* It is a idempotent function to add various intermediate files as the source for the
* union. The plan has already been created.
public static void initUnionPlan(GenMRProcContext opProcCtx, Task<? extends Serializable> currTask) {
mapredWork plan = (mapredWork) currTask.getWork();
UnionOperator currUnionOp = opProcCtx.getCurrUnionOp();
assert currUnionOp != null;
GenMRUnionCtx uCtx = opProcCtx.getUnionTask(currUnionOp);
assert uCtx != null;
List<String> taskTmpDirLst = uCtx.getTaskTmpDir();
List<tableDesc> tt_descLst = uCtx.getTTDesc();
assert !taskTmpDirLst.isEmpty() && !tt_descLst.isEmpty();
assert taskTmpDirLst.size() == tt_descLst.size();
int size = taskTmpDirLst.size();
for (int pos = 0; pos < size; pos++) {
String taskTmpDir = taskTmpDirLst.get(pos);
tableDesc tt_desc = tt_descLst.get(pos);
if (plan.getPathToAliases().get(taskTmpDir) == null) {
plan.getPathToAliases().put(taskTmpDir, new ArrayList<String>());
plan.getPathToPartitionInfo().put(taskTmpDir, new partitionDesc(tt_desc, null));
plan.getAliasToWork().put(taskTmpDir, currUnionOp);