
Examples of


        supportedControls = new ArrayList<String>();

        Attribute attr = rootDse.get( SchemaConstants.SUPPORTED_CONTROL_AT );

        for ( Value<?> value : attr )
            supportedControls.add( value.getString() );
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                if ( isApacheDs( rootDse ) )
                    System.out.println( "isApacheDS" );

                    // Getting the subSchemaSubEntry attribute
                    Attribute subschemaSubentryAttribute = rootDse.get( SchemaConstants.SUBSCHEMA_SUBENTRY_AT );

                    if ( ( subschemaSubentryAttribute != null ) && ( subschemaSubentryAttribute.size() > 0 ) )
                        subschemaSubentryDn = new Dn( connection.getSchemaManager(),
                            subschemaSubentryAttribute.getString() );
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    private boolean isApacheDs( Entry rootDse ) throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException
        if ( rootDse != null )
            Attribute vendorNameAttribute = rootDse.get( SchemaConstants.VENDOR_NAME_AT );

            if ( ( vendorNameAttribute != null ) && vendorNameAttribute.size() == 1 )
                return DEFAULT_APACHEDS_VENDOR_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase( vendorNameAttribute.getString() );

        return false;
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        // Load all the AT
        Attribute attributeTypes = subschemaSubentry.get( SchemaConstants.ATTRIBUTE_TYPES_AT );
        loadAttributeTypes( attributeTypes );

        // Load all the C
        Attribute comparators = subschemaSubentry.get( SchemaConstants.COMPARATORS_AT );
        loadComparators( comparators );

        // Load all the DCR
        Attribute ditContentRules = subschemaSubentry.get( SchemaConstants.DIT_CONTENT_RULES_AT );
        loadDitContentRules( ditContentRules );

        // Load all the DSR
        Attribute ditStructureRules = subschemaSubentry.get( SchemaConstants.DIT_STRUCTURE_RULES_AT );
        loadDitStructureRules( ditStructureRules );

        // Load all the LS
        Attribute ldapSytaxes = subschemaSubentry.get( SchemaConstants.LDAP_SYNTAXES_AT );
        loadLdapSyntaxes( ldapSytaxes );

        // Load all the MR
        Attribute matchingRules = subschemaSubentry.get( SchemaConstants.MATCHING_RULES_AT );
        loadMatchingRules( matchingRules );

        // Load all the MRU
        Attribute matchingRuleUse = subschemaSubentry.get( SchemaConstants.MATCHING_RULE_USE_AT );
        loadMatchingRuleUses( matchingRuleUse );

        // Load all the N
        Attribute normalizers = subschemaSubentry.get( SchemaConstants.NORMALIZERS_AT );
        loadNormalizers( normalizers );

        // Load all the NF
        Attribute nameForms = subschemaSubentry.get( SchemaConstants.NAME_FORMS_AT );
        loadNameForms( nameForms );

        // Load all the OC
        Attribute objectClasses = subschemaSubentry.get( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASSES_AT );
        loadObjectClasses( objectClasses );

        // Load all the SC
        Attribute syntaxCheckers = subschemaSubentry.get( SchemaConstants.SYNTAX_CHECKERS_AT );
        loadSyntaxCheckers( syntaxCheckers );
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        assertTrue( entry.isLdifContent() );

        assertEquals( "cn=app1,ou=applications,ou=conf,dc=apache,dc=org", entry.getDn().getName() );

        Attribute attr = entry.get( "displayname" );
        assertTrue( attr.contains( "app1" ) );

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        assertEquals( "dc=example,dc=com", entry.getDn().getName() );

        List<Modification> mods = entry.getModifications();
        assertTrue( mods.size() == 1 );
        Attribute attr = mods.get( 0 ).getAttribute();
        assertTrue( attr.getId().equals( "administrativerole" ) );
        assertEquals( attr.getString(), "accessControlSpecificArea" );
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        LdifEntry entry = entries.get( 0 );
        assertTrue( entry.isLdifContent() );

        assertEquals( "cn=app1,ou=applications,ou=conf,dc=apache,dc=org", entry.getDn().getName() );

        Attribute attr = entry.get( "cn" );
        assertTrue( attr.contains( "app1" ) );

        attr = entry.get( "objectclass" );
        assertTrue( attr.contains( "top" ) );
        assertTrue( attr.contains( "apApplication" ) );

        attr = entry.get( "displayname" );
        assertTrue( attr.contains( "app1" ) );

        attr = entry.get( "dependencies" );
        assertNull( attr.get().getValue() );

        attr = entry.get( "envvars" );
        assertNull( attr.get().getValue() );
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        LdifEntry entry = entries.get( 0 );
        assertTrue( entry.isLdifContent() );

        assertEquals( "cn=app1,ou=applications,ou=conf,dc=apache,dc=org", entry.getDn().getName() );

        Attribute attr = entry.get( "cn" );
        assertTrue( attr.contains( "app1#another comment" ) );

        attr = entry.get( "objectclass" );
        assertTrue( attr.contains( "top" ) );
        assertTrue( attr.contains( "apApplication" ) );

        attr = entry.get( "displayname" );
        assertTrue( attr.contains( "app1" ) );

        attr = entry.get( "dependencies" );
        assertNull( attr.get().getValue() );

        attr = entry.get( "envvars" );
        assertNull( attr.get().getValue() );
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        LdifEntry entry = entries.get( 0 );
        assertTrue( entry.isLdifContent() );

        assertEquals( "cn=app1,ou=applications,ou=conf,dc=apache,dc=org", entry.getDn().getName() );

        Attribute attr = entry.get( "cn" );
        assertTrue( attr.contains( "app1#another comment" ) );

        attr = entry.get( "objectclass" );
        assertTrue( attr.contains( "top" ) );
        assertTrue( attr.contains( "apApplication" ) );

        attr = entry.get( "displayname" );
        assertTrue( attr.contains( "app1" ) );

        attr = entry.get( "dependencies" );
        assertNull( attr.get().getValue() );

        attr = entry.get( "envvars" );
        assertNull( attr.get().getValue() );
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        LdifEntry entry = entries.get( 0 );
        assertTrue( entry.isLdifContent() );

        assertEquals( "cn=app1,ou=applications,ou=conf,dc=apache,dc=org", entry.getDn().getName() );

        Attribute attr = entry.get( "cn" );
        assertTrue( attr.contains( "Emmanuel L\u00e9charny".getBytes( "UTF-8" ) ) );

        attr = entry.get( "objectclass" );
        assertTrue( attr.contains( "top" ) );
        assertTrue( attr.contains( "apApplication" ) );

        attr = entry.get( "displayname" );
        assertTrue( attr.contains( "app1" ) );

        attr = entry.get( "dependencies" );
        assertNull( attr.get().getValue() );

        attr = entry.get( "envvars" );
        assertNull( attr.get().getValue() );
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