this.getLogger().debug("BEGIN showConfiguration consumer=" + consumer + ", src="+src);
// get some important information
Request request = ObjectModelHelper.getRequest(this.objectModel);
Response response = ObjectModelHelper.getResponse(this.objectModel);
Session session = request.getSession();
boolean isAdmin = (src == null || src.equals("admin"));
// now start producing xml:
AttributesImpl attr = new AttributesImpl();
consumer.startElement("", "configuration", "configuration", attr);
// set the conf uri:
// This is a bug in the servlet 2.2 API!!!
// It does not contain the context: String uri = HttpUtils.getRequestURL(this.request).toString();
String uri = response.encodeURL(request.getRequestURI());
consumer.startElement("", "uri", "uri", attr);
consumer.characters(uri.toCharArray(), 0, uri.length());
consumer.endElement("", "uri", "uri");
if (isAdmin == true) {