// Before we do compaction, try to get rid of unneeded files to simplify things.
CompactionContext compaction = storeEngine.createCompaction();
CompactionRequest request = null;
try {
synchronized (filesCompacting) {
// First, see if coprocessor would want to override selection.
if (this.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
List<StoreFile> candidatesForCoproc = compaction.preSelect(this.filesCompacting);
boolean override = this.getCoprocessorHost().preCompactSelection(
this, candidatesForCoproc, baseRequest);
if (override) {
// Coprocessor is overriding normal file selection.
compaction.forceSelect(new CompactionRequest(candidatesForCoproc));
// Normal case - coprocessor is not overriding file selection.
if (!compaction.hasSelection()) {
boolean isUserCompaction = priority == Store.PRIORITY_USER;
boolean mayUseOffPeak = offPeakHours.isOffPeakHour() &&
offPeakCompactionTracker.compareAndSet(false, true);
try {
compaction.select(this.filesCompacting, isUserCompaction,
mayUseOffPeak, forceMajor && filesCompacting.isEmpty());
} catch (IOException e) {
if (mayUseOffPeak) {
throw e;
assert compaction.hasSelection();
if (mayUseOffPeak && !compaction.getRequest().isOffPeak()) {
// Compaction policy doesn't want to take advantage of off-peak.
if (this.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
this, ImmutableList.copyOf(compaction.getRequest().getFiles()), baseRequest);
// Selected files; see if we have a compaction with some custom base request.
if (baseRequest != null) {
// Update the request with what the system thinks the request should be;
// its up to the request if it wants to listen.
// Finally, we have the resulting files list. Check if we have any files at all.
request = compaction.getRequest();
final Collection<StoreFile> selectedFiles = request.getFiles();
if (selectedFiles.isEmpty()) {
return null;
// If we're enqueuing a major, clear the force flag.
this.forceMajor = this.forceMajor && !request.isMajor();
// Set common request properties.
// Set priority, either override value supplied by caller or from store.
request.setPriority((priority != Store.NO_PRIORITY) ? priority : getCompactPriority());
request.setDescription(getRegionInfo().getRegionNameAsString(), getColumnFamilyName());
} finally {
LOG.debug(getRegionInfo().getEncodedName() + " - " + getColumnFamilyName()
+ ": Initiating " + (request.isMajor() ? "major" : "minor") + " compaction"
+ (request.isAllFiles() ? " (all files)" : ""));
return compaction;