// the list returned by child LM
LinkedList returnedList;
// the list which will be returned to the parent LM
LinkedList returnList = new LinkedList();
KnuthSequence lastSequence = null;
SpaceSpecifier leadingSpace = context.getLeadingSpace();
if (fobj instanceof Title) {
alignmentContext = new AlignmentContext(font,
} else {
alignmentContext = new AlignmentContext(font
, lineHeight.getOptimum(this).getLength().getValue(this)
, alignmentAdjust
, alignmentBaseline
, baselineShift
, dominantBaseline
, context.getAlignmentContext());
childLC = new LayoutContext(context);
if (context.startsNewArea()) {
// First call to this LM in new parent "area", but this may
// not be the first area created by this inline
if (getSpaceStart() != null) {
context.getLeadingSpace().addSpace(new SpaceVal(getSpaceStart(), this));
// Check for "fence"
if (hasLeadingFence(!context.isFirstArea())) {
// Reset leading space sequence for child areas
leadingSpace = new SpaceSpecifier(false);
// Reset state variables
clearPrevIPD(); // Clear stored prev content dimensions
StringBuffer trace = new StringBuffer("InlineLM:");
// We'll add the border to the first inline sequence created.
// This flag makes sure we do it only once.
boolean borderAdded = false;
if (borderProps != null) {
+ borderProps.getPaddingStart(true, this)
+ borderProps.getBorderStartWidth(true)
+ borderProps.getPaddingEnd(true, this)
+ borderProps.getBorderEndWidth(true)
while ((curLM = (LayoutManager) getChildLM()) != null) {
if (!(curLM instanceof InlineLevelLayoutManager)) {
// A block LM
// Leave room for start/end border and padding
if (borderProps != null) {
- borderProps.getPaddingStart(lastChildLM != null, this)
- borderProps.getBorderStartWidth(lastChildLM != null)
- borderProps.getPaddingEnd(hasNextChildLM(), this)
- borderProps.getBorderEndWidth(hasNextChildLM()));
// get KnuthElements from curLM
returnedList = curLM.getNextKnuthElements(childLC, alignment);
if (returnList.size() == 0 && childLC.isKeepWithPreviousPending()) {
childLC.setFlags(LayoutContext.KEEP_WITH_PREVIOUS_PENDING, false);
if (returnedList == null) {
// curLM returned null because it finished;
// just iterate once more to see if there is another child
if (returnedList.size() == 0) {
if (curLM instanceof InlineLevelLayoutManager) {
context.setFlags(LayoutContext.KEEP_WITH_NEXT_PENDING, false);
// "wrap" the Position stored in each element of returnedList
ListIterator seqIter = returnedList.listIterator();
while (seqIter.hasNext()) {
KnuthSequence sequence = (KnuthSequence) seqIter.next();
if (lastSequence != null && lastSequence.appendSequenceOrClose
((KnuthSequence) returnedList.get(0))) {
// add border and padding to the first complete sequence of this LM
if (!borderAdded && returnedList.size() != 0) {
addKnuthElementsForBorderPaddingStart((KnuthSequence) returnedList.get(0));
borderAdded = true;
} else { // A block LM
BlockKnuthSequence sequence = new BlockKnuthSequence(returnedList);
boolean appended = false;
if (lastSequence != null) {
if (lastSequence.canAppendSequence(sequence)) {
BreakElement bk = new BreakElement(new Position(this), 0, context);
boolean keepTogether = (mustKeepTogether()