Package org.apache.cxf.message

Examples of org.apache.cxf.message.MessageContentsList

            if (dataFormat == DataFormat.POJO) {
                answer = message.getContent(List.class)
                if (answer == null) {
                    answer = message.getContent(Object.class);
                    if (answer != null) {
                        answer = new MessageContentsList(answer);
            } else if (dataFormat == DataFormat.PAYLOAD) {
                List<SoapHeader> headers = CastUtils.cast((List<?>)message.get(Header.HEADER_LIST));
                Map<String, String> nsMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
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                      && !node.getNodeValue().equals(Soap12.SOAP_NAMESPACE)) {
                    nsMap.put(node.getLocalName(), node.getNodeValue());
        MessageContentsList inObjects = MessageContentsList.getContentsList(message);
        if (inObjects == null) {
            return null;
        org.apache.cxf.message.Exchange exchange = message.getExchange();
        BindingOperationInfo boi = exchange.getBindingOperationInfo();

        OperationInfo op = boi.getOperationInfo();
        if (boi.isUnwrapped()) {
            op = boi.getWrappedOperation().getOperationInfo();

        List<MessagePartInfo> partInfos = null;
        boolean client = Boolean.TRUE.equals(message.get(Message.REQUESTOR_ROLE));
        if (client) {
            // it is a response
            partInfos = op.getOutput().getMessageParts();           
        } else {
            // it is a request
            partInfos = op.getInput().getMessageParts();           
        List<Source> answer = new ArrayList<Source>();

        for (MessagePartInfo partInfo : partInfos) {
            if (!inObjects.hasValue(partInfo)) {
            Object part = inObjects.get(partInfo);
            if (part instanceof Holder) {
                part = ((Holder<?>)part).value;
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            action.setValue(inProps.getAction().getValue().replace("/RST/", "/RSTR/"));
            exchange.getOutMessage().put(JAXWSAConstants.ADDRESSING_PROPERTIES_OUTBOUND, props);

        MessageContentsList lst = (MessageContentsList)o;
        DOMSource src = (DOMSource)lst.get(0);
        Node nd = src.getNode();
        Element requestEl = null;
        if (nd instanceof Document) {
            requestEl = ((Document)nd).getDocumentElement();
        } else {
            requestEl = (Element)nd;
        String namespace = requestEl.getNamespaceURI();
        String prefix = requestEl.getPrefix();
        SecurityToken cancelToken = null;
        if ("RequestSecurityToken".equals(requestEl.getLocalName())) {
            try {
                String requestType = null;
                Element binaryExchange = null;
                String tokenType = null;
                Element el = DOMUtils.getFirstElement(requestEl);
                while (el != null) {
                    String localName = el.getLocalName();
                    if (namespace.equals(el.getNamespaceURI())) {
                        if ("RequestType".equals(localName)) {
                            requestType = el.getTextContent();
                        } else if ("CancelTarget".equals(localName)) {
                            cancelToken = findCancelToken(exchange, el);
                        } else if ("BinaryExchange".equals(localName)) {
                            binaryExchange = el;
                        } else if ("TokenType".equals(localName)) {
                            tokenType = DOMUtils.getContent(el);

                    el = DOMUtils.getNextElement(el);
                if (requestType == null) {
                    requestType = "/Issue";
                if (requestType.endsWith("/Issue")
                    && !STSUtils.getTokenTypeSCT(namespace).equals(tokenType)) {
                    throw new Exception("Unknown token type: " + tokenType);
                W3CDOMStreamWriter writer = new W3CDOMStreamWriter();

                if (requestType.endsWith("/Issue")) {
                    doIssue(requestEl, exchange, binaryExchange, writer, prefix, namespace);
                } else if (requestType.endsWith("/Cancel")) {
                    doCancel(exchange, cancelToken, writer, prefix, namespace);
                } //else if (requestType.endsWith("/Renew")) {
                //REVISIT - implement

                return new MessageContentsList(new DOMSource(writer.getDocument()));
            } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
                throw ex;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new Fault(ex);
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    protected void setParameters(Object[] params, Message message) {
        MessageContentsList contents = new MessageContentsList(params);
        message.setContent(List.class, contents);
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        DepthXMLStreamReader xmlReader = getXMLStreamReader(message);
        DataReader<XMLStreamReader> dr = getDataReader(message);
        MessageContentsList parameters = new MessageContentsList();

        Exchange exchange = message.getExchange();
        BindingOperationInfo bop = exchange.get(BindingOperationInfo.class);

        boolean client = isRequestor(message);

        //if body is empty and we have BindingOperationInfo, we do not need to match
        //operation anymore, just return
        if (bop != null && !StaxUtils.toNextElement(xmlReader)) {
            // body may be empty for partial response to decoupled request

        //bop might be a unwrapped, wrap it back so that we can get correct info
        if (bop != null && bop.isUnwrapped()) {
            bop = bop.getWrappedOperation();

        if (bop == null) {
            QName startQName = xmlReader == null
                ? new QName("", "invoke")
                : xmlReader.getName();
            bop = getBindingOperationInfo(exchange, startQName, client);

        try {
            if (bop != null && bop.isUnwrappedCapable()) {
                ServiceInfo si = bop.getBinding().getService();
                // Wrapped case
                MessageInfo msgInfo = setMessage(message, bop, client, si);
                // Determine if there is a wrapper class
                if (msgInfo.getMessageParts().get(0).getTypeClass() != null) {
                    Object wrappedObject =, xmlReader);
                    parameters.put(msgInfo.getMessageParts().get(0), wrappedObject);
                } else {
                    // Unwrap each part individually if we don't have a wrapper
                    bop = bop.getUnwrappedOperation();
                    msgInfo = setMessage(message, bop, client, si);
                    List<MessagePartInfo> messageParts = msgInfo.getMessageParts();
                    Iterator<MessagePartInfo> itr = messageParts.iterator();
                    // advance just past the wrapped element so we don't get
                    // stuck
                    if (xmlReader.getEventType() == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) {
                    // loop through each child element
                    getPara(xmlReader, dr, parameters, itr, message);
            } else {
                //Bare style
                BindingMessageInfo msgInfo = null;

                Endpoint ep = exchange.get(Endpoint.class);
                ServiceInfo si = ep.getEndpointInfo().getService();
                if (bop != null) { //for xml binding or client side
                    if (client) {
                        msgInfo = bop.getOutput();
                    } else {
                        msgInfo = bop.getInput();
                        if (bop.getOutput() == null) {
                    if (msgInfo == null) {
                    setMessage(message, bop, client, si, msgInfo.getMessageInfo());
                Collection<OperationInfo> operations = null;
                operations = new ArrayList<OperationInfo>();
                if (xmlReader == null || !StaxUtils.toNextElement(xmlReader)) {
                    // empty input
                    // TO DO : check duplicate operation with no input
                    for (OperationInfo op : operations) {
                        MessageInfo bmsg = op.getInput();
                        if (bmsg.getMessageParts().size() == 0) {
                            BindingOperationInfo boi = ep.getEndpointInfo().getBinding().getOperation(op);
                            exchange.put(BindingOperationInfo.class, boi);
                            exchange.put(OperationInfo.class, op);
                int paramNum = 0;
                do {
                    QName elName = xmlReader.getName();
                    Object o = null;
                    MessagePartInfo p;
                    if (!client && msgInfo != null && msgInfo.getMessageParts() != null
                        && msgInfo.getMessageParts().size() == 0) {
                        //no input messagePartInfo
                    if (msgInfo != null && msgInfo.getMessageParts() != null
                        && msgInfo.getMessageParts().size() > 0) {
                        assert msgInfo.getMessageParts().size() > paramNum;
                        p = msgInfo.getMessageParts().get(paramNum);
                    } else {
                        p = findMessagePart(exchange, operations, elName, client, paramNum, message);
                    if (p == null) {
                        throw new Fault(new org.apache.cxf.common.i18n.Message("NO_PART_FOUND", LOG, elName),
                    o =, xmlReader);
                    parameters.put(p, o);
                    if (message.getContent(XMLStreamReader.class) == null || o == xmlReader) {
                        xmlReader = null;
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        boolean isForm = types.containsKey(ParameterType.FORM);
        if (bodyIndex != -1 || isForm) {
            outMessage.setContent(OperationResourceInfo.class, ori);
            outMessage.put("BODY_INDEX", bodyIndex);
            Object body = isForm ? handleForm(types, params) : params[bodyIndex];
            MessageContentsList contents = new MessageContentsList(new Object[]{body});
            outMessage.setContent(List.class, contents);
            outMessage.getInterceptorChain().add(new BodyWriter());
        // execute chain   
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            OperationResourceInfo ori = outMessage.getContent(OperationResourceInfo.class);
            OutputStream os = outMessage.getContent(OutputStream.class);
            if (os == null || ori == null) {
            MessageContentsList objs = MessageContentsList.getContentsList(outMessage);
            if (objs == null || objs.size() == 0) {
            MultivaluedMap<String, String> headers =
            Method method = ori.getMethodToInvoke();
            int bodyIndex = (Integer)outMessage.get("BODY_INDEX");
            Method aMethod = ori.getAnnotatedMethod();
            Annotation[] anns = aMethod == null || bodyIndex == -1 ? new Annotation[0]
                                                  : aMethod.getParameterAnnotations()[bodyIndex];
            Object body = objs.get(0);
            try {
                if (bodyIndex != -1) {
                    writeBody(body, outMessage, body.getClass(),
                              anns, headers, os);
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            return endedHeader;
        List<MessagePartInfo> parts = wrappedBmi.getMessageInfo().getMessageParts();
        if (parts.size() > 0) {
            MessageContentsList objs = MessageContentsList.getContentsList(message);
            if (objs == null) {
                return endedHeader;
            SoapVersion soapVersion = message.getVersion();
            List<SoapHeaderInfo> headers = bmi.getExtensors(SoapHeaderInfo.class);
            if (headers == null) {
                return endedHeader;

            for (SoapHeaderInfo header : headers) {
                MessagePartInfo part = header.getPart();
                if (part.getIndex() >= objs.size()) {
                    // The optional out of band header is not a part of parameters of the method
                Object arg = objs.get(part);
                if (!(startedHeader || preexistingHeaders)) {
                    try {
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        if (isResponseAlreadyHandled(message)) {
        MessageContentsList objs = MessageContentsList.getContentsList(message);
        if (objs == null || objs.size() == 0) {
        if (objs.get(0) != null) {
            Object responseObj = objs.get(0);
            Response response = null;
            if (objs.get(0) instanceof Response) {
                response = (Response)responseObj;
            } else {   
                response = Response.ok(responseObj).build();
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            if (exchange.isOneWay()) {
                return null;

            return new MessageContentsList(res);
        } catch (Fault f) {
            exchange.getInMessage().put(FaultMode.class, FaultMode.UNCHECKED_APPLICATION_FAULT);
            throw f;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            exchange.getInMessage().put(FaultMode.class, FaultMode.UNCHECKED_APPLICATION_FAULT);
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Related Classes of org.apache.cxf.message.MessageContentsList

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