Package org.apache.maven.surefire.suite

Examples of org.apache.maven.surefire.suite.RunResult

        if ( forkConfiguration.isDebug() )
            System.out.println( "Forking command line: " + cli );

        RunResult runResult = null;

            final int timeout = forkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds > 0 ? forkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds : 0;
            final int result =
                CommandLineUtils.executeCommandLine( cli, testProvidingInputStream, threadedStreamConsumer,
                                                     threadedStreamConsumer, timeout, inputStreamCloser );
            if ( result != RunResult.SUCCESS )
                throw new SurefireBooterForkException( "Error occurred in starting fork, check output in log" );

        catch ( CommandLineTimeOutException e )
            runResult = RunResult.timeout(
                forkClient.getDefaultReporterFactory().getGlobalRunStatistics().getRunResult() );
        catch ( CommandLineException e )
            runResult =
                RunResult.failure( forkClient.getDefaultReporterFactory().getGlobalRunStatistics().getRunResult(), e );
            throw new SurefireBooterForkException( "Error while executing forked tests.", e.getCause() );
            if ( inputStreamCloser != null )
                ShutdownHookUtils.removeShutdownHook( inputStreamCloserHook );
            if ( runResult == null )
                runResult = forkClient.getDefaultReporterFactory().getGlobalRunStatistics().getRunResult();
            if ( !runResult.isTimeout() )
                StackTraceWriter errorInFork = forkClient.getErrorInFork();
                if ( errorInFork != null )
                    // noinspection ThrowFromFinallyBlock
                    throw new RuntimeException(
                        "There was an error in the forked process\n" + errorInFork.writeTraceToString() );
                if ( !forkClient.isSaidGoodBye() )
                    // noinspection ThrowFromFinallyBlock
                    throw new RuntimeException(
                        "The forked VM terminated without properly saying goodbye. VM crash or System.exit called?"
                            + "\nCommand was " + cli.toString() );

            forkClient.close( runResult.isTimeout() );

        return runResult;
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        throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException

        List<ProviderInfo> providers = createProviders();

        RunResult current = RunResult.noTestsRun();

        Exception firstForkException = null;
        for ( ProviderInfo provider : providers )
                current = current.aggregate( executeProvider( provider, scanResult ) );
            catch ( SurefireBooterForkException e )
                if ( firstForkException == null )
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    public RunResult run( SurefireProperties effectiveSystemProperties, DefaultScanResult scanResult )
        throws SurefireBooterForkException, SurefireExecutionException
        final RunResult result;
            Properties providerProperties = providerConfiguration.getProviderProperties();
            scanResult.writeTo( providerProperties );
            if ( isForkOnce() )
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                                                                  new ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable>( forkCount ) );

            // Ask to the executorService to run all tasks
            RunResult globalResult = new RunResult( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

            List<Class<?>> suites = new ArrayList<Class<?>>();
            Iterator<Class<?>> suitesIterator = getSuitesIterator();
            while ( suitesIterator.hasNext() )
                suites.add( );
            final Queue<String> messageQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<String>();
            for ( Class<?> clazz : suites )
                messageQueue.add( clazz.getName() );

            for ( int forkNum = 0; forkNum < forkCount && forkNum < suites.size(); forkNum++ )
                Callable<RunResult> pf = new Callable<RunResult>()
                    public RunResult call()
                        throws Exception
                        TestProvidingInputStream testProvidingInputStream =
                            new TestProvidingInputStream( messageQueue );

                        ForkClient forkClient = new ForkClient( defaultReporterFactory,
                                                                testProvidingInputStream );

                        return fork( null, new PropertiesWrapper( providerConfiguration.getProviderProperties() ),
                                     forkClient, effectiveSystemProperties, testProvidingInputStream );

                results.add( executorService.submit( pf ) );

            for ( Future<RunResult> result : results )
                    RunResult cur = result.get();
                    if ( cur != null )
                        globalResult = globalResult.aggregate( cur );
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            new ThreadPoolExecutor( forkCount, forkCount, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>() );

            // Ask to the executorService to run all tasks
            RunResult globalResult = new RunResult( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
            final Iterator<Class<?>> suites = getSuitesIterator();
            while ( suites.hasNext() )
                final Object testSet =;
                Callable<RunResult> pf = new Callable<RunResult>()
                    public RunResult call()
                        throws Exception
                        ForkClient forkClient = new ForkClient( defaultReporterFactory,
                                                                startupReportConfiguration.getTestVmSystemProperties() );
                        return fork( testSet, new PropertiesWrapper( providerConfiguration.getProviderProperties() ),
                                     forkClient, effectiveSystemProperties, null );
                results.add( executorService.submit( pf ) );


            for ( Future<RunResult> result : results )
                    RunResult cur = result.get();
                    if ( cur != null )
                        globalResult = globalResult.aggregate( cur );
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        if ( forkConfiguration.isDebug() )
            System.out.println( "Forking command line: " + cli );

        RunResult runResult = null;

            final int timeout = forkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds > 0 ? forkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds : 0;
            final int result =
                CommandLineUtils.executeCommandLine( cli, testProvidingInputStream, threadedStreamConsumer,
                                                     threadedStreamConsumer, timeout, inputStreamCloser );
            if ( result != RunResult.SUCCESS )
                throw new SurefireBooterForkException( "Error occurred in starting fork, check output in log" );

        catch ( CommandLineTimeOutException e )
            runResult = RunResult.timeout( defaultReporterFactory.getGlobalRunStatistics().getRunResult() );
        catch ( CommandLineException e )
            runResult = RunResult.failure( defaultReporterFactory.getGlobalRunStatistics().getRunResult(), e );
            throw new SurefireBooterForkException( "Error while executing forked tests.", e.getCause() );
            if ( inputStreamCloser != null )
                ShutdownHookUtils.removeShutdownHook( inputStreamCloserHook );
            if ( runResult == null )
                runResult = defaultReporterFactory.getGlobalRunStatistics().getRunResult();
            if ( !runResult.isTimeout() )
                StackTraceWriter errorInFork = forkClient.getErrorInFork();
                if ( errorInFork != null )
                    // noinspection ThrowFromFinallyBlock
                    throw new RuntimeException(
                        "There was an error in the forked process\n" + errorInFork.writeTraceToString() );
                if ( !forkClient.isSaidGoodBye() )
                    // noinspection ThrowFromFinallyBlock
                    throw new RuntimeException(
                        "The forked VM terminated without saying properly goodbye. VM crash or System.exit called ?"
                            + "\nCommand was" + cli.toString() );

            forkClient.close( runResult.isTimeout() );

        return runResult;
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        throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException

        List<ProviderInfo> providers = createProviders();

        RunResult current = RunResult.noTestsRun();

        NestedCheckedException firstForkException = null;
        for ( ProviderInfo provider : providers )
                current = current.aggregate( executeProvider( provider, scanResult ) );
            catch ( SurefireBooterForkException e )
                if ( firstForkException == null )
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        ClassLoaderConfiguration classLoaderConfiguration = getClassLoaderConfiguration( isForking() );

        RunOrderParameters runOrderParameters =
            new RunOrderParameters( getRunOrder(), getStatisticsFileName( getConfigChecksum() ) );

        final RunResult result;
        if ( isNotForking() )
            createCopyAndReplaceForkNumPlaceholder( effectiveProperties, 1 ).copyToSystemProperties();

            InPluginVMSurefireStarter surefireStarter =
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    public RunResult run( SurefireProperties effectiveSystemProperties, DefaultScanResult scanResult )
        throws SurefireBooterForkException, SurefireExecutionException
        final RunResult result;
            Properties providerProperties = providerConfiguration.getProviderProperties();
            scanResult.writeTo( providerProperties );
            if ( isForkOnce() )
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                                    new ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable>( forkCount ) );

            // Ask to the executorService to run all tasks
            RunResult globalResult = new RunResult( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

            List<Class<?>> suites = new ArrayList<Class<?>>();
            Iterator<Class<?>> suitesIterator = getSuitesIterator();
            while ( suitesIterator.hasNext() )
                suites.add( );
            final Queue<String> messageQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<String>();
            for ( Class<?> clazz : suites )
                messageQueue.add( clazz.getName() );

            for ( int forkNum = 0; forkNum < forkCount && forkNum < suites.size(); forkNum++ )
                Callable<RunResult> pf = new Callable<RunResult>()
                    public RunResult call()
                        throws Exception
                        TestProvidingInputStream testProvidingInputStream = new TestProvidingInputStream( messageQueue );

                        ForkClient forkClient =
                            new ForkClient( defaultReporterFactory,
                                            testProvidingInputStream );

                        return fork( null, new PropertiesWrapper( providerConfiguration.getProviderProperties() ),
                                     forkClient, effectiveSystemProperties, testProvidingInputStream );

                results.add( executorService.submit( pf ) );

            for ( Future<RunResult> result : results )
                    RunResult cur = result.get();
                    if ( cur != null )
                        globalResult = globalResult.aggregate( cur );
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.surefire.suite.RunResult

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