
Examples of

    public void testEvaluatorIndexed() throws Exception
        AttributeType at = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( SchemaConstants.POSTALCODE_AT_OID );
        LessEqNode node = new LessEqNode( at, new StringValue( at, "3" ) );

        LessEqEvaluator evaluator = new LessEqEvaluator( node, store, schemaManager );
        IndexEntry<String, String> indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        assertEquals( node, evaluator.getExpression() );
        assertEquals( SchemaConstants.POSTALCODE_AT_OID, evaluator.getAttributeType().getOid() );
        assertNotNull( evaluator.getNormalizer() );
        assertNotNull( evaluator.getComparator() );

        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 1L ) );
        assertTrue( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );

        indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 4L ) );
        assertTrue( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );

        indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 5L ) );
        assertTrue( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );

        indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 6L ) );
        assertFalse( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );

        indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 7L ) );
        assertFalse( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );

        indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 8L ) );
        assertFalse( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );

        indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 9L ) );
        assertFalse( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );

        indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 10L ) );
        assertFalse( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );
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    public void testEvaluatorWithDescendantValue() throws Exception
        AttributeType at = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( SchemaConstants.STREET_AT_OID );
        LessEqNode node = new LessEqNode( at, new StringValue( at, "2" ) );

        LessEqEvaluator evaluator = new LessEqEvaluator( node, store, schemaManager );
        IndexEntry<String, String> indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        assertEquals( node, evaluator.getExpression() );
        assertEquals( SchemaConstants.STREET_AT_OID, evaluator.getAttributeType().getOid() );
        assertNotNull( evaluator.getNormalizer() );
        assertNotNull( evaluator.getComparator() );

        Dn dn = new Dn( schemaManager, "cn=jane doe,o=good times co." );
        Entry attrs = new DefaultEntry( schemaManager, dn );
        attrs.add( "objectClass", "person" );
        attrs.add( "c-street", "1" );
        attrs.add( "cn", "jane doe" );
        attrs.add( "sn", "doe" );
        attrs.add( "entryCSN", new CsnFactory( 1 ).newInstance().toString() );
        attrs.add( "entryUUID", Strings.getUUID( 12L ).toString() );

        AddOperationContext addContext = new AddOperationContext( null, attrs );
        ( ( Partition ) store ).add( addContext );

        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 12L ) );
        assertTrue( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );
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    public void testEvaluatorWithoutDescendants() throws Exception
        AttributeType at = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( SchemaConstants.C_POSTALCODE_AT_OID );
        LessEqNode node = new LessEqNode( at, new StringValue( at, "2" ) );

        LessEqEvaluator evaluator = new LessEqEvaluator( node, store, schemaManager );
        IndexEntry<String, String> indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        assertEquals( node, evaluator.getExpression() );
        assertEquals( SchemaConstants.C_POSTALCODE_AT_OID, evaluator.getAttributeType().getOid() );
        assertNotNull( evaluator.getNormalizer() );
        assertNotNull( evaluator.getComparator() );

        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 1L ) );
        assertFalse( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );
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    public void testEvaluatorNotIndexed() throws Exception
        AttributeType at = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( SchemaConstants.POSTOFFICEBOX_AT_OID );
        LessEqNode node = new LessEqNode( at, new StringValue( at, "3" ) );

        LessEqEvaluator evaluator = new LessEqEvaluator( node, store, schemaManager );
        IndexEntry<String, String> indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        assertEquals( node, evaluator.getExpression() );
        assertEquals( SchemaConstants.POSTOFFICEBOX_AT_OID, evaluator.getAttributeType().getOid() );
        assertNotNull( evaluator.getNormalizer() );
        assertNotNull( evaluator.getComparator() );

        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 1L ) );
        assertTrue( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );

        indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 4L ) );
        assertTrue( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );

        indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 5L ) );
        assertTrue( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );

        indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 6L ) );
        assertFalse( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );

        indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 7L ) );
        assertFalse( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );

        indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 8L ) );
        assertFalse( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );

        indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 9L ) );
        assertFalse( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );

        indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 10L ) );
        assertFalse( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );
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            LessEqNode node = new LessEqNode( at, new StringValue( at, "3" ) );

            new LessEqEvaluator( node, store, schemaManager );
            assertTrue( schemaManager.delete( at ) );
            assertTrue( schemaManager.delete( syntax ) );
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        names.add( "bogus" );
        desc.setNames( names );
        desc.setObsolete( false );

        LessEqNode node = new LessEqNode( at, new StringValue( at, "3" ) );
        new LessEqEvaluator( node, store, schemaManager );
        schemaManager.delete( at );
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