* $Id: DeploymentServiceTestCase.java 22139 2011-06-07 14:40:10Z aperepel $
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) MuleSoft, Inc. All rights reserved. http://www.mulesoft.com
* The software in this package is published under the terms of the CPAL v1.0
* license, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the
* LICENSE.txt file.
package org.mule.module.launcher;
import org.mule.MuleCoreExtension;
import org.mule.api.MuleContext;
import org.mule.api.component.JavaComponent;
import org.mule.api.config.MuleProperties;
import org.mule.api.construct.FlowConstruct;
import org.mule.api.registry.MuleRegistry;
import org.mule.construct.SimpleService;
import org.mule.module.launcher.application.Application;
import org.mule.module.launcher.application.ApplicationWrapper;
import org.mule.module.launcher.application.PriviledgedMuleApplication;
import org.mule.tck.AbstractMuleTestCase;
import org.mule.util.CollectionUtils;
import org.mule.util.FileUtils;
import org.mule.util.StringUtils;
import org.mule.util.concurrent.Latch;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLDecoder;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.DirectoryFileFilter;
import org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.SuffixFileFilter;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
public class DeploymentServiceTestCase extends AbstractMuleTestCase
protected static final int LATCH_TIMEOUT = 10000;
protected static final String[] NONE = new String[0];
protected File muleHome;
protected File appsDir;
protected DeploymentService deploymentService;
// these latches are re-created during the test, thus need to be declared volatile
protected volatile Latch deployLatch;
protected volatile Latch installLatch;
protected volatile Latch undeployLatch;
protected void doSetUp() throws Exception
// set up some mule home structure
final String tmpDir = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir");
muleHome = new File(tmpDir, getClass().getSimpleName() + System.currentTimeMillis());
appsDir = new File(muleHome, "apps");
System.setProperty(MuleProperties.MULE_HOME_DIRECTORY_PROPERTY, muleHome.getCanonicalPath());
new File(muleHome, "lib/shared/default").mkdirs();
deploymentService = new DeploymentService(new HashMap<Class<? extends MuleCoreExtension>, MuleCoreExtension>());
deploymentService.setDeployer(new TestDeployer());
installLatch = new Latch();
deployLatch = new Latch();
undeployLatch = new Latch();
protected void doTearDown() throws Exception
// comment out the deletion to analyze results after test is done
if (deploymentService != null)
// this is a complex classloader setup and we can't reproduce standalone Mule 100%,
// so trick the next test method into thinking it's the first run, otherwise
// app resets CCL ref to null and breaks the next test
public void testPrivilegedApp() throws Exception
final URL url = getClass().getResource("/priviledged-dummy-app.zip");
assertNotNull("Test app file not found " + url, url);
assertTrue("Deployer never invoked", deployLatch.await(LATCH_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
assertAppsDir(NONE, new String[] {"priviledged-dummy-app"}, true);
final Application app = findApp("priviledged-dummy-app", 1);
// now that we're sure it's the app we wanted, assert the registry has everything
// a 'privileged' app would have had
final Object obj = app.getMuleContext().getRegistry().lookupObject(PriviledgedMuleApplication.REGISTRY_KEY_DEPLOYMENT_SERVICE);
assertNotNull("Privileged objects have not been registered", obj);
assertTrue(((ApplicationWrapper) app).getDelegate() instanceof PriviledgedMuleApplication);
public void testPrivilegedCrossAppAccess() throws Exception
URL url = getClass().getResource("/priviledged-dummy-app.zip");
assertNotNull("Test app file not found " + url, url);
url = getClass().getResource("/dummy-app.zip");
assertNotNull("Test app file not found " + url, url);
// a basic latch isn't ideal here, as there are 2 apps to deploy
assertTrue("Deployer never invoked", deployLatch.await(LATCH_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
assertAppsDir(NONE, new String[] {"dummy-app", "priviledged-dummy-app"}, true);
final Application privApp = findApp("priviledged-dummy-app", 2);
final Application dummyApp = findApp("dummy-app", 2);
assertTrue(((ApplicationWrapper) privApp).getDelegate() instanceof PriviledgedMuleApplication);
final MuleContext muleContext1 = privApp.getMuleContext();
System.out.println("muleContext1 = " + muleContext1);
assertNotSame(muleContext1, muleContext);
assertNotSame(privApp.getDeploymentClassLoader(), dummyApp.getDeploymentClassLoader());
final Collection<FlowConstruct> flowConstructs = dummyApp.getMuleContext().getRegistry().lookupObjects(FlowConstruct.class);
assertFalse("No FlowConstructs found in the sibling app", flowConstructs.isEmpty());
FlowConstruct fc = flowConstructs.iterator().next();
assertTrue(fc instanceof SimpleService);
SimpleService service = (SimpleService) fc;
// note that we don't have this class available to this test directly
Class<?> clazz = ((JavaComponent) service.getComponent()).getObjectType();
assertEquals("Wrong component implementation class", "org.mule.module.launcher.EchoTest", clazz.getName());
public void testDeployZipOnStartup() throws Exception
final URL url = getClass().getResource("/dummy-app.zip");
assertNotNull("Test app file not found " + url, url);
assertTrue("Deployer never invoked", deployLatch.await(LATCH_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
assertAppsDir(NONE, new String[] {"dummy-app"}, true);
// just assert no privileged entries were put in the registry
final Application app = findApp("dummy-app", 1);
final MuleRegistry registry = app.getMuleContext().getRegistry();
final Object obj = registry.lookupObject(PriviledgedMuleApplication.REGISTRY_KEY_DEPLOYMENT_SERVICE);
assertFalse(((ApplicationWrapper) app).getDelegate() instanceof PriviledgedMuleApplication);
// mule-app.properties from the zip archive must have loaded properly
assertEquals("mule-app.properties should have been loaded.", "someValue", registry.get("myCustomProp"));
public void testUpdateAppViaZip() throws Exception
final URL url = getClass().getResource("/dummy-app.zip");
assertNotNull("Test app file not found " + url, url);
assertTrue("Deployer never invoked", deployLatch.await(LATCH_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
assertAppsDir(NONE, new String[] {"dummy-app"}, true);
assertEquals("Application has not been properly registered with Mule", 1, deploymentService.getApplications().size());
// set up a new deployment latch (can't reuse the old one)
deployLatch = new Latch();
assertTrue("Undeploy never invoked", undeployLatch.await(LATCH_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
assertTrue("Deployer never invoked", deployLatch.await(LATCH_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
assertEquals("Application has not been properly registered with Mule", 1, deploymentService.getApplications().size());
assertAppsDir(NONE, new String[]{"dummy-app"}, true);
public void testBrokenAppArchive() throws Exception
final URL url = getClass().getResource("/broken-app.zip");
assertNotNull("Test app file not found " + url, url);
assertTrue("Install never invoked", installLatch.await(LATCH_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
// Resets the latch to detect a new attempt to deploy the zip file
installLatch = new Latch();
// let the file system's write-behind cache commit the delete operation?
// zip stays intact, no app dir created
assertAppsDir(new String[] {"broken-app.zip"}, NONE, true);
// don't assert dir contents, we want to check internal deployer state next
assertAppsDir(NONE, new String[] {"dummy-app"}, false);
assertEquals("No apps should have been registered with Mule.", 0, deploymentService.getApplications().size());
final Map<URL, Long> zombieMap = deploymentService.getZombieMap();
assertEquals("Wrong number of zombie apps registered.", 1, zombieMap.size());
final Map.Entry<URL, Long> zombie = zombieMap.entrySet().iterator().next();
assertEquals("Wrong URL tagged as zombie.", "broken-app.zip", new File(zombie.getKey().getFile()).getName());
assertTrue("Invalid lastModified value for file URL.", zombie.getValue() != -1);
// Checks that the invalid zip was not deployed again
assertFalse("Install was invoked again for the broken application file", installLatch.await(LATCH_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
public void testBrokenAppName() throws Exception
final URL url = getClass().getResource("/app with spaces.zip");
assertNotNull("Test app file not found " + url, url);
catch (DeploymentInitException e)
assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("may not contain spaces"));
// zip stays intact, no app dir created
assertAppsDir(new String[] {"app with spaces.zip"}, NONE, true);
final Map<URL, Long> zombieMap = deploymentService.getZombieMap();
assertEquals("Wrong number of zombie apps registered.", 1, zombieMap.size());
final Map.Entry<URL, Long> zombie = zombieMap.entrySet().iterator().next();
assertEquals("Wrong URL tagged as zombie.", "app%20with%20spaces.zip", new File(zombie.getKey().getFile()).getName());
assertTrue("Invalid lastModified value for file URL.", zombie.getValue() != -1);
* Find a deployed app, performing some basic assertions.
private Application findApp(final String appName, int totalAppsExpected)
// list all apps to validate total count
final List<Application> apps = deploymentService.getApplications();
assertEquals(totalAppsExpected, apps.size());
final Application app = deploymentService.findApplication(appName);
return app;
private void assertAppsDir(String[] expectedZips, String[] expectedApps, boolean performValidation)
final String[] actualZips = appsDir.list(new SuffixFileFilter(".zip"));
if (performValidation) {
assertArrayEquals("Invalid Mule application archives set", expectedZips, actualZips);
final String[] actualApps = appsDir.list(DirectoryFileFilter.DIRECTORY);
if (performValidation) {
assertTrue("Invalid Mule exploded applications set",
CollectionUtils.isEqualCollection(Arrays.asList(expectedApps), Arrays.asList(actualApps)));
* Copies a given app archive to the apps folder for deployment.
private void addAppArchive(URL url) throws IOException
// copy is not atomic, copy to a temp file and rename instead (rename is atomic)
final String tempFileName = new File(URLDecoder.decode(url.getFile()) + ".part").getName();
final File tempFile = new File(appsDir, tempFileName);
FileUtils.copyURLToFile(url, tempFile);
tempFile.renameTo(new File(StringUtils.removeEnd(tempFile.getAbsolutePath(), ".part")));
private class TestDeployer implements MuleDeployer
MuleDeployer delegate = new DefaultMuleDeployer(deploymentService);
public void deploy(Application app)
public void undeploy(Application app)
public Application installFromAppDir(String packedMuleAppFileName) throws IOException
return delegate.installFromAppDir(packedMuleAppFileName);
public Application installFrom(URL url) throws IOException
return delegate.installFrom(url);