Package org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile

Examples of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.CompilerContext

     * ResultColumnList that is a lsit of virtual column nodes pointing
     * to the source's result columns.  But since we know it is outermost,
     * we just gloss over that and get ourselves a resultSetNumber
     * directly.
    CompilerContext cc = getCompilerContext();

      create the orderItem and stuff it in.
    int orderItem = acb.addItem(acb.getColumnOrdering(this));

    /* Generate the SortResultSet:
     *  arg1: childExpress - Expression for childResultSet
     *  arg2: distinct - always false, we have a separate node
     *        for distincts
     *  arg3: isInSortedOrder - is the source result set in sorted order
     *  arg4: orderItem - entry in saved objects for the ordering
     *  arg5: rowAllocator - method to construct rows for fetching
     *      from the sort
     *  arg6: row size
     *  arg7: resultSetNumber
     *  arg8: estimated row count
     *  arg9: estimated cost


    child.generate(acb, mb);

    int resultSetNumber = cc.getNextResultSetNumber();

    // is a distinct query

    // not in sorted order
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      ** RESOLVE: we may ultimately wish to pass in
      ** whether we are a jdbc metadata query or not to
      ** get the CompilerContext to make the createDependency()
      ** call a noop.
      CompilerContext cc = lcc.pushCompilerContext(compilationSchema);
      if (prepareIsolationLevel !=

      // Look for stored statements that are in a system schema
      // and with a match compilation schema. If so, allow them
      // to compile using internal SQL constructs.

      if (internalSQL ||
        (spsSchema != null) && (spsSchema.isSystemSchema()) &&
          (spsSchema.equals(compilationSchema))) {

        // Statement logging if lcc.getLogStatementText() is true
        if (istream != null)
          String xactId = lcc.getTransactionExecute().getActiveStateTxIdString();
          istream.printlnWithHeader(LanguageConnectionContext.xidStr +
                        xactId +
                        "), " +
                        LanguageConnectionContext.lccStr +
                          lcc.getInstanceNumber() +
                        "), " +
                        LanguageConnectionContext.dbnameStr +
                          lcc.getDbname() +
                        "), " +
                        LanguageConnectionContext.drdaStr +
                          lcc.getDrdaID() +
                        "), Begin compiling prepared statement: " +
                        getSource() +
                        " :End prepared statement");

        Parser p = cc.getParser();


        //Only top level statements go through here, nested statement
        //will invoke this method from other places
        StatementNode qt = p.parseStatement(statementText, paramDefaults);

        parseTime = getCurrentTimeMillis(lcc);

                // Call user-written tree-printer if it exists
                walkAST( lcc, qt, ASTVisitor.AFTER_PARSE);

        if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
          if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON("DumpParseTree"))

          if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON("StopAfterParsing"))
                        lcc.setLastQueryTree( qt );
            throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_STOP_AFTER_PARSING);

        ** Tell the data dictionary that we are about to do
        ** a bunch of "get" operations that must be consistent with
        ** each other.
        DataDictionary dataDictionary = lcc.getDataDictionary();

        int ddMode = dataDictionary == null ? 0 : dataDictionary.startReading(lcc);

          // start a nested transaction -- all locks acquired by bind
          // and optimize will be released when we end the nested
          // transaction.

          bindTime = getCurrentTimeMillis(lcc);

                    // Call user-written tree-printer if it exists
                    walkAST( lcc, qt, ASTVisitor.AFTER_BIND);

          if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON("DumpBindTree"))

            if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON("StopAfterBinding")) {
              throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_STOP_AFTER_BINDING);

          //Derby424 - In order to avoid caching select statements referencing
          // any SESSION schema objects (including statements referencing views
          // in SESSION schema), we need to do the SESSION schema object check
          // here. 
          //a specific eg for statement referencing a view in SESSION schema
          //CREATE TABLE t28A (c28 int)
          //INSERT INTO t28A VALUES (280),(281)
          //CREATE VIEW SESSION.t28v1 as select * from t28A
          //SELECT * from SESSION.t28v1 should show contents of view and we
          // should not cache this statement because a user can later define
          // a global temporary table with the same name as the view name.
          //Following demonstrates that
          //DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE SESSION.t28v1(c21 int, c22 int) not
          //     logged
          //INSERT INTO SESSION.t28v1 VALUES (280,1),(281,2)
          //SELECT * from SESSION.t28v1 should show contents of global temporary
          //table and not the view.  Since this select statement was not cached
          // earlier, it will be compiled again and will go to global temporary
          // table to fetch data. This plan will not be cached either because
          // select statement is using SESSION schema object.
          //Following if statement makes sure that if the statement is
          // referencing SESSION schema objects, then we do not want to cache it.
          // We will remove the entry that was made into the cache for
          //this statement at the beginning of the compile phase.
          //The reason we do this check here rather than later in the compile
          // phase is because for a view, later on, we loose the information that
          // it was referencing SESSION schema because the reference
          //view gets replaced with the actual view definition. Right after
          // binding, we still have the information on the view and that is why
          // we do the check here.
          if (preparedStmt.referencesSessionSchema(qt)) {
            if (foundInCache)

          optimizeTime = getCurrentTimeMillis(lcc);

                    // Call user-written tree-printer if it exists
                    walkAST( lcc, qt, ASTVisitor.AFTER_OPTIMIZE);

          // Statement logging if lcc.getLogStatementText() is true
          if (istream != null)
            String xactId = lcc.getTransactionExecute().getActiveStateTxIdString();
            istream.printlnWithHeader(LanguageConnectionContext.xidStr +
                          xactId +
                          "), " +
                          LanguageConnectionContext.lccStr +
                          lcc.getInstanceNumber() +
                          "), " +
                          LanguageConnectionContext.dbnameStr +
                          lcc.getDbname() +
                          "), " +
                          LanguageConnectionContext.drdaStr +
                          lcc.getDrdaID() +
                          "), End compiling prepared statement: " +
                          getSource() +
                          " :End prepared statement");

        catch (StandardException se)

          // Statement logging if lcc.getLogStatementText() is true
          if (istream != null)
            String xactId = lcc.getTransactionExecute().getActiveStateTxIdString();
            istream.printlnWithHeader(LanguageConnectionContext.xidStr +
                          xactId +
                          "), " +
                          LanguageConnectionContext.lccStr +
                          lcc.getInstanceNumber() +
                          "), " +
                          LanguageConnectionContext.dbnameStr +
                          lcc.getDbname() +
                          "), " +
                          LanguageConnectionContext.drdaStr +
                          lcc.getDrdaID() +
                          "), Error compiling prepared statement: " +
                          getSource() +
                          " :End prepared statement");
          throw se;

          /* Tell the data dictionary that we are done reading */
          if (dataDictionary != null)
          dataDictionary.doneReading(ddMode, lcc);

        /* we need to move the commit of nested sub-transaction
         * after we mark PS valid, during compilation, we might need
         * to get some lock to synchronize with another thread's DDL
         * execution, in particular, the compilation of insert/update/
         * delete vs. create index/constraint (see Beetle 3976).  We
         * can't release such lock until after we mark the PS valid.
         * Otherwise we would just erase the DDL's invalidation when
         * we mark it valid.
        try    // put in try block, commit sub-transaction if bad
          if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON("DumpOptimizedTree"))

            if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON("StopAfterOptimizing"))
              throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_STOP_AFTER_OPTIMIZING);

          GeneratedClass ac = qt.generate(preparedStmt.getByteCodeSaver());

          generateTime = getCurrentTimeMillis(lcc);
          /* endTimestamp only meaningful if generateTime is meaningful.
           * generateTime is meaningful if STATISTICS TIMING is ON.
          if (generateTime != 0)
            endTimestamp = new Timestamp(generateTime);

          if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON("StopAfterGenerating"))
              throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_STOP_AFTER_GENERATING);

            copy over the compile-time created objects
            to the prepared statement.  This always happens
            at the end of a compile, so there is no need
            to erase the previous entries on a re-compile --
            this erases as it replaces.  Set the activation
            class in case it came from a StorablePreparedStatement
          preparedStmt.setConstantAction( qt.makeConstantAction() );
          preparedStmt.setSavedObjects( cc.getSavedObjects() );

                    // Schedule updates of any stale index statistics we may
                    // have detected when creating the plan.
                    TableDescriptor[] tds = qt.updateIndexStatisticsFor();
                    if (tds.length > 0) {
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   * The compiler context's compilation schema will be set accordingly based
   * on the given input above.  
  public  CompilerContext pushCompilerContext(SchemaDescriptor sd)
    CompilerContext cc;
    boolean      firstCompilerContext = false;

    //  DEBUG  END

    cc = (CompilerContext) (getContextManager().getContext(CompilerContext.CONTEXT_ID));

    ** If there is no compiler context, this is the first one on the
    ** stack, so don't pop it when we're done (saves time).
    if (cc == null) { firstCompilerContext = true; }

    if (cc == null || cc.getInUse())
      cc = new CompilerContextImpl(getContextManager(), this, tcf);
      if (firstCompilerContext) { cc.firstOnStack(); }
      /* Reset the next column,table, subquery and ResultSet numbers at
       * the beginning of each statement


    // Save off the current isolation level on entry so that it gets restored
    cc.setEntryIsolationLevel( getCurrentIsolationLevel());

    StatementContext sc = getStatementContext();
    if (sc.getSystemCode())

     * Set the compilation schema when its UUID is available.
     * i.e.:  Schema may not have been physically created yet, so
     *        its UUID will be null.
     * o For trigger SPS recompilation, the system must use its
     *   compilation schema to recompile the statement.
     * o For view recompilation, we set the compilation schema
     *   for this compiler context if its UUID is available.
     *   Otherwise, the compilation schema will be determined
     *   at execution time of view creation.
    if (sd != null && sd.getUUID() != null)
    return  cc;
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    ** Get a new compiler context, so the parsing of the text
    ** doesn't mess up anything in the current context
    LanguageConnectionContext lcc = getLanguageConnectionContext();
    CompilerContext newCC = lcc.pushCompilerContext();
    if (internalSQL)

      Parser p = newCC.getParser();
      return p.parseStatement(sql);

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    SchemaDescriptor sd = null;
    boolean isCurrent = false;
    boolean isCompilation = false;
    if (schemaName == null) {

      CompilerContext cc = getCompilerContext();
      sd = cc.getCompilationSchema();

      if (sd == null) {
        // Set the compilation schema to be the default,
        // notes that this query has schema dependencies.
        sd = getLanguageConnectionContext().getDefaultSchema();

        isCurrent = true;

        isCompilation = true;
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    DataDictionary dd = getDataDictionary();
    String nextSynonymTable = tabName.getTableName();
    String nextSynonymSchema = tabName.getSchemaName();
    boolean found = false;
    CompilerContext cc = getCompilerContext();

    // Circular synonym references should have been detected at the DDL time, so
    // the following loop shouldn't loop forever.
    for (;;)
      SchemaDescriptor nextSD = getSchemaDescriptor(nextSynonymSchema, false);
      if (nextSD == null || nextSD.getUUID() == null)
      AliasDescriptor nextAD = dd.getAliasDescriptor(nextSD.getUUID().toString(),
             nextSynonymTable, AliasInfo.ALIAS_NAME_SPACE_SYNONYM_AS_CHAR);
      if (nextAD == null)

      /* Query is dependent on the AliasDescriptor */

      found = true;
      SynonymAliasInfo info = ((SynonymAliasInfo)nextAD.getAliasInfo());
      nextSynonymTable = info.getSynonymTable();
      nextSynonymSchema = info.getSynonymSchema();
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     * OR in more reliability bits and return the old reliability value.
    public int orReliability( int newBits )
        CompilerContext cc = getCompilerContext();
        int previousReliability = cc.getReliability();

        cc.setReliability( previousReliability | newBits );

        return previousReliability;
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        boolean                 forUpdate,
        ResultSetNode       updateResultSet
    throws StandardException
    CompilerContext       compilerContext = getCompilerContext();
        int  count = targetRCL.size();

        for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
            ResultColumn    rc = (ResultColumn) targetRCL.elementAt( i );

            // For updates, there are two copies of the column in the row: a
            // before image and the actual value which will be set when we
            // update the row. We only want to compile a generation clause for
            // the value which will be updated.
            if ( forUpdate && !rc.updated() ) { continue; }
            if ( rc.hasGenerationClause() )
                ColumnDescriptor    colDesc = rc.getTableColumnDescriptor();
                DataTypeDescriptor  dtd = colDesc.getType();
                DefaultInfo             di = colDesc.getDefaultInfo();
                ValueNode   generationClause = parseGenerationClause( di.getDefaultText(), targetTableDescriptor );

                // insert CAST in case column data type is not same as the
                // resolved type of the generation clause
                generationClause = (ValueNode) getNodeFactory().getNode

                // Unqualified function references should resolve to the
                // current schema at the time that the table was
                // created/altered. See DERBY-3945.
                SchemaDescriptor    originalCurrentSchema = getSchemaDescriptor( di.getOriginalCurrentSchema(), true );
                compilerContext.pushCompilationSchema( originalCurrentSchema );

        try {
                    bindRowScopedExpression( getNodeFactory(), getContextManager(), targetTableDescriptor, sourceRCL, generationClause );

                ResultColumn    newRC =  (ResultColumn) getNodeFactory().getNode
                    ( C_NodeTypes.RESULT_COLUMN, generationClause.getTypeServices(), generationClause, getContextManager());
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    throws StandardException
    Parser            p;
    ValueNode          clauseTree;
    LanguageConnectionContext  lcc = getLanguageConnectionContext();
    CompilerContext       compilerContext = getCompilerContext();

    /* Get a Statement to pass to the parser */

    /* We're all set up to parse. We have to build a compilable SQL statement
     * before we can parse -  So, we goober up a VALUES defaultText.
    String select = "SELECT " + clauseText + " FROM " + td.getQualifiedName();
    ** Get a new compiler context, so the parsing of the select statement
    ** doesn't mess up anything in the current context (it could clobber
    ** the ParameterValueSet, for example).
    CompilerContext newCC = lcc.pushCompilerContext();

    p = newCC.getParser();
    /* Finally, we can call the parser */
    // Since this is always nested inside another SQL statement, so topLevel flag
    // should be false
    StatementNode qt = p.parseStatement(select);
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    if (targetVTI != null)
      return null;

        CompilerContext compilerContext = getCompilerContext();
     // Donot need privileges to execute constraints
    compilerContext.pushCurrentPrivType( Authorizer.NULL_PRIV);
    try {
      createConstraintDependencies(dataDictionary, relevantCdl, dependent);
      generateFKInfo(relevantCdl, dataDictionary, targetTableDescriptor, readColsBitSet);

      getAllRelevantTriggers(dataDictionary, targetTableDescriptor,
                 changedColumnIds, includeTriggers);
      createTriggerDependencies(relevantTriggers, dependent);
      generateTriggerInfo(relevantTriggers, targetTableDescriptor, changedColumnIds);

      if (skipCheckConstraints)
        return null;

      checkConstraints = generateCheckTree(relevantCdl,

            if (checkConstraints != null)
                SchemaDescriptor    originalCurrentSchema = targetTableDescriptor.getSchemaDescriptor();
                compilerContext.pushCompilationSchema( originalCurrentSchema );

                try {
                    bindRowScopedExpression(nodeFactory, getContextManager(),

    return  checkConstraints;
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Related Classes of org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.CompilerContext

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