Package org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile

Examples of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.CompilerContext


    nestedFromList = emptyFromList;

    CompilerContext compilerContext = getCompilerContext();

    if (origCompilationSchema != null) {
      // View expansion needs the definition time schema

    try {
    } finally {
      if (origCompilationSchema != null) {

    if (orderByList != null) {
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      ** RESOLVE: we may ultimately wish to pass in
      ** whether we are a jdbc metadata query or not to
      ** get the CompilerContext to make the createDependency()
      ** call a noop.
      CompilerContext cc = lcc.pushCompilerContext(compilationSchema);
      if (prepareIsolationLevel !=

      // Look for stored statements that are in a system schema
      // and with a match compilation schema. If so, allow them
      // to compile using internal SQL constructs.

      if (internalSQL ||
        (spsSchema != null) && (spsSchema.isSystemSchema()) &&
          (spsSchema.equals(compilationSchema))) {

        // Statement logging if lcc.getLogStatementText() is true
        if (istream != null)
          String xactId = lcc.getTransactionExecute().getActiveStateTxIdString();
          istream.printlnWithHeader(LanguageConnectionContext.xidStr +
                        xactId +
                        "), " +
                        LanguageConnectionContext.lccStr +
                          lcc.getInstanceNumber() +
                        "), " +
                        LanguageConnectionContext.dbnameStr +
                          lcc.getDbname() +
                        "), " +
                        LanguageConnectionContext.drdaStr +
                          lcc.getDrdaID() +
                        "), Begin compiling prepared statement: " +
                        getSource() +
                        " :End prepared statement");

        Parser p = cc.getParser();


        //Only top level statements go through here, nested statement
        //will invoke this method from other places
        StatementNode qt = p.parseStatement(statementText, paramDefaults);

        parseTime = getCurrentTimeMillis(lcc);

        if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
          if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON("DumpParseTree"))

          if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON("StopAfterParsing"))
            throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_STOP_AFTER_PARSING);

        ** Tell the data dictionary that we are about to do
        ** a bunch of "get" operations that must be consistent with
        ** each other.
        DataDictionary dataDictionary = lcc.getDataDictionary();

        int ddMode = dataDictionary == null ? 0 : dataDictionary.startReading(lcc);

          // start a nested transaction -- all locks acquired by bind
          // and optimize will be released when we end the nested
          // transaction.

          bindTime = getCurrentTimeMillis(lcc);

          if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON("DumpBindTree"))

            if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON("StopAfterBinding")) {
              throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_STOP_AFTER_BINDING);

          //Derby424 - In order to avoid caching select statements referencing
          // any SESSION schema objects (including statements referencing views
          // in SESSION schema), we need to do the SESSION schema object check
          // here. 
          //a specific eg for statement referencing a view in SESSION schema
          //CREATE TABLE t28A (c28 int)
          //INSERT INTO t28A VALUES (280),(281)
          //CREATE VIEW SESSION.t28v1 as select * from t28A
          //SELECT * from SESSION.t28v1 should show contents of view and we
          // should not cache this statement because a user can later define
          // a global temporary table with the same name as the view name.
          //Following demonstrates that
          //DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t28v1(c21 int, c22 int) not
          //     logged
          //INSERT INTO SESSION.t28v1 VALUES (280,1),(281,2)
          //SELECT * from SESSION.t28v1 should show contents of global temporary
          //table and not the view.  Since this select statement was not cached
          // earlier, it will be compiled again and will go to global temporary
          // table to fetch data. This plan will not be cached either because
          // select statement is using SESSION schema object.
          //Following if statement makes sure that if the statement is
          // referencing SESSION schema objects, then we do not want to cache it.
          // We will remove the entry that was made into the cache for
          //this statement at the beginning of the compile phase.
          //The reason we do this check here rather than later in the compile
          // phase is because for a view, later on, we loose the information that
          // it was referencing SESSION schema because the reference
          //view gets replaced with the actual view definition. Right after
          // binding, we still have the information on the view and that is why
          // we do the check here.
          if (preparedStmt.referencesSessionSchema(qt)) {
            if (foundInCache)

          optimizeTime = getCurrentTimeMillis(lcc);

          // Statement logging if lcc.getLogStatementText() is true
          if (istream != null)
            String xactId = lcc.getTransactionExecute().getActiveStateTxIdString();
            istream.printlnWithHeader(LanguageConnectionContext.xidStr +
                          xactId +
                          "), " +
                          LanguageConnectionContext.lccStr +
                          lcc.getInstanceNumber() +
                          "), " +
                          LanguageConnectionContext.dbnameStr +
                          lcc.getDbname() +
                          "), " +
                          LanguageConnectionContext.drdaStr +
                          lcc.getDrdaID() +
                          "), End compiling prepared statement: " +
                          getSource() +
                          " :End prepared statement");

        catch (StandardException se)

          // Statement logging if lcc.getLogStatementText() is true
          if (istream != null)
            String xactId = lcc.getTransactionExecute().getActiveStateTxIdString();
            istream.printlnWithHeader(LanguageConnectionContext.xidStr +
                          xactId +
                          "), " +
                          LanguageConnectionContext.lccStr +
                          lcc.getInstanceNumber() +
                          "), " +
                          LanguageConnectionContext.dbnameStr +
                          lcc.getDbname() +
                          "), " +
                          LanguageConnectionContext.drdaStr +
                          lcc.getDrdaID() +
                          "), Error compiling prepared statement: " +
                          getSource() +
                          " :End prepared statement");
          throw se;

          /* Tell the data dictionary that we are done reading */
          if (dataDictionary != null)
          dataDictionary.doneReading(ddMode, lcc);

        /* we need to move the commit of nested sub-transaction
         * after we mark PS valid, during compilation, we might need
         * to get some lock to synchronize with another thread's DDL
         * execution, in particular, the compilation of insert/update/
         * delete vs. create index/constraint (see Beetle 3976).  We
         * can't release such lock until after we mark the PS valid.
         * Otherwise we would just erase the DDL's invalidation when
         * we mark it valid.
        try    // put in try block, commit sub-transaction if bad
          if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON("DumpOptimizedTree"))

            if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON("StopAfterOptimizing"))
              throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_STOP_AFTER_OPTIMIZING);

          GeneratedClass ac = qt.generate(preparedStmt.getByteCodeSaver());

          generateTime = getCurrentTimeMillis(lcc);
          /* endTimestamp only meaningful if generateTime is meaningful.
           * generateTime is meaningful if STATISTICS TIMING is ON.
          if (generateTime != 0)
            endTimestamp = new Timestamp(generateTime);

          if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON("StopAfterGenerating"))
              throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_STOP_AFTER_GENERATING);

            copy over the compile-time created objects
            to the prepared statement.  This always happens
            at the end of a compile, so there is no need
            to erase the previous entries on a re-compile --
            this erases as it replaces.  Set the activation
            class in case it came from a StorablePreparedStatement
          preparedStmt.setConstantAction( qt.makeConstantAction() );
          preparedStmt.setSavedObjects( cc.getSavedObjects() );
        catch (StandardException e)   // hold it, throw it
          throw e;
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         (actionSPS.getPreparedStatement() == null)) &&
         isRow && (referencingOld || referencingNew))
      SchemaDescriptor compSchema;
      compSchema = getDataDictionary().getSchemaDescriptor(triggerSchemaId, null);
      CompilerContext newCC = lcc.pushCompilerContext(compSchema);
      Parser  pa = newCC.getParser();
      StatementNode stmtnode = (StatementNode)pa.parseStatement(triggerDefinition);
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    //Judged as default value is constant value.
    CompilerContext cc = getCompilerContext();

    ValueNode defaultTree = defaultNode.getDefaultTree();

    /* bind the default.
     * Verify that it does not contain any ColumnReferences or subqueries
     * and that it is type compatable with the column.
    final int previousReliability = cc.getReliability();
        Defaults cannot have dependencies as they
        should just be constants. Code used to exist
        to handle dependencies in defaults, now this
        is under sanity to ensure no dependencies exist.
      ProviderList apl = null;
      ProviderList prevAPL = null;

      if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
        apl = new ProviderList();
        prevAPL = cc.getCurrentAuxiliaryProviderList();
      // Tell the compiler context to only allow deterministic nodes
      cc.setReliability( CompilerContext.DEFAULT_RESTRICTION );
      defaultTree = defaultTree.bindExpression(
              (FromList) getNodeFactory().getNode(
              (SubqueryList) null,
              (Vector) null);

      TypeId columnTypeId = getType().getTypeId();
      TypeId defaultTypeId = defaultTree.getTypeId();

      // Check for 'invalid default' errors (42894)
      // before checking for 'not storable' errors (42821).
      if (!defaultTypeIsValid(columnTypeId, getType(),
          defaultTypeId, defaultTree, defaultNode.getDefaultText()))
          throw StandardException.newException(

      // Now check 'not storable' errors.
      if (! getTypeCompiler(columnTypeId).
                storable(defaultTypeId, getClassFactory()))
        throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_NOT_STORABLE,
          defaultTypeId.getSQLTypeName() );

      // Save off the default text
      // RESOLVEDEFAULT - Convert to constant if possible
      defaultInfo = new DefaultInfoImpl(false,

      if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
        /* Save the APL off in the constraint node */
        if (apl.size() > 0)

          SanityManager.THROWASSERT("DEFAULT clause has unexpected dependencies");
        // Restore the previous AuxiliaryProviderList

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        boolean                 forUpdate,
        ResultSetNode       updateResultSet
    throws StandardException
    CompilerContext       compilerContext = getCompilerContext();
        int  count = targetRCL.size();

        for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
            ResultColumn    rc = (ResultColumn) targetRCL.elementAt( i );

            // For updates, there are two copies of the column in the row: a
            // before image and the actual value which will be set when we
            // update the row. We only want to compile a generation clause for
            // the value which will be updated.
            if ( forUpdate && !rc.updated() ) { continue; }
            if ( rc.hasGenerationClause() )
                ColumnDescriptor    colDesc = rc.getTableColumnDescriptor();
                DataTypeDescriptor  dtd = colDesc.getType();
                DefaultInfo             di = colDesc.getDefaultInfo();
                ValueNode   generationClause = parseGenerationClause( di.getDefaultText(), targetTableDescriptor );

                // insert CAST in case column data type is not same as the
                // resolved type of the generation clause
                generationClause = (ValueNode) getNodeFactory().getNode

                // Unqualified function references should resolve to the
                // current schema at the time that the table was
                // created/altered. See DERBY-3945.
                SchemaDescriptor    originalCurrentSchema = getSchemaDescriptor( di.getOriginalCurrentSchema(), true );
                compilerContext.pushCompilationSchema( originalCurrentSchema );

        try {
                    bindRowScopedExpression( getNodeFactory(), getContextManager(), targetTableDescriptor, sourceRCL, generationClause );

                ResultColumn    newRC =  (ResultColumn) getNodeFactory().getNode
                    ( C_NodeTypes.RESULT_COLUMN, generationClause.getTypeServices(), generationClause, getContextManager());
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    throws StandardException
    Parser            p;
    ValueNode          clauseTree;
    LanguageConnectionContext  lcc = getLanguageConnectionContext();
    CompilerContext       compilerContext = getCompilerContext();

    /* Get a Statement to pass to the parser */

    /* We're all set up to parse. We have to build a compilable SQL statement
     * before we can parse -  So, we goober up a VALUES defaultText.
    String select = "SELECT " + clauseText + " FROM " + td.getQualifiedName();
    ** Get a new compiler context, so the parsing of the select statement
    ** doesn't mess up anything in the current context (it could clobber
    ** the ParameterValueSet, for example).
    CompilerContext newCC = lcc.pushCompilerContext();

    p = newCC.getParser();
    /* Finally, we can call the parser */
    // Since this is always nested inside another SQL statement, so topLevel flag
    // should be false
    StatementNode qt = p.parseStatement(select);
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    GenericDescriptorList     tdl,
    Dependent          dependent
    throws StandardException
    CompilerContext       compilerContext = getCompilerContext();

    Enumeration descs = tdl.elements();

    while (descs.hasMoreElements())
      TriggerDescriptor td = (TriggerDescriptor)descs.nextElement();

      ** The dependent now depends on this trigger.
      ** the default dependent is the statement
      ** being compiled.
      if (dependent == null)
        compilerContext.createDependency(dependent, td);
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    ConstraintDescriptorList   cdl,
    Dependent          dependent
    throws StandardException
    CompilerContext       compilerContext = getCompilerContext();

    int cdlSize = cdl.size();
    for (int index = 0; index < cdlSize; index++)
      ConstraintDescriptor cd = cdl.elementAt(index);

      ** The dependent now depends on this constraint.
      ** the default dependent is the statement
      ** being compiled.
      if (dependent == null)
        compilerContext.createDependency(dependent, cd);

      ** We are also dependent on all referencing keys --
      ** if one of them is deleted, we'll have to recompile.
      ** Also, if there is a BULK_INSERT on the table
      ** we are going to scan to validate the constraint,
      ** the index number will change, so we'll add a
      ** dependency on all tables we will scan.
      if (cd instanceof ReferencedKeyConstraintDescriptor)
        ConstraintDescriptorList fkcdl = dd.getActiveConstraintDescriptors
          ( ((ReferencedKeyConstraintDescriptor)cd).getForeignKeyConstraints(ConstraintDescriptor.ENABLED) );
        int fklSize = fkcdl.size();
        for (int inner = 0; inner < fklSize; inner++)
          ConstraintDescriptor fkcd = fkcdl.elementAt(inner);
          if (dependent == null)
            compilerContext.createDependency(dependent, fkcd);
            compilerContext.createDependency(dependent, fkcd.getTableDescriptor());
      else if (cd instanceof ForeignKeyConstraintDescriptor)
        ForeignKeyConstraintDescriptor fkcd = (ForeignKeyConstraintDescriptor) cd;
        if (dependent == null)
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    throws StandardException
    Parser            p;
    ValueNode          checkTree;
    LanguageConnectionContext  lcc = getLanguageConnectionContext();
    CompilerContext       compilerContext = getCompilerContext();

    /* Get a Statement to pass to the parser */

    /* We're all set up to parse. We have to build a compile SQL statement
     * before we can parse - we just have a WHERE clause right now.
     * So, we goober up a SELECT * FROM table WHERE checkDefs.
    String select = "SELECT * FROM " +
                  td.getQualifiedName() +
                  " WHERE " +
    ** Get a new compiler context, so the parsing of the select statement
    ** doesn't mess up anything in the current context (it could clobber
    ** the ParameterValueSet, for example).
    CompilerContext newCC = lcc.pushCompilerContext();

    p = newCC.getParser();
    /* Finally, we can call the parser */
    // Since this is always nested inside another SQL statement, so topLevel flag
    // should be false
    StatementNode qt = p.parseStatement(select);
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    throws StandardException
    ConglomerateDescriptor  cd;
    int            indexCount = affectedConglomerates.size();
    CompilerContext      cc = getCompilerContext();

    indicesToMaintain = new IndexRowGenerator[ indexCount ];
    indexConglomerateNumbers = new long[ indexCount ];
    indexNames = new String[indexCount];

    for ( int ictr = 0; ictr < indexCount; ictr++ )
      cd = (ConglomerateDescriptor) affectedConglomerates.elementAt( ictr );

      indicesToMaintain[ ictr ] = cd.getIndexDescriptor();
      indexConglomerateNumbers[ ictr ] = cd.getConglomerateNumber();
      indexNames[ictr] =
        ((cd.isConstraint()) ? null : cd.getConglomerateName());


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Related Classes of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.CompilerContext

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