
Examples of

        checkNewParent( newParentName );
        String oldSchemaName = getSchemaName( oriChildName );
        String newSchemaName = getSchemaName( newParentName );
        MatchingRule oldMr = factory.getMatchingRule( schemaManager, entry, schemaManager.getRegistries(),
            oldSchemaName );
        ServerEntry targetEntry = ( ServerEntry ) entry.clone();
        String newOid = ( String ) newRdn.getNormValue();
        checkOidIsUnique( newOid );

        targetEntry.put( MetaSchemaConstants.M_OID_AT, newOid );
        MatchingRule mr = factory.getMatchingRule( schemaManager, targetEntry, schemaManager.getRegistries(),
            newSchemaName );

        if ( isSchemaEnabled( oldSchemaName ) )
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        if ( idx != null )
            return idx.reverseGreaterOrEq( indexEntry.getId(), node.getValue().get() );

        ServerEntry entry = indexEntry.getObject();

        // resuscitate the entry if it has not been and set entry in IndexEntry
        if ( null == entry )
            entry = db.lookup( indexEntry.getId() );
            indexEntry.setObject( entry );

         * The code below could have been replaced by a call to
         * evaluate( ServerEntry ) but it was not because we wanted to make
         * sure the call to evaluate with the attribute was made using a
         * non-null IndexEntry parameter.  This is to make sure the call to
         * evaluate with the attribute will set the value on the IndexEntry.

        // get the attribute
        EntryAttribute attr = entry.get( type );

        // if the attribute exists and has a greater than or equal value return true
        //noinspection unchecked
        if ( attr != null && evaluate( ( IndexEntry<Object, ServerEntry, ID> ) indexEntry, attr ) )
            return true;

        // If we do not have the attribute, loop through the sub classes of
        // the attributeType.  Perhaps the entry has an attribute value of a
        // subtype (descendant) that will produce a match
        if ( schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().hasDescendants( node.getAttribute() ) )
            // TODO check to see if descendant handling is necessary for the
            // index so we can match properly even when for example a name
            // attribute is used instead of more specific commonName
            Iterator<AttributeType> descendants = schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().descendants(
                node.getAttribute() );

            while ( descendants.hasNext() )
                AttributeType descendant =;

                attr = entry.get( descendant );

                //noinspection unchecked
                if ( attr != null && evaluate( ( IndexEntry<Object, ServerEntry, ID> ) indexEntry, attr ) )
                    return true;
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        Collection<String> attrTypes = new ArrayList<String>();
        attrTypes.add( "cn" );
        Collection<ACITuple> tuples = getTuples( new ProtectedItem.SelfValue( attrTypes ) );

        ServerEntry entry = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager, USER_NAME );
        entry.put( "cn", USER_NAME.getNormName() );

        // Test wrong scope
        assertEquals( 0, filterA.filter( null, tuples, OperationScope.ENTRY, null, null, USER_NAME, null, null, null,
            "cn", null, entry, null, null ).size() );

        tuples = getTuples( new ProtectedItem.SelfValue( attrTypes ) );

        assertEquals( 1, filterA.filter( null, tuples, OperationScope.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_AND_VALUE, null, null, USER_NAME,
            null, null, null, "cn", null, entry, null, null ).size() );

        entry.removeAttributes( "cn" );
        assertEquals( 0, filterA.filter( null, tuples, OperationScope.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_AND_VALUE, null, null, USER_NAME,
            null, null, null, "cn", null, entry, null, null ).size() );

        tuples = getTuples( new ProtectedItem.SelfValue( attrTypes ) );
        assertEquals( 0, filterA.filter( null, tuples, OperationScope.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_AND_VALUE, null, null, USER_NAME,
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    public void checkModify( OperationContext opContext, DN normName, List<Modification> mods ) throws Exception
        ServerEntry originalEntry = opContext.lookup( normName, ByPassConstants.LOOKUP_BYPASS );
        ServerEntry targetEntry = (ServerEntry)SchemaUtils.getTargetEntry( mods, originalEntry );
        EntryAttribute targetObjectClasses = targetEntry.get( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT );
        if ( targetObjectClasses.contains( SchemaConstants.COLLECTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_SUBENTRY_OC ) )
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             * SubentryService to get us cached sub-entries so we're not
             * wasting time with a lookup here? It is ridiculous to waste
             * time looking up this sub-entry.
            ServerEntry subentry = opContext.lookup( subentryDn, ByPassConstants.LOOKUP_COLLECTIVE_BYPASS );
            for ( AttributeType attributeType:subentry.getAttributeTypes() )
                String attrId = attributeType.getName();
                if ( !attributeType.isCollective() )
                 * Skip the addition of this collective attribute if it is excluded
                 * in the 'collectiveAttributes' attribute.
                if ( exclusions.contains( attributeType.getOid() ) )
                Set<AttributeType> allSuperTypes = getAllSuperTypes( attributeType );

                for ( String retId : retIdsSet )
                    if ( retId.equals( SchemaConstants.ALL_USER_ATTRIBUTES ) || retId.equals( SchemaConstants.ALL_OPERATIONAL_ATTRIBUTES ) )

                    AttributeType retType = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( retId );

                    if ( allSuperTypes.contains( retType ) )
                        retIdsSet.add( schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( attrId ).getOid() );

                 * If not all attributes or this collective attribute requested specifically
                 * then bypass the inclusion process.
                if ( !( retIdsSet.contains( SchemaConstants.ALL_USER_ATTRIBUTES ) ||
                    retIdsSet.contains( schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( attrId ).getOid() ) ) )
                EntryAttribute subentryColAttr = subentry.get( attrId );
                EntryAttribute entryColAttr = entry.get( attrId );

                 * If entry does not have attribute for collective attribute then create it.
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        ClonedServerEntry tempResult = null;
        outer: while ( )
            boolean accepted = true;
            ServerEntry tempEntry = wrapped.get();
            if ( tempEntry instanceof ClonedServerEntry )
                tempResult = ( ClonedServerEntry ) tempEntry;
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    public void testPreventStructuralClassRemovalOnModifyReplace() throws Exception
        DN name = new DN( "uid=akarasulu,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com" );
        ModificationOperation mod = ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE;
        ServerEntry modifyAttributes = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager );
        AttributeType atCN = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( "cn" );
        modifyAttributes.put( new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN ) );

        // this should pass
        SchemaChecker.preventStructuralClassRemovalOnModifyReplace( schemaManager.getObjectClassRegistry(), name, mod, modifyAttributes );

        // this should succeed since person is still in replaced set and is structural
        modifyAttributes.removeAttributes( atCN );
        AttributeType atOC = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( "objectClass" );
        EntryAttribute objectClassesReplaced = new DefaultServerAttribute( atOC );
        objectClassesReplaced.add( "top" );
        objectClassesReplaced.add( "person" );
        modifyAttributes.put( objectClassesReplaced );
        SchemaChecker.preventStructuralClassRemovalOnModifyReplace( schemaManager.getObjectClassRegistry(), name, mod, modifyAttributes );

        // this should fail since only top is left
        objectClassesReplaced = new DefaultServerAttribute( atOC );
        objectClassesReplaced.add( "top" );
        modifyAttributes.put( objectClassesReplaced );
            SchemaChecker.preventStructuralClassRemovalOnModifyReplace( schemaManager.getObjectClassRegistry(), name, mod, modifyAttributes );
            fail( "should never get here due to an LdapSchemaViolationException" );
        catch ( LdapSchemaViolationException e )
            assertEquals( e.getResultCode(), ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_MODS_PROHIBITED );

        // this should fail since the modify operation tries to delete all
        // objectClass attribute values
        modifyAttributes.removeAttributes( "cn" );
        objectClassesReplaced = new DefaultServerAttribute( atOC );
        modifyAttributes.put( objectClassesReplaced );
            SchemaChecker.preventStructuralClassRemovalOnModifyReplace( schemaManager.getObjectClassRegistry(), name, mod, modifyAttributes );
            fail( "should never get here due to an LdapSchemaViolationException" );
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    public void testPreventRdnChangeOnModifyRemove() throws Exception
        ModificationOperation mod = ModificationOperation.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE;
        DN name = new DN( "ou=user,dc=example,dc=com" );
        ServerEntry attributes = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager, name );
        attributes.put( "cn", "does not matter" );

        // postive test which should pass
        SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyRemove( name, mod, attributes, schemaManager );

        // test should fail since we are removing the ou attribute
        AttributeType OU_AT = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( "ou" );
        attributes.put( new DefaultServerAttribute( "ou", OU_AT ) );

            SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyRemove( name, mod, attributes, schemaManager );
            fail( "should never get here due to a LdapSchemaViolationException being thrown" );
        catch ( LdapSchemaViolationException e )
            assertEquals( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN, e.getResultCode() );

        // test success using more than one attribute for the Rdn but not modifying rdn attribute
        name = new DN( "ou=users+cn=system users,dc=example,dc=com" );
        attributes = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager, name );
        attributes.put( "sn", "does not matter" );
        SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyRemove( name, mod, attributes, schemaManager );

        // test for failure when modifying Rdn attribute in multi attribute Rdn
        AttributeType CN_AT = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( "cn" );
        attributes.put( new DefaultServerAttribute( "cn", CN_AT ) );
            SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyRemove( name, mod, attributes, schemaManager );
            fail( "should never get here due to a LdapSchemaViolationException being thrown" );
        catch ( LdapSchemaViolationException e )
            assertEquals( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN, e.getResultCode() );

        // should succeed since the value being deleted from the rdn attribute is
        // is not used when composing the Rdn
        attributes = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager, name );
        attributes.put( "ou", "container" );
        SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyRemove( name, mod, attributes, schemaManager );

        // now let's make it fail again just by providing the right value for ou (users)
        attributes = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager, name );
        attributes.put( "ou", "users" );
            SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyRemove( name, mod, attributes, schemaManager );
            fail( "should never get here due to a LdapSchemaViolationException being thrown" );
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    public void testPreventRdnChangeOnModifyReplace() throws Exception
        ModificationOperation mod = ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE;
        DN name = new DN( "ou=user,dc=example,dc=com" );
        ServerEntry attributes = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager, name );
        attributes.put( "cn", "does not matter" );

        // postive test which should pass
        SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyReplace( name, mod, attributes, schemaManager );

        // test should fail since we are removing the ou attribute
        attributes.put( "ou", (String)null );
            SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyReplace( name, mod, attributes, schemaManager );
            fail( "should never get here due to a LdapSchemaViolationException being thrown" );
        catch ( LdapSchemaViolationException e )
            assertEquals( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN, e.getResultCode() );

        // test success using more than one attribute for the Rdn but not modifying rdn attribute
        name = new DN( "ou=users+cn=system users,dc=example,dc=com" );
        attributes = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager, name );
        attributes.put( "sn", "does not matter" );
        SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyReplace( name, mod, attributes, schemaManager );

        // test for failure when modifying Rdn attribute in multi attribute Rdn
        attributes.put("cn", (String)null );
            SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyReplace( name, mod, attributes, schemaManager );
            fail( "should never get here due to a LdapSchemaViolationException being thrown" );
        catch ( LdapSchemaViolationException e )
            assertEquals( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN, e.getResultCode() );

        // should succeed since the values being replaced from the rdn attribute is
        // is includes the old Rdn attribute value
        attributes = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager, name );
        attributes.put( "ou", "container" );
        attributes.put( "ou", "users" );
        SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyReplace( name, mod, attributes, schemaManager );

        // now let's make it fail by not including the old value for ou (users)
        attributes = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager, name );
        attributes.put( "ou", "container" );
            SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyReplace( name, mod, attributes, schemaManager );
            fail( "should never get here due to a LdapSchemaViolationException being thrown" );
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     * @param subentry the subentry to get attributes from
     * @return the set of attributes to be added or removed from entries
    private ServerEntry getSubentryOperatationalAttributes( DN name, Subentry subentry ) throws Exception
        ServerEntry operational = new DefaultServerEntry( schemaManager, name );

        if ( subentry.isAccessControlSubentry() )
            if ( operational.get( SchemaConstants.ACCESS_CONTROL_SUBENTRIES_AT ) == null )
                operational.put( SchemaConstants.ACCESS_CONTROL_SUBENTRIES_AT, name.getNormName() );
                operational.get( SchemaConstants.ACCESS_CONTROL_SUBENTRIES_AT ).add( name.getNormName() );
        if ( subentry.isSchemaSubentry() )
            if ( operational.get( SchemaConstants.SUBSCHEMA_SUBENTRY_AT ) == null )
                operational.put( SchemaConstants.SUBSCHEMA_SUBENTRY_AT, name.getNormName() );
                operational.get( SchemaConstants.SUBSCHEMA_SUBENTRY_AT ).add( name.getNormName() );
        if ( subentry.isCollectiveSubentry() )
            if ( operational.get( SchemaConstants.COLLECTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_SUBENTRIES_AT ) == null )
                operational.put( SchemaConstants.COLLECTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_SUBENTRIES_AT, name.getNormName() );
                operational.get( SchemaConstants.COLLECTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_SUBENTRIES_AT ).add( name.getNormName() );
        if ( subentry.isTriggerSubentry() )
            if ( operational.get( SchemaConstants.TRIGGER_EXECUTION_SUBENTRIES_AT ) == null )
                operational.put( SchemaConstants.TRIGGER_EXECUTION_SUBENTRIES_AT, name.getNormName() );
                operational.get( SchemaConstants.TRIGGER_EXECUTION_SUBENTRIES_AT ).add( name.getNormName() );

        return operational;
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