
     *                configuration.
     * @throws ServiceException thrown if a service class could not be loaded.
    private void loadServices(Class[] classes, List<Service> list) throws ServiceException {
        XLog log = new XLog(LogFactory.getLog(getClass()));
        for (Class klass : classes) {
            try {
                Service service = (Service) klass.newInstance();
                log.debug("Loading service [{0}] implementation [{1}]", service.getInterface(),
                if (!service.getInterface().isInstance(service)) {
                    throw new ServiceException(ErrorCode.E0101, klass, service.getInterface().getName());
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     * @return List of final services to initialize.
     * @throws ServiceException throw if the services could not be loaded.
    private void loadServices() throws ServiceException {
        XLog log = new XLog(LogFactory.getLog(getClass()));
        try {
            Map<Class, Service> map = new LinkedHashMap<Class, Service>();
            Class[] classes = conf.getClasses(CONF_SERVICE_CLASSES);
            Class[] classesExt = conf.getClasses(CONF_SERVICE_EXT_CLASSES);
            List<Service> list = new ArrayList<Service>();
            loadServices(classes, list);
            loadServices(classesExt, list);

            //removing duplicate services, strategy: last one wins
            for (Service service : list) {
                if (map.containsKey(service.getInterface())) {
                    log.debug("Replacing service [{0}] implementation [{1}]", service.getInterface(),
                map.put(service.getInterface(), service);
            for (Map.Entry<Class, Service> entry : map.entrySet()) {
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Related Classes of org.apache.oozie.util.XLog$Info

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