new ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable>( forkCount ) );
// Ask to the executorService to run all tasks
RunResult globalResult = new RunResult( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
List<Class<?>> suites = new ArrayList<Class<?>>();
Iterator<Class<?>> suitesIterator = getSuitesIterator();
while ( suitesIterator.hasNext() )
suites.add( );
final Queue<String> messageQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<String>();
for ( Class<?> clazz : suites )
messageQueue.add( clazz.getName() );
for ( int forkNum = 0; forkNum < forkCount && forkNum < suites.size(); forkNum++ )
Callable<RunResult> pf = new Callable<RunResult>()
public RunResult call()
throws Exception
TestProvidingInputStream testProvidingInputStream =
new TestProvidingInputStream( messageQueue );
DefaultReporterFactory forkedReporterFactory =
new DefaultReporterFactory( startupReportConfiguration );
defaultReporterFactoryList.add( forkedReporterFactory );
ForkClient forkClient = new ForkClient( forkedReporterFactory,
testProvidingInputStream );
return fork( null, new PropertiesWrapper( providerConfiguration.getProviderProperties() ),
forkClient, effectiveSystemProperties, testProvidingInputStream );
results.add( executorService.submit( pf ) );
for ( Future<RunResult> result : results )
RunResult cur = result.get();
if ( cur != null )
globalResult = globalResult.aggregate( cur );