Package org.apache.commons.math3.exception

Examples of org.apache.commons.math3.exception.ConvergenceException

                for (int j = k; j < nR; ++j) {
                    double aki = weightedJacobian[j][permutation[i]];
                    norm2 += aki * aki;
                if (Double.isInfinite(norm2) || Double.isNaN(norm2)) {
                    throw new ConvergenceException(LocalizedFormats.UNABLE_TO_PERFORM_QR_DECOMPOSITION_ON_JACOBIAN,
                                                   nR, nC);
                if (norm2 > ak2) {
                    nextColumn = i;
                    ak2        = norm2;
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                // tests for termination and stringent tolerances
                if (FastMath.abs(actRed) <= TWO_EPS &&
                    preRed <= TWO_EPS &&
                    ratio <= 2.0) {
                    throw new ConvergenceException(LocalizedFormats.TOO_SMALL_COST_RELATIVE_TOLERANCE,
                } else if (delta <= TWO_EPS * xNorm) {
                    throw new ConvergenceException(LocalizedFormats.TOO_SMALL_PARAMETERS_RELATIVE_TOLERANCE,
                } else if (maxCosine <= TWO_EPS) {
                    throw new ConvergenceException(LocalizedFormats.TOO_SMALL_ORTHOGONALITY_TOLERANCE,
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                for (int j = k; j < nR; ++j) {
                    double aki = weightedJacobian[j][permutation[i]];
                    norm2 += aki * aki;
                if (Double.isInfinite(norm2) || Double.isNaN(norm2)) {
                    throw new ConvergenceException(LocalizedFormats.UNABLE_TO_PERFORM_QR_DECOMPOSITION_ON_JACOBIAN,
                                                   nR, nC);
                if (norm2 > ak2) {
                    nextColumn = i;
                    ak2        = norm2;
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                // tests for termination and stringent tolerances
                // (2.2204e-16 is the machine epsilon for IEEE754)
                if ((FastMath.abs(actRed) <= 2.2204e-16) && (preRed <= 2.2204e-16) && (ratio <= 2.0)) {
                    throw new ConvergenceException(LocalizedFormats.TOO_SMALL_COST_RELATIVE_TOLERANCE,
                } else if (delta <= 2.2204e-16 * xNorm) {
                    throw new ConvergenceException(LocalizedFormats.TOO_SMALL_PARAMETERS_RELATIVE_TOLERANCE,
                } else if (maxCosine <= 2.2204e-16)  {
                    throw new ConvergenceException(LocalizedFormats.TOO_SMALL_ORTHOGONALITY_TOLERANCE,
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                for (int j = k; j < nR; ++j) {
                    double aki = weightedJacobian[j][permutation[i]];
                    norm2 += aki * aki;
                if (Double.isInfinite(norm2) || Double.isNaN(norm2)) {
                    throw new ConvergenceException(LocalizedFormats.UNABLE_TO_PERFORM_QR_DECOMPOSITION_ON_JACOBIAN,
                                                   nR, nC);
                if (norm2 > ak2) {
                    nextColumn = i;
                    ak2        = norm2;
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                        case FARTHEST_POINT :
                            newCenter = getFarthestPoint(clusters);
                        default :
                            throw new ConvergenceException(LocalizedFormats.EMPTY_CLUSTER_IN_K_MEANS);
                    emptyCluster = true;
                } else {
                    newCenter = cluster.getCenter().centroidOf(cluster.getPoints());
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        // did we find at least one non-empty cluster ?
        if (selected == null) {
            throw new ConvergenceException(LocalizedFormats.EMPTY_CLUSTER_IN_K_MEANS);

        // extract a random point from the cluster
        final List<T> selectedPoints = selected.getPoints();
        return selectedPoints.remove(random.nextInt(selectedPoints.size()));
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        // did we find at least one non-empty cluster ?
        if (selected == null) {
            throw new ConvergenceException(LocalizedFormats.EMPTY_CLUSTER_IN_K_MEANS);

        // extract a random point from the cluster
        final List<T> selectedPoints = selected.getPoints();
        return selectedPoints.remove(random.nextInt(selectedPoints.size()));
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        // did we find at least one non-empty cluster ?
        if (selectedCluster == null) {
            throw new ConvergenceException(LocalizedFormats.EMPTY_CLUSTER_IN_K_MEANS);

        return selectedCluster.getPoints().remove(selectedPoint);

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                // tests for termination and stringent tolerances
                // (2.2204e-16 is the machine epsilon for IEEE754)
                if ((FastMath.abs(actRed) <= 2.2204e-16) && (preRed <= 2.2204e-16) && (ratio <= 2.0)) {
                    throw new ConvergenceException(LocalizedFormats.TOO_SMALL_COST_RELATIVE_TOLERANCE,
                } else if (delta <= 2.2204e-16 * xNorm) {
                    throw new ConvergenceException(LocalizedFormats.TOO_SMALL_PARAMETERS_RELATIVE_TOLERANCE,
                } else if (maxCosine <= 2.2204e-16)  {
                    throw new ConvergenceException(LocalizedFormats.TOO_SMALL_ORTHOGONALITY_TOLERANCE,
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Related Classes of org.apache.commons.math3.exception.ConvergenceException

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