
Examples of

    public void testIndexedSnEndsWithEr() throws Exception
        SubstringNode node = new SubstringNode( schemaManager.getAttributeType( "sn" ), null, "er" );
        SubstringEvaluator evaluator = new SubstringEvaluator( node, store, schemaManager );
        SubstringCursor cursor = new SubstringCursor( store, evaluator );

        assertEquals( node, evaluator.getExpression() );


        assertTrue( );
        assertTrue( cursor.available() );
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    public void testNonIndexedAttributes() throws Exception
        SubstringNode node = new SubstringNode( schemaManager.getAttributeType( "sn" ), "walk", null );
        SubstringEvaluator evaluator = new SubstringEvaluator( node, store, schemaManager );
        IndexEntry<String, String> indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 5L ) );
        assertTrue( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 3L ) );
        indexEntry.setEntry( null );
        assertFalse( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 6L ) );
        indexEntry.setEntry( null );
        assertFalse( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );

        node = new SubstringNode( schemaManager.getAttributeType( "sn" ), "wa", null );
        evaluator = new SubstringEvaluator( node, store, schemaManager );
        indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 5L ) );
        indexEntry.setEntry( store.fetch( Strings.getUUID( 5L ) ) );
        assertTrue( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );

        node = new SubstringNode( schemaManager.getAttributeType( "searchGuide" ), "j", null );
        evaluator = new SubstringEvaluator( node, store, schemaManager );
        indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 6L ) );
        indexEntry.setEntry( store.fetch( Strings.getUUID( 6L ) ) );
        assertFalse( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );

        node = new SubstringNode( schemaManager.getAttributeType( "st" ), "j", null );
        evaluator = new SubstringEvaluator( node, store, schemaManager );
        indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 6L ) );
        indexEntry.setEntry( store.fetch( Strings.getUUID( 6L ) ) );
        assertFalse( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );

        node = new SubstringNode( schemaManager.getAttributeType( "name" ), "j", null );
        evaluator = new SubstringEvaluator( node, store, schemaManager );
        indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 6L ) );
        indexEntry.setEntry( store.fetch( Strings.getUUID( 6L ) ) );
        assertTrue( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );

        node = new SubstringNode( schemaManager.getAttributeType( "name" ), "s", null );
        evaluator = new SubstringEvaluator( node, store, schemaManager );
        indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 6L ) );
        indexEntry.setEntry( store.fetch( Strings.getUUID( 6L ) ) );
        assertTrue( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );
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    public void testEvaluatorIndexed() throws Exception
        SubstringNode node = new SubstringNode( schemaManager.getAttributeType( "cn" ), "jim", null );
        SubstringEvaluator evaluator = new SubstringEvaluator( node, store, schemaManager );
        IndexEntry<String, String> indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 6L ) );
        assertTrue( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 3L ) );
        indexEntry.setEntry( null );
        assertFalse( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );

        node = new SubstringNode( schemaManager.getAttributeType( "cn" ), "j", null );
        evaluator = new SubstringEvaluator( node, store, schemaManager );
        indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 6L ) );
        indexEntry.setEntry( store.fetch( Strings.getUUID( 6L ) ) );
        assertTrue( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );

        node = new SubstringNode( schemaManager.getAttributeType( "cn" ), "s", null );
        evaluator = new SubstringEvaluator( node, store, schemaManager );
        indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 6L ) );
        indexEntry.setEntry( store.fetch( Strings.getUUID( 6L ) ) );
        assertFalse( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );
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        SubstringCursor cursor = null;

            SubstringNode node = new SubstringNode( schemaManager.getAttributeType( "sn" ), "b", null );
            SubstringEvaluator evaluator = new SubstringEvaluator( node, store, schemaManager );
            cursor = new SubstringCursor( store, evaluator );
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        SubstringCursor cursor = null;

            SubstringNode node = new SubstringNode( schemaManager.getAttributeType( "cn" ), "j", null );
            SubstringEvaluator evaluator = new SubstringEvaluator( node, store, schemaManager );
            cursor = new SubstringCursor( store, evaluator );
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        SubstringCursor cursor = null;

            SubstringNode node = new SubstringNode( schemaManager.getAttributeType( "sn" ), "j", null );
            SubstringEvaluator evaluator = new SubstringEvaluator( node, store, schemaManager );
            cursor = new SubstringCursor( store, evaluator );

            // test before()
            IndexEntry<String, String> entry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
            entry.setKey( SchemaConstants.SN_AT_OID );
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        SubstringCursor cursor = null;

            SubstringNode node = new SubstringNode( schemaManager.getAttributeType( "sn" ), "j", null );
            SubstringEvaluator evaluator = new SubstringEvaluator( node, store, schemaManager );
            cursor = new SubstringCursor( store, evaluator );

            // test before()
            IndexEntry<String, String> entry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
            entry.setKey( SchemaConstants.SN_AT_OID );
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    public void testNotCursorWithManualFilter() throws Exception
        NotNode notNode = new NotNode();

        ExprNode exprNode = new SubstringNode( schemaManager.getAttributeType( "cn" ), "J", null );
        Evaluator<? extends ExprNode> eval = new SubstringEvaluator( ( SubstringNode ) exprNode, store,
            schemaManager );
        notNode.addNode( exprNode );

        NotCursor<String> cursor = new NotCursor( store, eval ); // andNode );
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        Cursor<IndexEntry<?, Long>> cursor;

        OrNode orNode = new OrNode();

        ExprNode exprNode = new SubstringNode( schemaManager.getAttributeType( "cn" ), "J", null );
        eval = new SubstringEvaluator( ( SubstringNode ) exprNode, store, schemaManager );
        Cursor subStrCursor1 = new SubstringCursor( store, ( SubstringEvaluator ) eval );
        cursors.add( subStrCursor1 );
        evaluators.add( eval );
        orNode.addNode( exprNode );

        //        try
        //        {
        //            new OrCursor( cursors, evaluators );
        //            fail( "should throw IllegalArgumentException" );
        //        }
        //        catch( IllegalArgumentException ie ){ }

        exprNode = new SubstringNode( schemaManager.getAttributeType( "sn" ), "W", null );
        eval = new SubstringEvaluator( ( SubstringNode ) exprNode, store, schemaManager );
        evaluators.add( eval );
        Cursor subStrCursor2 = new SubstringCursor( store, ( SubstringEvaluator ) eval );
        cursors.add( subStrCursor2 );

        orNode.addNode( exprNode );
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    public void testIndexedCnStartsWithJ() throws Exception
        SubstringNode node = new SubstringNode( schemaManager.getAttributeType( "cn" ), "j", null );
        SubstringEvaluator evaluator = new SubstringEvaluator( node, store, schemaManager );
        SubstringCursor cursor = new SubstringCursor( store, evaluator );

        assertEquals( node, evaluator.getExpression() );


        assertTrue( );
        assertTrue( cursor.available() );
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