
Examples of

        if ( objectClasses.contains( SchemaConstants.SUBENTRY_OC ) )
            // get the name of the administrative point and its administrativeRole attributes
            DN apName = ( DN ) name.clone();
            apName.remove( name.size() - 1 );
            ServerEntry ap = addContext.lookup( apName, ByPassConstants.LOOKUP_BYPASS );
            EntryAttribute administrativeRole = ap.get( "administrativeRole" );

            // check that administrativeRole has something valid in it for us
            if ( administrativeRole == null || administrativeRole.size() <= 0 )
                throw new LdapNoSuchAttributeException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_306, apName ) );

            /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
             * Build the set of operational attributes to be injected into
             * entries that are contained within the subtree repesented by this
             * new subentry.  In the process we make sure the proper roles are
             * supported by the administrative point to allow the addition of
             * this new subentry.
             * ----------------------------------------------------------------
            Subentry subentry = new Subentry();
            subentry.setTypes( getSubentryTypes( entry ) );
            ServerEntry operational = getSubentryOperatationalAttributes( name, subentry );

            /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
             * Parse the subtreeSpecification of the subentry and add it to the
             * SubtreeSpecification cache.  If the parse succeeds we continue
             * to add the entry to the DIT.  Thereafter we search out entries
             * to modify the subentry operational attributes of.
             * ----------------------------------------------------------------
            String subtree = entry.get( SchemaConstants.SUBTREE_SPECIFICATION_AT ).getString();
            SubtreeSpecification ss;

                ss = ssParser.parse( subtree );
            catch ( Exception e )
                String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_307, name.getName() );
                LOG.warn( msg );
                throw new LdapInvalidAttributeValueException( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX, msg );

            subentryCache.setSubentry( name.getNormName(), ss, getSubentryTypes( entry ) );

            next.add( addContext );

            /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
             * Find the baseDn for the subentry and use that to search the tree
             * while testing each entry returned for inclusion within the
             * subtree of the subentry's subtreeSpecification.  All included
             * entries will have their operational attributes merged with the
             * operational attributes calculated above.
             * ----------------------------------------------------------------
            DN baseDn = ( DN ) apName.clone();
            baseDn.addAll( ss.getBase() );

            ExprNode filter = new PresenceNode( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT_OID ); // (objectClass=*)
            SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
            controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE );
            controls.setReturningAttributes( new String[]
                { SchemaConstants.ALL_OPERATIONAL_ATTRIBUTES, SchemaConstants.ALL_USER_ATTRIBUTES } );

            SearchOperationContext searchOperationContext = new SearchOperationContext( addContext.getSession(), baseDn,
                filter, controls );
            searchOperationContext.setAliasDerefMode( AliasDerefMode.NEVER_DEREF_ALIASES );
            EntryFilteringCursor subentries = searchOperationContext );

            while ( )
                ServerEntry candidate = subentries.get();
                DN dn = candidate.getDn();
                dn.normalize( schemaManager.getNormalizerMapping() );

                if ( evaluator.evaluate( ss, apName, dn, candidate ) )
                    nexus.modify( new ModifyOperationContext( addContext.getSession(), dn,
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    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    public void delete( NextInterceptor next, DeleteOperationContext opContext ) throws Exception
        DN name = opContext.getDn();
        ServerEntry entry = opContext.lookup( name, ByPassConstants.LOOKUP_BYPASS );
        EntryAttribute objectClasses = entry.get( objectClassType );

        if ( objectClasses.contains( SchemaConstants.SUBENTRY_OC ) )
            SubtreeSpecification ss = subentryCache.removeSubentry( name.getNormName() ).getSubtreeSpecification();
            next.delete( opContext );

            /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
             * Find the baseDn for the subentry and use that to search the tree
             * for all entries included by the subtreeSpecification.  Then we
             * check the entry for subentry operational attribute that contain
             * the DN of the subentry.  These are the subentry operational
             * attributes we remove from the entry in a modify operation.
             * ----------------------------------------------------------------
            DN apName = ( DN ) name.clone();
            apName.remove( name.size() - 1 );
            DN baseDn = ( DN ) apName.clone();
            baseDn.addAll( ss.getBase() );

            ExprNode filter = new PresenceNode( schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().getOidByName( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT ) );
            SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
            controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE );
            controls.setReturningAttributes( new String[]
                { SchemaConstants.ALL_OPERATIONAL_ATTRIBUTES, SchemaConstants.ALL_USER_ATTRIBUTES } );

            SearchOperationContext searchOperationContext = new SearchOperationContext( opContext.getSession(), baseDn,
                filter, controls );
            searchOperationContext.setAliasDerefMode( AliasDerefMode.NEVER_DEREF_ALIASES );
            EntryFilteringCursor subentries = searchOperationContext );

            while ( )
                ServerEntry candidate = subentries.get();
                DN dn = new DN( candidate.getDn() );
                dn.normalize( schemaManager.getNormalizerMapping() );

                if ( evaluator.evaluate( ss, apName, dn, candidate ) )
                    nexus.modify( new ModifyOperationContext( opContext.getSession(), dn,
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    public void rename( NextInterceptor next, RenameOperationContext opContext ) throws Exception
        DN name = opContext.getDn();

        ServerEntry entry = (ServerEntry)opContext.getEntry().getClonedEntry();

        EntryAttribute objectClasses = entry.get( objectClassType );

        if ( objectClasses.contains( SchemaConstants.SUBENTRY_OC ) )
            // @Todo To be reviewed !!!
            Subentry subentry = subentryCache.getSubentry( name.getNormName() );
            SubtreeSpecification ss = subentry.getSubtreeSpecification();
            DN apName = ( DN ) name.clone();
            apName.remove( apName.size() - 1 );
            DN baseDn = ( DN ) apName.clone();
            baseDn.addAll( ss.getBase() );
            DN newName = ( DN ) name.clone();
            newName.remove( newName.size() - 1 );

            newName.add( opContext.getNewRdn() );

            String newNormName = newName.getNormName();
            subentryCache.setSubentry( newNormName, ss, subentry.getTypes() );
            next.rename( opContext );

            subentry = subentryCache.getSubentry( newNormName );
            ExprNode filter = new PresenceNode( schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().getOidByName( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT ) );
            SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
            controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE );
            controls.setReturningAttributes( new String[]
                { SchemaConstants.ALL_OPERATIONAL_ATTRIBUTES, SchemaConstants.ALL_USER_ATTRIBUTES } );
            SearchOperationContext searchOperationContext = new SearchOperationContext( opContext.getSession(), baseDn,
                filter, controls );
            searchOperationContext.setAliasDerefMode( AliasDerefMode.NEVER_DEREF_ALIASES );
            EntryFilteringCursor subentries = searchOperationContext );

            while ( )
                ServerEntry candidate = subentries.get();
                DN dn = candidate.getDn();
                dn.normalize( schemaManager.getNormalizerMapping() );

                if ( evaluator.evaluate( ss, apName, dn, candidate ) )
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    public void moveAndRename( NextInterceptor next, MoveAndRenameOperationContext opContext ) throws Exception
        DN oriChildName = opContext.getDn();
        DN parent = opContext.getParent();

        ServerEntry entry = opContext.lookup( oriChildName, ByPassConstants.LOOKUP_BYPASS );

        EntryAttribute objectClasses = entry.get( objectClassType );

        if ( objectClasses.contains( SchemaConstants.SUBENTRY_OC ) )
            Subentry subentry = subentryCache.getSubentry( oriChildName.getNormName() );
            SubtreeSpecification ss = subentry.getSubtreeSpecification();
            DN apName = ( DN ) oriChildName.clone();
            apName.remove( apName.size() - 1 );
            DN baseDn = ( DN ) apName.clone();
            baseDn.addAll( ss.getBase() );
            DN newName = ( DN ) parent.clone();
            newName.remove( newName.size() - 1 );

            newName.add( opContext.getNewRdn() );

            String newNormName = newName.getNormName();
            subentryCache.setSubentry( newNormName, ss, subentry.getTypes() );
            next.moveAndRename( opContext );

            subentry = subentryCache.getSubentry( newNormName );

            ExprNode filter = new PresenceNode( schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().getOidByName( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT ) );
            SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
            controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE );
            controls.setReturningAttributes( new String[]
                { SchemaConstants.ALL_OPERATIONAL_ATTRIBUTES, SchemaConstants.ALL_USER_ATTRIBUTES } );

            SearchOperationContext searchOperationContext = new SearchOperationContext( opContext.getSession(), baseDn,
                filter, controls );
            searchOperationContext.setAliasDerefMode( AliasDerefMode.NEVER_DEREF_ALIASES );
            EntryFilteringCursor subentries = searchOperationContext );

            while ( )
                ServerEntry candidate = subentries.get();
                DN dn = candidate.getDn();
                dn.normalize( schemaManager.getNormalizerMapping() );

                if ( evaluator.evaluate( ss, apName, dn, candidate ) )
                    nexus.modify( new ModifyOperationContext( opContext.getSession(), dn,
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    public void move( NextInterceptor next, MoveOperationContext opContext ) throws Exception
        DN oriChildName = opContext.getDn();
        DN newParentName = opContext.getParent();

        ServerEntry entry = opContext.lookup( oriChildName, ByPassConstants.LOOKUP_BYPASS );

        EntryAttribute objectClasses = entry.get( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT );

        if ( objectClasses.contains( SchemaConstants.SUBENTRY_OC ) )
            Subentry subentry = subentryCache.getSubentry( oriChildName.getNormName() );
            SubtreeSpecification ss = subentry.getSubtreeSpecification();
            DN apName = ( DN ) oriChildName.clone();
            apName.remove( apName.size() - 1 );
            DN baseDn = ( DN ) apName.clone();
            baseDn.addAll( ss.getBase() );
            DN newName = ( DN ) newParentName.clone();
            newName.remove( newName.size() - 1 );
            newName.add( newParentName.get( newParentName.size() - 1 ) );

            String newNormName = newName.getNormName();
            subentryCache.setSubentry( newNormName, ss, subentry.getTypes() );
            next.move( opContext );

            subentry = subentryCache.getSubentry( newNormName );

            ExprNode filter = new PresenceNode( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT );
            SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
            controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE );
            controls.setReturningAttributes( new String[]
                { SchemaConstants.ALL_OPERATIONAL_ATTRIBUTES, SchemaConstants.ALL_USER_ATTRIBUTES } );

            SearchOperationContext searchOperationContext = new SearchOperationContext( opContext.getSession(), baseDn,
                filter, controls );
            searchOperationContext.setAliasDerefMode( AliasDerefMode.NEVER_DEREF_ALIASES );
            EntryFilteringCursor subentries = searchOperationContext );

            while ( )
                ServerEntry candidate = subentries.get();
                DN dn = candidate.getDn();
                dn.normalize( schemaManager.getNormalizerMapping() );

                if ( evaluator.evaluate( ss, apName, dn, candidate ) )
                    nexus.modify( new ModifyOperationContext( opContext.getSession(), dn,
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        ServerEntry attrs = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager, DN.EMPTY_DN );
        attrs.put( ocFinalState );
        return getSubentryTypes( attrs );
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    public void modify( NextInterceptor next, ModifyOperationContext opContext ) throws Exception
        DN name = opContext.getDn();
        List<Modification> mods = opContext.getModItems();

        ServerEntry entry = opContext.lookup( name, ByPassConstants.LOOKUP_BYPASS );

        ServerEntry oldEntry = ( ServerEntry ) entry.clone();
        EntryAttribute objectClasses = entry.get( objectClassType );
        boolean isSubtreeSpecificationModification = false;
        Modification subtreeMod = null;

        for ( Modification mod : mods )
            if ( SchemaConstants.SUBTREE_SPECIFICATION_AT.equalsIgnoreCase( mod.getAttribute().getId() ) )
                isSubtreeSpecificationModification = true;
                subtreeMod = mod;

        if ( objectClasses.contains( SchemaConstants.SUBENTRY_OC ) && isSubtreeSpecificationModification )
            SubtreeSpecification ssOld = subentryCache.removeSubentry( name.getNormName() ).getSubtreeSpecification();
            SubtreeSpecification ssNew;

                ssNew = ssParser.parse( subtreeMod.getAttribute().getString() );
            catch ( Exception e )
                String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_71 );
                LOG.error( msg, e );
                throw new LdapInvalidAttributeValueException( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX, msg );

            subentryCache.setSubentry( name.getNormName(), ssNew, getSubentryTypes( entry, mods ) );
            next.modify( opContext );

            // search for all entries selected by the old SS and remove references to subentry
            DN apName = ( DN ) name.clone();
            apName.remove( apName.size() - 1 );
            DN oldBaseDn = ( DN ) apName.clone();
            oldBaseDn.addAll( ssOld.getBase() );
            ExprNode filter = new PresenceNode( schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().getOidByName( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT ) );
            SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
            controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE );
            controls.setReturningAttributes( new String[]
                { SchemaConstants.ALL_OPERATIONAL_ATTRIBUTES, SchemaConstants.ALL_USER_ATTRIBUTES } );

            SearchOperationContext searchOperationContext = new SearchOperationContext( opContext.getSession(), oldBaseDn,
                filter, controls );
            searchOperationContext.setAliasDerefMode( AliasDerefMode.NEVER_DEREF_ALIASES );
            EntryFilteringCursor subentries = searchOperationContext );

            while ( )
                ServerEntry candidate = subentries.get();
                DN dn = candidate.getDn();
                dn.normalize( schemaManager.getNormalizerMapping() );

                if ( evaluator.evaluate( ssOld, apName, dn, candidate ) )
                    nexus.modify( new ModifyOperationContext( opContext.getSession(), dn,
                        getOperationalModsForRemove( name, candidate ) ) );

            // search for all selected entries by the new SS and add references to subentry
            Subentry subentry = subentryCache.getSubentry( name.getNormName() );
            ServerEntry operational = getSubentryOperatationalAttributes( name, subentry );
            DN newBaseDn = ( DN ) apName.clone();
            newBaseDn.addAll( ssNew.getBase() );
            searchOperationContext = new SearchOperationContext( opContext.getSession(), newBaseDn,
                filter, controls );
            searchOperationContext.setAliasDerefMode( AliasDerefMode.NEVER_DEREF_ALIASES );
            subentries = searchOperationContext );
            while ( )
                ServerEntry candidate = subentries.get();
                DN dn = candidate.getDn();
                dn.normalize( schemaManager.getNormalizerMapping() );

                if ( evaluator.evaluate( ssNew, apName, dn, candidate ) )
                    nexus.modify( new ModifyOperationContext( opContext.getSession(), dn,
                        getOperationalModsForAdd( candidate, operational ) ) );
            next.modify( opContext );

            if ( !objectClasses.contains( SchemaConstants.SUBENTRY_OC ) )
                ServerEntry newEntry = opContext.lookup( name, ByPassConstants.LOOKUP_BYPASS );

                List<Modification> subentriesOpAttrMods = getModsOnEntryModification( name, oldEntry, newEntry );

                if ( subentriesOpAttrMods.size() > 0 )
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        SubtreeSpecificationModifier modifier = new SubtreeSpecificationModifier();
        SubtreeSpecification ss = modifier.getSubtreeSpecification();
        DN apDn = new DN( "ou=system" );
        DN entryDn = new DN( "ou=users,ou=system" );
        ServerEntry entry = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager, entryDn, "objectClass" );

        assertTrue( evaluator.evaluate( ss, apDn, entryDn, entry ) );

        entryDn = new DN( "ou=system" );
        assertTrue( evaluator.evaluate( ss, apDn, entryDn, entry ) );
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        SubtreeSpecificationModifier modifier = new SubtreeSpecificationModifier();
        modifier.setBase( new DN( "ou=users" ) );
        SubtreeSpecification ss = modifier.getSubtreeSpecification();
        DN apDn = new DN( "ou=system" );
        DN entryDn = new DN( "ou=users,ou=system" );
        ServerEntry entry = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager, entryDn, "objectClass" );

        assertTrue( evaluator.evaluate( ss, apDn, entryDn, entry ) );

        entryDn = new DN( "uid=akarasulu,ou=users,ou=system" );
        assertTrue( evaluator.evaluate( ss, apDn, entryDn, entry ) );
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        modifier.setMaxBaseDistance( 3 );
        modifier.setBase( new DN( "ou=users" ) );
        SubtreeSpecification ss = modifier.getSubtreeSpecification();
        DN apDn = new DN( "ou=system" );
        DN entryDn = new DN( "ou=users,ou=system" );
        ServerEntry entry = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager, entryDn, "objectClass" );

        assertFalse( evaluator.evaluate( ss, apDn, entryDn, entry ) );

        entryDn = new DN( "uid=akarasulu,ou=users,ou=system" );
        assertTrue( evaluator.evaluate( ss, apDn, entryDn, entry ) );
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