/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Optimum optimize(final LeastSquaresProblem lsp) {
//create local evaluation and iteration counts
final Incrementor evaluationCounter = lsp.getEvaluationCounter();
final Incrementor iterationCounter = lsp.getIterationCounter();
final ConvergenceChecker<Evaluation> checker
= lsp.getConvergenceChecker();
// Computation will be useless without a checker (see "for-loop").
if (checker == null) {
throw new NullArgumentException();
RealVector currentPoint = lsp.getStart();
// iterate until convergence is reached
Evaluation current = null;
while (true) {
// evaluate the objective function and its jacobian
Evaluation previous = current;
// Value of the objective function at "currentPoint".
current = lsp.evaluate(currentPoint);
final RealVector currentResiduals = current.getResiduals();
final RealMatrix weightedJacobian = current.getJacobian();
currentPoint = current.getPoint();
// Check convergence.
if (previous != null) {
if (checker.converged(iterationCounter.getCount(), previous, current)) {
return new OptimumImpl(
// solve the linearized least squares problem
final RealVector dX = this.decomposition.solve(weightedJacobian, currentResiduals);