* @return Storefile we compacted into or null if we failed or opted out early.
public List<StoreFile> compact(CompactionContext compaction) throws IOException {
assert compaction != null && compaction.hasSelection();
CompactionRequest cr = compaction.getRequest();
Collection<StoreFile> filesToCompact = cr.getFiles();
assert !filesToCompact.isEmpty();
synchronized (filesCompacting) {
// sanity check: we're compacting files that this store knows about
// TODO: change this to LOG.error() after more debugging
// Ready to go. Have list of files to compact.
LOG.info("Starting compaction of " + filesToCompact.size() + " file(s) in "
+ this + " of " + this.getRegionInfo().getRegionNameAsString()
+ " into tmpdir=" + fs.getTempDir() + ", totalSize="
+ StringUtils.humanReadableInt(cr.getSize()));
long compactionStartTime = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTimeMillis();
List<StoreFile> sfs = null;
try {
// Commence the compaction.