CatalogFactory factory = catalog.getFactory();
File styles = resourceLoader.find( "styles" );
for ( File sf : list(styles,new SuffixFileFilter(".xml") ) ) {
try {
//handle the .xml.xml case
if (new File(styles,sf.getName()+".xml").exists()) {
StyleInfo s = depersist( xp, sf, StyleInfo.class );
catalog.add( s ); "Loaded style '" + s.getName() + "'" );
catch( Exception e ) {
LOGGER.log( Level.WARNING, "Failed to load style from file '" + sf.getName() + "'" , e );
//workspaces, stores, and resources
File workspaces = resourceLoader.find( "workspaces" );
if ( workspaces != null ) {
//do a first quick scan over all workspaces, setting the default
File dws = new File(workspaces, "default.xml");
WorkspaceInfo defaultWorkspace = null;
if (dws.exists()) {
try {
defaultWorkspace = depersist(xp, dws, WorkspaceInfo.class);"Loaded default workspace " + defaultWorkspace.getName());
catch( Exception e ) {
LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load default workspace", e);
else {
LOGGER.warning("No default workspace was found.");
for ( File wsd : list(workspaces, DirectoryFileFilter.INSTANCE ) ) {
File f = new File( wsd, "workspace.xml");
if ( !f.exists() ) {
WorkspaceInfo ws = null;
try {
ws = depersist( xp, f, WorkspaceInfo.class );
catalog.add( ws );
catch( Exception e ) {
LOGGER.log( Level.WARNING, "Failed to load workspace '" + wsd.getName() + "'" , e );
} "Loaded workspace '" + ws.getName() +"'");
//load the namespace
File nsf = new File( wsd, "namespace.xml" );
NamespaceInfo ns = null;
if ( nsf.exists() ) {
try {
ns = depersist( xp, nsf, NamespaceInfo.class );
catalog.add( ns );
catch( Exception e ) {
LOGGER.log( Level.WARNING, "Failed to load namespace for '" + wsd.getName() + "'" , e );
//set the default workspace, this value might be null in the case of coming from a
// 2.0.0 data directory. See
if (defaultWorkspace != null ) {
if (ws.getName().equals(defaultWorkspace.getName())) {
if (ns != null) {
else {
//create the default.xml file
defaultWorkspace = catalog.getDefaultWorkspace();
if (defaultWorkspace != null) {
try {
persist(xp, defaultWorkspace, dws);
catch( Exception e ) {
LOGGER.log( Level.WARNING, "Failed to persist default workspace '" +
wsd.getName() + "'" , e );
for ( File wsd : list(workspaces, DirectoryFileFilter.INSTANCE ) ) {
//load the stores for this workspace
for ( File sd : list(wsd, DirectoryFileFilter.INSTANCE) ) {
File f = new File( sd, "datastore.xml");
if ( f.exists() ) {
//load as a datastore
DataStoreInfo ds = null;
try {
ds = depersist( xp, f, DataStoreInfo.class );
catalog.add( ds ); "Loaded data store '" + ds.getName() +"'");
if (ds.isEnabled()) {
//connect to the datastore to determine if we should disable it
try {
catch( Throwable t ) {
LOGGER.warning( "Error connecting to '" + ds.getName() + "'. Disabling." );
LOGGER.log( Level.INFO, "", t );
catch( Exception e ) {
LOGGER.log( Level.WARNING, "Failed to load data store '" + sd.getName() +"'", e);
//load feature types
for ( File ftd : list(sd,DirectoryFileFilter.INSTANCE) ) {
f = new File( ftd, "featuretype.xml" );
if( f.exists() ) {
FeatureTypeInfo ft = null;
try {
ft = depersist(xp,f,FeatureTypeInfo.class);
catch( Exception e ) {
LOGGER.log( Level.WARNING, "Failed to load feature type '" + ftd.getName() +"'", e);
catalog.add( ft ); "Loaded feature type '" + ds.getName() +"'");
f = new File( ftd, "layer.xml" );
if ( f.exists() ) {
try {
LayerInfo l = depersist(xp, f, LayerInfo.class );
catalog.add( l ); "Loaded layer '" + l.getName() + "'" );
catch( Exception e ) {
LOGGER.log( Level.WARNING, "Failed to load layer for feature type '" + ft.getName() +"'", e);
else {
LOGGER.warning( "Ignoring feature type directory " + ftd.getAbsolutePath() );
else {
//look for a coverage store
f = new File( sd, "coveragestore.xml" );
if ( f.exists() ) {
CoverageStoreInfo cs = null;
try {
cs = depersist( xp, f, CoverageStoreInfo.class );
catalog.add( cs ); "Loaded coverage store '" + cs.getName() +"'");
catch( Exception e ) {
LOGGER.log( Level.WARNING, "Failed to load coverage store '" + sd.getName() +"'", e);
//load coverages
for ( File cd : list(sd,DirectoryFileFilter.INSTANCE) ) {
f = new File( cd, "coverage.xml" );
if( f.exists() ) {
CoverageInfo c = null;
try {
c = depersist(xp,f,CoverageInfo.class);
catalog.add( c ); "Loaded coverage '" + cs.getName() +"'");
catch( Exception e ) {
LOGGER.log( Level.WARNING, "Failed to load coverage '" + cd.getName() +"'", e);
f = new File( cd, "layer.xml" );
if ( f.exists() ) {
try {
LayerInfo l = depersist(xp, f, LayerInfo.class );
catalog.add( l ); "Loaded layer '" + l.getName() + "'" );
catch( Exception e ) {
LOGGER.log( Level.WARNING, "Failed to load layer coverage '" + c.getName() +"'", e);
else {
LOGGER.warning( "Ignoring coverage directory " + cd.getAbsolutePath() );
else {
LOGGER.warning( "Ignoring store directory '" + sd.getName() + "'");
else {
LOGGER.warning( "No 'workspaces' directory found, unable to load any stores." );
File layergroups = resourceLoader.find( "layergroups" );
if ( layergroups != null ) {
for ( File lgf : list( layergroups, new SuffixFileFilter( ".xml" ) ) ) {
try {
LayerGroupInfo lg = depersist( xp, lgf, LayerGroupInfo.class );
if(lg.getLayers() == null || lg.getLayers().size() == 0) {
LOGGER.warning("Skipping empty layer group '" + lg.getName() + "', it is invalid");