Package org.apache.fop.layoutmgr

Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthSequence

                 * so just iterate once more to see if there are other children */
            if (lastPar != null) {
                KnuthSequence firstSeq = (KnuthSequence) returnedList.getFirst();
                // finish last paragraph before a new block sequence
                if (!firstSeq.isInlineSequence()) {
                    ElementListObserver.observe(lastPar, "line", null);
                    lastPar = null;
                    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                        trace.append(" ]");
                    bPrevWasKnuthBox = false;
                // does the first element of the first paragraph add to an existing word?
                if (lastPar != null) {
                    KnuthElement thisElement;
                    thisElement = (KnuthElement) firstSeq.get(0);
                    if (thisElement.isBox() && !thisElement.isAuxiliary()
                            && bPrevWasKnuthBox) {
            // loop over the KnuthSequences (and single KnuthElements) in returnedList
            ListIterator iter = returnedList.listIterator();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                KnuthSequence sequence = (KnuthSequence);
                // the sequence contains inline Knuth elements
                if (sequence.isInlineSequence()) {
                    // look at the last element
                    ListElement lastElement = sequence.getLast();
                    if (lastElement == null) {
                        throw new NullPointerException(
                        "Sequence was empty! lastElement is null");
                    bPrevWasKnuthBox = lastElement.isBox()
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        ListIterator paragraphsIterator
            = knuthParagraphs.listIterator(knuthParagraphs.size());
        lineLayoutsList = new ArrayList(knuthParagraphs.size());
        LineLayoutPossibilities llPoss;
        while (paragraphsIterator.hasPrevious()) {
            KnuthSequence seq = (KnuthSequence) paragraphsIterator.previous();
            if (!seq.isInlineSequence()) {
                // This set of line layout possibilities does not matter;
                // we only need an entry in lineLayoutsList.
                llPoss = new LineLayoutPossibilities();
            } else {
                llPoss = findOptimalBreakingPoints(alignment, (Paragraph) seq);
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                //returnList.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, 0, false, new Position(this), false));
            LineLayoutPossibilities llPoss;
            llPoss = (LineLayoutPossibilities) lineLayoutsList.get(p);
            KnuthSequence seq = (KnuthSequence) knuthParagraphs.get(p);

            if (!seq.isInlineSequence()) {
                LinkedList targetList = new LinkedList();
                ListIterator listIter = seq.listIterator();
                while (listIter.hasNext()) {
                    ListElement tempElement;
                    tempElement = (ListElement);
                    if (tempElement.getLayoutManager() != this) {
                        tempElement.setPosition(notifyPos(new NonLeafPosition(this,
            } else if (seq.isInlineSequence() && alignment == EN_JUSTIFY) {
                /* justified vertical alignment (not in the XSL FO recommendation):
                   create a multi-layout sequence whose elements will contain
                   a conventional Position */
                Position returnPosition = new LeafPosition(this, p);
                createElements(returnList, llPoss, returnPosition);
            } else {
                /* "normal" vertical alignment: create a sequence whose boxes
                   represent effective lines, and contain LineBreakPositions */
                Position returnPosition = new LeafPosition(this, p);
                int startIndex = 0;
                for (int i = 0;
                        i < llPoss.getChosenLineCount();
                        i++) {
                    if (!((BlockLevelLayoutManager) parentLM).mustKeepTogether()
                            && i >= fobj.getOrphans()
                            && i <= llPoss.getChosenLineCount() - fobj.getWidows()
                            && returnList.size() > 0) {
                        // null penalty allowing a page break between lines
                        returnList.add(new BreakElement(
                                returnPosition, 0, context));
                        //returnList.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, 0, false, returnPosition, false));
                    int endIndex
                      = ((LineBreakPosition) llPoss.getChosenPosition(i)).getLeafPos();
                    // create a list of the FootnoteBodyLM handling footnotes
                    // whose citations are in this line
                    LinkedList footnoteList = new LinkedList();
                    ListIterator elementIterator = seq.listIterator(startIndex);
                    while (elementIterator.nextIndex() <= endIndex) {
                        KnuthElement element = (KnuthElement);
                        if (element instanceof KnuthInlineBox
                            && ((KnuthInlineBox) element).isAnchor()) {
                            footnoteList.add(((KnuthInlineBox) element).getFootnoteBodyLM());
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            LayoutManager lastLM = null;
            LineBreakPosition lbp = (LineBreakPosition) pos;
            int iCurrParIndex;
            iCurrParIndex = lbp.iParIndex;
            KnuthSequence seq = (KnuthSequence) knuthParagraphs.get(iCurrParIndex);
            int iStartElement = lbp.iStartIndex;
            int iEndElement = lbp.getLeafPos();
            LineArea lineArea
              = new LineArea((lbp.getLeafPos() < seq.size() - 1
                              ? textAlignment : textAlignmentLast),
                              lbp.difference, lbp.availableStretch, lbp.availableShrink);
            if (lbp.startIndent != 0) {
                lineArea.addTrait(Trait.START_INDENT, new Integer(lbp.startIndent));
            lineArea.addTrait(Trait.SPACE_BEFORE, new Integer(lbp.spaceBefore));
            lineArea.addTrait(Trait.SPACE_AFTER, new Integer(lbp.spaceAfter));
            alignmentContext.resizeLine(lbp.lineHeight, lbp.baseline);
            if (seq instanceof Paragraph) {
                Paragraph currPar = (Paragraph) seq;
                // ignore the first elements added by the LineLayoutManager
                iStartElement += (iStartElement == 0) ? currPar.ignoreAtStart : 0;
                // if this is the last line area that for this paragraph,
                // ignore the last elements added by the LineLayoutManager and
                // subtract the last-line-end-indent from the area ipd
                if (iEndElement == (currPar.size() - 1)) {
                    iEndElement -= currPar.ignoreAtEnd;
                    lineArea.setIPD(lineArea.getIPD() - lastLineEndIndent.getValue(this));
            // Remove trailing spaces if allowed so
            if (whiteSpaceTreament == EN_IGNORE_IF_SURROUNDING_LINEFEED
                || whiteSpaceTreament == EN_IGNORE
                || whiteSpaceTreament == EN_IGNORE_IF_BEFORE_LINEFEED) {
                // ignore the last element in the line if it is a KnuthGlue object
                seqIterator = seq.listIterator(iEndElement);
                tempElement = (KnuthElement);
                if (tempElement.isGlue()) {
                    // this returns the same KnuthElement
                    if (seqIterator.hasPrevious()) {
                        tempElement = (KnuthElement) seqIterator.previous();
                    } else {
                        tempElement = null;
                if (tempElement != null) {
                    lastLM = tempElement.getLayoutManager();
            // Remove leading spaces if allowed so
            if (whiteSpaceTreament == EN_IGNORE_IF_SURROUNDING_LINEFEED
                || whiteSpaceTreament == EN_IGNORE
                || whiteSpaceTreament == EN_IGNORE_IF_AFTER_LINEFEED) {
                // ignore KnuthGlue and KnuthPenalty objects
                // at the beginning of the line
                seqIterator = seq.listIterator(iStartElement);
                tempElement = (KnuthElement);
                while (!tempElement.isBox() && seqIterator.hasNext()) {
                    tempElement = (KnuthElement);
            // Add the inline areas to lineArea
            PositionIterator inlinePosIter
              = new KnuthPossPosIter(seq, iStartElement, iEndElement + 1);
            iStartElement = lbp.getLeafPos() + 1;
            if (iStartElement == seq.size()) {
                // advance to next paragraph
                iStartElement = 0;
            LayoutContext lc = new LayoutContext(0);
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        public void endParagraph() {
            KnuthSequence finishedPar = this.endSequence();
            if (finishedPar != null) {
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        // create the AreaInfo object to store the computed values
        areaInfo = new AreaInfo((short) 0, ipd, false, alignmentContext);

        // node is a fo:ExternalGraphic, fo:InstreamForeignObject,
        // fo:PageNumber or fo:PageNumberCitation
        KnuthSequence seq = new InlineKnuthSequence();

        seq.add(new KnuthInlineBox(areaInfo.ipdArea.opt, alignmentContext,
                                    notifyPos(new LeafPosition(this, 0)), false));

        LinkedList returnList = new LinkedList();
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        // the list returned by child LM
        LinkedList returnedList;

        // the list which will be returned to the parent LM
        LinkedList returnList = new LinkedList();
        KnuthSequence lastSequence = null;

        SpaceSpecifier leadingSpace = context.getLeadingSpace();
        if (fobj instanceof Title) {
            alignmentContext = new AlignmentContext(font,
        } else {
            alignmentContext = new AlignmentContext(font
                                    , lineHeight.getOptimum(this).getLength().getValue(this)
                                    , alignmentAdjust
                                    , alignmentBaseline
                                    , baselineShift
                                    , dominantBaseline
                                    , context.getAlignmentContext());
        childLC = new LayoutContext(context);

        if (context.startsNewArea()) {
            // First call to this LM in new parent "area", but this may
            // not be the first area created by this inline
            if (getSpaceStart() != null) {
                context.getLeadingSpace().addSpace(new SpaceVal(getSpaceStart(), this));

            // Check for "fence"
            if (hasLeadingFence(!context.isFirstArea())) {
                // Reset leading space sequence for child areas
                leadingSpace = new SpaceSpecifier(false);
            // Reset state variables
            clearPrevIPD(); // Clear stored prev content dimensions

        StringBuffer trace = new StringBuffer("InlineLM:");

        // We'll add the border to the first inline sequence created.
        // This flag makes sure we do it only once.
        boolean borderAdded = false;

        if (borderProps != null) {
                + borderProps.getPaddingStart(true, this)
                + borderProps.getBorderStartWidth(true)
                + borderProps.getPaddingEnd(true, this)
                + borderProps.getBorderEndWidth(true)
        while ((curLM = (LayoutManager) getChildLM()) != null) {
            if (!(curLM instanceof InlineLevelLayoutManager)) {
                // A block LM
                // Leave room for start/end border and padding
                if (borderProps != null) {
                            - borderProps.getPaddingStart(lastChildLM != null, this)
                            - borderProps.getBorderStartWidth(lastChildLM != null)
                            - borderProps.getPaddingEnd(hasNextChildLM(), this)
                            - borderProps.getBorderEndWidth(hasNextChildLM()));
            // get KnuthElements from curLM
            returnedList = curLM.getNextKnuthElements(childLC, alignment);
            if (returnList.size() == 0 && childLC.isKeepWithPreviousPending()) {
                childLC.setFlags(LayoutContext.KEEP_WITH_PREVIOUS_PENDING, false);
            if (returnedList == null
                    || returnedList.size() == 0) {
                // curLM returned null or an empty list, because it finished;
                // just iterate once more to see if there is another child
            if (curLM instanceof InlineLevelLayoutManager) {
                context.setFlags(LayoutContext.KEEP_WITH_NEXT_PENDING, false);
                // "wrap" the Position stored in each element of returnedList
                ListIterator seqIter = returnedList.listIterator();
                while (seqIter.hasNext()) {
                    KnuthSequence sequence = (KnuthSequence);
                if (lastSequence != null && lastSequence.appendSequenceOrClose
                        ((KnuthSequence) returnedList.get(0))) {
                // add border and padding to the first complete sequence of this LM
                if (!borderAdded && returnedList.size() != 0) {
                    addKnuthElementsForBorderPaddingStart((KnuthSequence) returnedList.get(0));
                    borderAdded = true;
            } else { // A block LM
                BlockKnuthSequence sequence = new BlockKnuthSequence(returnedList);
                boolean appended = false;
                if (lastSequence != null) {
                    if (lastSequence.canAppendSequence(sequence)) {
                        BreakElement bk = new BreakElement(new Position(this), 0, context);
                        boolean keepTogether = (mustKeepTogether()
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    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public LinkedList getNextKnuthElements(LayoutContext context,
                                           int alignment) {
        MinOptMax ipd;
        curArea = get(context);
        KnuthSequence seq = new InlineKnuthSequence();

        if (curArea == null) {
            return null;

        alignmentContext = new AlignmentContext(curArea.getBPD()
                                    , fobj.getAlignmentAdjust()
                                    , fobj.getAlignmentBaseline()
                                    , fobj.getBaselineShift()
                                    , fobj.getDominantBaseline()
                                    , context.getAlignmentContext());

        ipd = getAllocationIPD(context.getRefIPD());
        if (fobj.getLeaderPattern() == EN_USECONTENT && curArea instanceof FilledArea) {
            // If we have user supplied content make it fit if we can
            int unitWidth = ((FilledArea)curArea).getUnitWidth();
            if (ipd.opt < unitWidth && ipd.max >= unitWidth) {
                ipd.opt = unitWidth;

        // create the AreaInfo object to store the computed values
        areaInfo = new AreaInfo((short) 0, ipd, false, context.getAlignmentContext());
        curArea.setAdjustingInfo(ipd.max - ipd.opt, ipd.opt - ipd.min, 0);

        // node is a fo:Leader
        seq.add(new KnuthInlineBox(0, alignmentContext,
                                    new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));
        seq.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false,
                                        new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));
        if (alignment == EN_JUSTIFY || alignment == 0) {
                (new KnuthGlue(areaInfo.ipdArea.opt,
                               areaInfo.ipdArea.max - areaInfo.ipdArea.opt,
                               areaInfo.ipdArea.opt - areaInfo.ipdArea.min,
                               new LeafPosition(this, 0), false));
        } else {
                (new KnuthGlue(areaInfo.ipdArea.opt,
                               new LeafPosition(this, 0), false));
        seq.add(new KnuthInlineBox(0, alignmentContext,
                                    new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));

        LinkedList returnList = new LinkedList();
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        lineStartBAP = context.getLineStartBorderAndPaddingWidth();
        lineEndBAP = context.getLineEndBorderAndPaddingWidth();
        alignmentContext = context.getAlignmentContext();

        LinkedList returnList = new LinkedList();
        KnuthSequence sequence = new InlineKnuthSequence();
        AreaInfo ai = null;
        AreaInfo prevAi = null;

        LineBreakStatus lbs = new LineBreakStatus();
        iThisStart = iNextStart;
        boolean inWord = false;
        boolean inWhitespace = false;
        char ch = 0;
        while (iNextStart < textArray.length) {
            ch = textArray[iNextStart];
            boolean breakOpportunity = false;
            byte breakAction = keepTogether? LineBreakStatus.PROHIBITED_BREAK : lbs.nextChar(ch);
            switch (breakAction) {
                case LineBreakStatus.COMBINING_PROHIBITED_BREAK:
                case LineBreakStatus.PROHIBITED_BREAK:
                case LineBreakStatus.EXPLICIT_BREAK:
                case LineBreakStatus.COMBINING_INDIRECT_BREAK:
                case LineBreakStatus.DIRECT_BREAK:
                case LineBreakStatus.INDIRECT_BREAK:
                    breakOpportunity = true;
                    log.error("Unexpected breakAction: " + breakAction);
            if (inWord) {
                if (breakOpportunity || isSpace(ch) || ch == NEWLINE) {
                    //Word boundary found, process widths and kerning
                    int lastIndex = iNextStart;
                    while (lastIndex > 0 && textArray[lastIndex - 1] == CharUtilities.SOFT_HYPHEN) {
                    int wordLength = lastIndex - iThisStart;
                    boolean kerning = font.hasKerning();
                    MinOptMax wordIPD = new MinOptMax(0);
                    for (int i = iThisStart; i < lastIndex; i++) {
                        char c = textArray[i];

                        //character width
                        int charWidth = font.getCharWidth(c);

                        if (kerning) {
                            int kern = 0;
                            if (i > iThisStart) {
                                char previous = textArray[i - 1];
                                kern = font.getKernValue(previous, c) * font.getFontSize() / 1000;
                            } else if (prevAi != null && !prevAi.isSpace && prevAi.iBreakIndex > 0) {
                                char previous = textArray[prevAi.iBreakIndex - 1];
                                kern = font.getKernValue(previous, c) * font.getFontSize() / 1000;
                            if (kern != 0) {
                                //"Kerning between " + previous + " and " + c + ": " + kern);
                                addToLetterAdjust(i, kern);
                    if (kerning && breakOpportunity && !isSpace(ch) && lastIndex > 0 && textArray[lastIndex] == CharUtilities.SOFT_HYPHEN) {
                        int kern = font.getKernValue(textArray[lastIndex - 1], ch) * font.getFontSize() / 1000;
                        if (kern != 0) {
                            addToLetterAdjust(lastIndex, kern);
                    int iLetterSpaces = wordLength - 1;
                    // if there is a break opportunity and the next one
                    // is not a space, it could be used as a line end;
                    // add one more letter space, in case other text follows
                    if (breakOpportunity && !isSpace(ch)) {
                    wordIPD.add(MinOptMax.multiply(letterSpaceIPD, iLetterSpaces));

                    // create the AreaInfo object
                    ai = new AreaInfo(iThisStart, (short)lastIndex, (short) 0,
                            (short) iLetterSpaces,
                            wordIPD, textArray[lastIndex] == CharUtilities.SOFT_HYPHEN, false, breakOpportunity);
                    prevAi = ai;
                    iTempStart = iNextStart;

                    // create the elements
                    sequence.addAll(createElementsForAWordFragment(alignment, ai,
                            vecAreaInfo.size() - 1, letterSpaceIPD));
                    ai = null;

                    iThisStart = iNextStart;
            } else if (inWhitespace) {
                if (ch != CharUtilities.SPACE || breakOpportunity) {
                    // End of whitespace
                    // create the AreaInfo object
                    ai = new AreaInfo(iThisStart, (short) (iNextStart),
                            (short) (iNextStart - iThisStart), (short) 0,
                            MinOptMax.multiply(wordSpaceIPD, iNextStart - iThisStart),
                            false, true, breakOpportunity);
                    prevAi = ai;

                    // create the elements
                        (createElementsForASpace(alignment, ai, vecAreaInfo.size() - 1));
                    ai = null;

                    iThisStart = iNextStart;
            } else {
                if (ai != null) {
                    prevAi = ai;
                    ai.breakOppAfter = ch == CharUtilities.SPACE || breakOpportunity;
                        (createElementsForASpace(alignment, ai, vecAreaInfo.size() - 1));
                    ai = null;
                if (breakAction == LineBreakStatus.EXPLICIT_BREAK) {
                    if (lineEndBAP != 0) {
                            (new KnuthGlue(lineEndBAP, 0, 0,
                                           new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));
                    sequence = new InlineKnuthSequence();
            if ((ch == CharUtilities.SPACE
                    && foText.getWhitespaceTreatment() == Constants.EN_PRESERVE)
                    || ch == CharUtilities.NBSPACE) {
                // preserved space or non-breaking space:
                // create the AreaInfo object
                ai = new AreaInfo(iNextStart, (short) (iNextStart + 1),
                        (short) 1, (short) 0,
                        wordSpaceIPD, false, true, breakOpportunity);
                iThisStart = (short) (iNextStart + 1);
            } else if (CharUtilities.isFixedWidthSpace(ch) || CharUtilities.isZeroWidthSpace(ch)) {
                // create the AreaInfo object
                MinOptMax ipd = new MinOptMax(font.getCharWidth(ch));
                ai = new AreaInfo(iNextStart, (short) (iNextStart + 1),
                        (short) 0, (short) 0,
                        ipd, false, true, breakOpportunity);
                iThisStart = (short) (iNextStart + 1);
            } else if (ch == NEWLINE) {
                // linefeed; this can happen when linefeed-treatment="preserve"
                iThisStart = (short) (iNextStart + 1);
            inWord = !isSpace(ch) && ch != NEWLINE;
            inWhitespace = ch == CharUtilities.SPACE && foText.getWhitespaceTreatment() != Constants.EN_PRESERVE;
        } // end of while
        // Process any last elements
        if (inWord) {
            int lastIndex = iNextStart;
            if (textArray[iNextStart - 1] == CharUtilities.SOFT_HYPHEN) {
            int wordLength = lastIndex - iThisStart;
            boolean kerning = font.hasKerning();
            MinOptMax wordIPD = new MinOptMax(0);
            for (int i = iThisStart; i < lastIndex; i++) {
                char c = textArray[i];

                //character width
                int charWidth = font.getCharWidth(c);

                if (kerning) {
                    int kern = 0;
                    if (i > iThisStart) {
                        char previous = textArray[i - 1];
                        kern = font.getKernValue(previous, c) * font.getFontSize() / 1000;
                    } else if (prevAi != null && !prevAi.isSpace) {
                        char previous = textArray[prevAi.iBreakIndex - 1];
                        kern = font.getKernValue(previous, c) * font.getFontSize() / 1000;
                    if (kern != 0) {
                        //"Kerning between " + previous + " and " + c + ": " + kern);
                        addToLetterAdjust(i, kern);
            int iLetterSpaces = wordLength - 1;
            wordIPD.add(MinOptMax.multiply(letterSpaceIPD, iLetterSpaces));

            // create the AreaInfo object
            ai = new AreaInfo(iThisStart, (short)lastIndex, (short) 0,
                    (short) iLetterSpaces,
                    wordIPD, false, false, false);
            iTempStart = iNextStart;

            // create the elements
            sequence.addAll(createElementsForAWordFragment(alignment, ai,
                    vecAreaInfo.size() - 1, letterSpaceIPD));
            ai = null;
        } else if (inWhitespace) {
            ai = new AreaInfo(iThisStart, (short) (iNextStart),
                    (short) (iNextStart - iThisStart), (short) 0,
                    MinOptMax.multiply(wordSpaceIPD, iNextStart - iThisStart),
                    false, true, true);

            // create the elements
                (createElementsForASpace(alignment, ai, vecAreaInfo.size() - 1));
            ai = null;
        } else if (ai != null) {
            ai.breakOppAfter = ch == CharUtilities.ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE;
                (createElementsForASpace(alignment, ai, vecAreaInfo.size() - 1));
            ai = null;
        } else if (ch == NEWLINE) {
            if (lineEndBAP != 0) {
                    (new KnuthGlue(lineEndBAP, 0, 0,
                                   new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));
            sequence = new InlineKnuthSequence();

        if (((List)returnList.getLast()).size() == 0) {
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    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public LinkedList getNextKnuthElements(LayoutContext context, int alignment) {
        MinOptMax ipd;
        curArea = get(context);
        KnuthSequence seq = new InlineKnuthSequence();

        if (curArea == null) {
            return null;

        ipd = new MinOptMax(font.getCharWidth(fobj.getCharacter()));

        curArea.setBPD(font.getAscender() - font.getDescender());

        TraitSetter.addFontTraits(curArea, font);
        curArea.addTrait(Trait.COLOR, fobj.getColor());

        // TODO: may need some special handling for fo:character
        alignmentContext = new AlignmentContext(font
                                    , font.getFontSize()
                                    , fobj.getAlignmentAdjust()
                                    , fobj.getAlignmentBaseline()
                                    , fobj.getBaselineShift()
                                    , fobj.getDominantBaseline()
                                    , context.getAlignmentContext());

        // create the AreaInfo object to store the computed values
        areaInfo = new AreaInfo((short) 0, ipd, false, alignmentContext);

        // node is a fo:Character
        if (letterSpaceIPD.min == letterSpaceIPD.max) {
            // constant letter space, only return a box
            seq.add(new KnuthInlineBox(areaInfo.ipdArea.opt, areaInfo.alignmentContext,
                                        notifyPos(new LeafPosition(this, 0)), false));
        } else {
            // adjustable letter space, return a sequence of elements;
            // at the moment the character is supposed to have no letter spaces,
            // but returning this sequence allows us to change only one element
            // if addALetterSpaceTo() is called
            seq.add(new KnuthInlineBox(areaInfo.ipdArea.opt, areaInfo.alignmentContext,
                                        notifyPos(new LeafPosition(this, 0)), false));
            seq.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false,
                                            new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));
            seq.add(new KnuthGlue(0, 0, 0,
                                         new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));
            seq.add(new KnuthInlineBox(0, null,
                                        notifyPos(new LeafPosition(this, -1)), true));


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Related Classes of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthSequence

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