DepthXMLStreamReader xmlReader = getXMLStreamReader(message);
DataReader<XMLStreamReader> dr = getDataReader(message);
MessageContentsList parameters = new MessageContentsList();
Exchange exchange = message.getExchange();
BindingOperationInfo bop = exchange.getBindingOperationInfo();
boolean client = isRequestor(message);
//if body is empty and we have BindingOperationInfo, we do not need to match
//operation anymore, just return
if (bop != null && !StaxUtils.toNextElement(xmlReader)) {
// body may be empty for partial response to decoupled request
//bop might be a unwrapped, wrap it back so that we can get correct info
if (bop != null && bop.isUnwrapped()) {
bop = bop.getWrappedOperation();
if (bop == null) {
QName startQName = xmlReader == null
? new QName("", "invoke")
: xmlReader.getName();
bop = getBindingOperationInfo(exchange, startQName, client);
try {
if (bop != null && bop.isUnwrappedCapable()) {
ServiceInfo si = bop.getBinding().getService();
// Wrapped case
MessageInfo msgInfo = setMessage(message, bop, client, si);
// Determine if we should keep the parameters wrapper
if (shouldWrapParameters(msgInfo, message)) {
QName startQName = xmlReader.getName();
if (!msgInfo.getMessageParts().get(0).getConcreteName().equals(startQName)) {
throw new Fault("UNEXPECTED_WRAPPER_ELEMENT", LOG, null, startQName,
Object wrappedObject =, xmlReader);
parameters.put(msgInfo.getMessageParts().get(0), wrappedObject);
} else {
// Unwrap each part individually if we don't have a wrapper
bop = bop.getUnwrappedOperation();
msgInfo = setMessage(message, bop, client, si);
List<MessagePartInfo> messageParts = msgInfo.getMessageParts();
Iterator<MessagePartInfo> itr = messageParts.iterator();
// advance just past the wrapped element so we don't get
// stuck
if (xmlReader.getEventType() == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) {
// loop through each child element
getPara(xmlReader, dr, parameters, itr, message);
} else {
//Bare style
BindingMessageInfo msgInfo = null;
Endpoint ep = exchange.get(Endpoint.class);
ServiceInfo si = ep.getEndpointInfo().getService();
if (bop != null) { //for xml binding or client side
if (client) {
msgInfo = bop.getOutput();
} else {
msgInfo = bop.getInput();
if (bop.getOutput() == null) {
if (msgInfo == null) {
setMessage(message, bop, client, si, msgInfo.getMessageInfo());
Collection<OperationInfo> operations = null;
operations = new ArrayList<OperationInfo>();
if (xmlReader == null || !StaxUtils.toNextElement(xmlReader)) {
// empty input
// TO DO : check duplicate operation with no input
for (OperationInfo op : operations) {
MessageInfo bmsg = op.getInput();
if (bmsg.getMessageParts().size() == 0) {
BindingOperationInfo boi = ep.getEndpointInfo().getBinding().getOperation(op);
exchange.put(BindingOperationInfo.class, boi);
exchange.put(OperationInfo.class, op);
int paramNum = 0;
do {
QName elName = xmlReader.getName();
Object o = null;
MessagePartInfo p;
if (!client && msgInfo != null && msgInfo.getMessageParts() != null
&& msgInfo.getMessageParts().size() == 0) {
//no input messagePartInfo
if (msgInfo != null && msgInfo.getMessageParts() != null
&& msgInfo.getMessageParts().size() > 0) {
assert msgInfo.getMessageParts().size() > paramNum;
p = msgInfo.getMessageParts().get(paramNum);
} else {
p = findMessagePart(exchange, operations, elName, client, paramNum, message);
if (p == null) {
throw new Fault(new org.apache.cxf.common.i18n.Message("NO_PART_FOUND", LOG, elName),
o =, xmlReader);
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(si.getProperty("soap.force.doclit.bare"))
&& parameters.isEmpty()) {
// webservice provider does not need to ensure size
} else {
parameters.put(p, o);
if (message.getContent(XMLStreamReader.class) == null || o == xmlReader) {
xmlReader = null;