Package org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec

Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MapRedTask

          // create map join task and set big table as i
          // deep copy a new mapred work from xml
          InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes("UTF-8"));
          MapredWork newWork = Utilities.deserializeMapRedWork(in, physicalContext.getConf());
          // create a mapred task for this work
          MapRedTask newTask = (MapRedTask) TaskFactory.get(newWork, physicalContext
          JoinOperator newJoinOp = getJoinOp(newTask);

          // optimize this newWork and assume big table position is i
          bigTableAlias = MapJoinProcessor.genMapJoinOpAndLocalWork(newWork, newJoinOp, i);

          // add into conditional task

          //set up backup task

          // put the mapping alias to task
          aliasToTask.put(bigTableAlias, newTask);

          // set alias to path
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    // 2. Constructing a conditional task consisting of a move task and a map reduce task
    MapRedTask currTask = (MapRedTask) ctx.getCurrTask();
    MoveWork dummyMv = new MoveWork(null, null, null,
        new LoadFileDesc(fsInputDesc.getDirName(), finalName, true, null, null), false);
    MapredWork cplan = createMergeTask(ctx.getConf(), tsMerge, fsInputDesc);
    // use CombineHiveInputFormat for map-only merging
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    // 2. Constructing a conditional task consisting of a move task and a map reduce task
    MapRedTask currTask = (MapRedTask) ctx.getCurrTask();
    MoveWork dummyMv = new MoveWork(null, null, null,
        new LoadFileDesc(fsInputDesc.getDirName(), finalName, true, null, null), false);
    MapredWork cplan;

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    // we can only process MapReduce tasks to check input size
    if (!context.getCurrentTask().isMapRedTask()) {
      return null;
    MapRedTask currentTask = (MapRedTask) context.getCurrentTask();

    // get potential reentrant index queries from each index
    Map<Index, HiveIndexQueryContext> queryContexts = new HashMap<Index, HiveIndexQueryContext>();
    Collection<List<Index>> tableIndexes = indexes.values();
    for (List<Index> indexesOnTable : tableIndexes) {
      List<List<Index>> indexesByType = new ArrayList<List<Index>>();
      for (Index index : indexesOnTable) {
        boolean added = false;
        for (List<Index> indexType : indexesByType) {
          if (indexType.isEmpty()) {
            added = true;
          } else if (indexType.get(0).getIndexHandlerClass().equals(
                index.getIndexHandlerClass())) {
            added = true;
        if (!added) {
          List<Index> newType = new ArrayList<Index>();

      // choose index type with most indexes of the same type on the table
      // TODO HIVE-2130 This would be a good place for some sort of cost based choice?
      List<Index> bestIndexes = indexesByType.get(0);
      for (List<Index> indexTypes : indexesByType) {
        if (bestIndexes.size() < indexTypes.size()) {
          bestIndexes = indexTypes;

      // rewrite index queries for the chosen index type
      HiveIndexQueryContext queryContext = new HiveIndexQueryContext();
      rewriteForIndexes(predicate, bestIndexes, pctx, currentTask, queryContext);
      List<Task<?>> indexTasks = queryContext.getQueryTasks();

      if (indexTasks != null && indexTasks.size() > 0) {
        queryContexts.put(bestIndexes.get(0), queryContext);
    // choose an index rewrite to use
    if (queryContexts.size() > 0) {
      // TODO HIVE-2130 This would be a good place for some sort of cost based choice?
      Index chosenIndex = queryContexts.keySet().iterator().next();

      // modify the parse context to use indexing
      // we need to delay this until we choose one index so that we don't attempt to modify pctx multiple times
      HiveIndexQueryContext queryContext = queryContexts.get(chosenIndex);

      // prepare the map reduce job to use indexing
      MapredWork work = currentTask.getWork();

      // modify inputs based on index query
      Set<ReadEntity> inputs = pctx.getSemanticInputs();
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    // 2. Constructing a conditional task consisting of a move task and a map reduce task
    MapRedTask currTask = (MapRedTask) ctx.getCurrTask();
    MoveWork dummyMv = new MoveWork(null, null, null,
        new LoadFileDesc(fsInputDesc.getFinalDirName(), finalName, true, null, null), false);
    MapredWork cplan;

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          // create map join task and set big table as i
          // deep copy a new mapred work from xml
          InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes("UTF-8"));
          MapredWork newWork = Utilities.deserializeMapRedWork(in, physicalContext.getConf());
          // create a mapred task for this work
          MapRedTask newTask = (MapRedTask) TaskFactory.get(newWork, physicalContext
          JoinOperator newJoinOp = getJoinOp(newTask);

          // optimize this newWork and assume big table position is i
          bigTableAlias = MapJoinProcessor.genMapJoinOpAndLocalWork(newWork, newJoinOp, i);

          Long aliasKnownSize = aliasToSize.get(bigTableAlias);
          if (aliasKnownSize != null && aliasKnownSize.longValue() > 0) {
            long smallTblTotalKnownSize = aliasTotalKnownInputSize
                - aliasKnownSize.longValue();
            if(smallTblTotalKnownSize > ThresholdOfSmallTblSizeSum) {
              //this table is not good to be a big table.

          // add into conditional task

          //set up backup task

          // put the mapping alias to task
          aliasToTask.put(bigTableAlias, newTask);
      } catch (Exception e) {
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          // create map join task and set big table as i
          // deep copy a new mapred work from xml
          InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes("UTF-8"));
          MapredWork newWork = Utilities.deserializeMapRedWork(in, physicalContext.getConf());
          // create a mapred task for this work
          MapRedTask newTask = (MapRedTask) TaskFactory.get(newWork, physicalContext
          JoinOperator newJoinOp = getJoinOp(newTask);

          // optimize this newWork and assume big table position is i
          bigTableAlias = MapJoinProcessor.genMapJoinOpAndLocalWork(newWork, newJoinOp, i);

          Long aliasKnownSize = aliasToSize.get(bigTableAlias);
          if (aliasKnownSize != null && aliasKnownSize.longValue() > 0) {
            long smallTblTotalKnownSize = aliasTotalKnownInputSize
                - aliasKnownSize.longValue();
            if(smallTblTotalKnownSize > ThresholdOfSmallTblSizeSum) {
              //this table is not good to be a big table.
          // add into conditional task

          //set up backup task

          // put the mapping alias to task
          aliasToTask.put(bigTableAlias, newTask);
      } catch (Exception e) {
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    // 2. Constructing a conditional task consisting of a move task and a map reduce task
    MapRedTask currTask = (MapRedTask) ctx.getCurrTask();
    MoveWork dummyMv = new MoveWork(null, null, null,
        new LoadFileDesc(fsInputDesc.getDirName(), finalName, true, null, null), false);
    MapredWork cplan;

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    // 2. Constructing a conditional task consisting of a move task and a map reduce task
    MapRedTask currTask = (MapRedTask) ctx.getCurrTask();
    MoveWork dummyMv = new MoveWork(null, null, null,
        new LoadFileDesc(fsInputDesc.getDirName(), finalName, true, null, null), false);
    MapredWork cplan;

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    // we can only process MapReduce tasks to check input size
    if (!context.getCurrentTask().isMapRedTask()) {
      return null;
    MapRedTask currentTask = (MapRedTask) context.getCurrentTask();

    // get potential reentrant index queries from each index
    Map<Index, HiveIndexQueryContext> queryContexts = new HashMap<Index, HiveIndexQueryContext>();
    // make sure we have an index on the table being scanned
    TableDesc tblDesc = operator.getTableDesc();
    Table srcTable = pctx.getTopToTable().get(operator);
    if (indexes == null || indexes.get(srcTable) == null) {
      return null;

    List<Index> tableIndexes = indexes.get(srcTable);
    Map<String, List<Index>> indexesByType = new HashMap<String, List<Index>>();
    for (Index indexOnTable : tableIndexes) {
      if (indexesByType.get(indexOnTable.getIndexHandlerClass()) == null) {
        List<Index> newType = new ArrayList<Index>();
        indexesByType.put(indexOnTable.getIndexHandlerClass(), newType);
      } else {

    // choose index type with most indexes of the same type on the table
    // TODO HIVE-2130 This would be a good place for some sort of cost based choice?
    List<Index> bestIndexes = indexesByType.values().iterator().next();
    for (List<Index> indexTypes : indexesByType.values()) {
      if (bestIndexes.size() < indexTypes.size()) {
        bestIndexes = indexTypes;

    // rewrite index queries for the chosen index type
    HiveIndexQueryContext tmpQueryContext = new HiveIndexQueryContext();
    rewriteForIndexes(predicate, bestIndexes, pctx, currentTask, tmpQueryContext);
    List<Task<?>> indexTasks = tmpQueryContext.getQueryTasks();

    if (indexTasks != null && indexTasks.size() > 0) {
      queryContexts.put(bestIndexes.get(0), tmpQueryContext);
    // choose an index rewrite to use
    if (queryContexts.size() > 0) {
      // TODO HIVE-2130 This would be a good place for some sort of cost based choice?
      Index chosenIndex = queryContexts.keySet().iterator().next();

      // modify the parse context to use indexing
      // we need to delay this until we choose one index so that we don't attempt to modify pctx multiple times
      HiveIndexQueryContext queryContext = queryContexts.get(chosenIndex);

      // prepare the map reduce job to use indexing
      MapredWork work = currentTask.getWork();
      // modify inputs based on index query
      Set<ReadEntity> inputs = pctx.getSemanticInputs();
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Related Classes of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MapRedTask

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