Package org.apache.cocoon.components.language.markup.xsp

Source Code of org.apache.cocoon.components.language.markup.xsp.XSPCookieHelper

* Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cocoon.components.language.markup.xsp;

import org.apache.cocoon.Constants;
import org.apache.cocoon.environment.Cookie;
import org.apache.cocoon.environment.ObjectModelHelper;
import org.apache.cocoon.environment.Request;
import org.apache.cocoon.environment.Response;
import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Map;

* This class is a helper class used by Cookie logicsheet
* This class contains following methods:
* <pre>
* public static void addCookie(Map , String , String , String , String ,
*                              int , String , String , int);
* public static Cookie[] getCookies(Map);
* public static void getCookies(Map , ContentHandler)
*     throws SAXException;
* public static Cookie getCookie(Map , String ,int )
*     throws SAXException;
* public static void getCookie(Map ,String ,int , ContentHandler)
*     throws SAXException;
* public static String getComment(Map ,String , int);
* public static String getDomain(Map , String , int);
* public static String getMaxAge(Map ,String , int);
* public static String getName(Map ,String , int);
* public static String getPath(Map , String , int);
* public static String getSecure(Map , String , int);
* public static String getValue(Map , String , int);
* public static String getVersion(Map , String , int);
* private static String returnCookieProperty(Map ,String ,int ,String );
* </pre>
* @version CVS $Id:,v 1.1 2004/03/10 12:58:05 stephan Exp $
public class XSPCookieHelper extends XSPObjectHelper {
     * Assign values to the object's namespace uri and prefix
    private static final String URI = Constants.XSP_COOKIE_URI;
    private static final String PREFIX = Constants.XSP_COOKIE_PREFIX;

     * This method will set a new cookie with values that are passed through parameters
     * @param objectModel
     * @param name name to be set for the cookie
     * @param value value to be set for the cookie
     * @param comment comment to be set for the cookie
     * @param domain domain to be set for the cookie
     * @param maxage maxage to be set for the cookie
     * @param path path to be set for the cookie
     * @param secure secure property to be set for the cookie
     * @param version version to be set for the cookie
    public static void addCookie(Map objectModel, String name, String value,
                                    String comment, String domain, int maxage, String path,
                                    String secure, int version)
        Response response = ObjectModelHelper.getResponse(objectModel);
        Cookie cookieToSet = response.createCookie(name,value);

        if ((comment.trim()).length() > 0)

        if ((domain.trim()).length() > 0)

        if (maxage > 0)

        if ((path.trim()).length() > 0)

        if (secure == "true")


     * This method is used to return all the cookies that present in the passed request object
     * @param objectModel
     * @return an array of Cookie is returned
    public static Cookie[] getCookies(Map objectModel)
        Request request = ObjectModelHelper.getRequest(objectModel);
        return request.getCookies();

     * This method is used to write the values of all the cookies in the resulting XML tree
     * The structure that will be added to the XML tree will be
     * <pre>
     * &lt;cookies&gt;
     *   &lt;cookie&gt;
     *     &lt;name&gt;......&lt;/name&gt;
     *     &lt;value&gt;.....&lt;/value&gt;
     *     &lt;comment&gt;...&lt;/comment&gt;
     *     &lt;domain&gt;....&lt;/domain&gt;
     *     &lt;maxage&gt;....&lt;/maxage&gt;
     *     &lt;path&gt;......&lt;/path&gt;
     *     &lt;secure&gt;....&lt;/secure&gt;
     *     &lt;version&gt;...&lt;/version&gt;
     *   &lt;/cookie&gt;
     *   &lt;cookie&gt;
     *     ...
     *   &lt;/cookie&gt;
     *   ...
     * &lt;/cookies&gt;
     * </pre>
     * If the values of any of these is not present those tags will not be present.
     * @param objectModel
     * @param contentHandler
     * @exception SAXException
    public static void getCookies(Map objectModel, ContentHandler contentHandler)
        throws SAXException
        Request request = ObjectModelHelper.getRequest(objectModel);
        Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies();

        if(cookies != null && cookies.length > 0)
            int count  = 0;

            String tempStr = null;

            Hashtable nodeTable = new Hashtable();
            XSPObjectHelper.start(URI, PREFIX, contentHandler, "cookies");

            for(count=0; count<cookies.length; count++)
                XSPObjectHelper.start(URI, PREFIX, contentHandler, "cookie");

                if ((tempStr = getName(objectModel , null , count)) != null)
                    nodeTable.put("name", tempStr);

                if((tempStr = getValue(objectModel , null , count))!=null)
                    nodeTable.put("value", tempStr);

                if((tempStr = getComment(objectModel , null , count))!=null)
                    nodeTable.put("comment", tempStr);

                if((tempStr = getDomain(objectModel , null , count))!= null)
                    nodeTable.put("domain", tempStr);

                if((tempStr = getMaxAge(objectModel , null , count))!=null)
                    nodeTable.put("maxage", tempStr);

                if((tempStr = getPath(objectModel , null , count)) != null)
                    nodeTable.put("path", tempStr);

                if((tempStr = getSecure(objectModel , null , count)) !=null)
                    nodeTable.put("secure", tempStr);

                if((tempStr = getVersion(objectModel , null , count)) != null)
                    nodeTable.put("version", tempStr);

                Enumeration keys = nodeTable.keys();
                while (keys.hasMoreElements())
                    String nodeName = (String)keys.nextElement();
                    String nodeValue = (String)nodeTable.get(nodeName);
                    XSPObjectHelper.elementData(URI, PREFIX, contentHandler, nodeName, nodeValue);

                XSPObjectHelper.end(URI, PREFIX, contentHandler, "cookie");

            XSPObjectHelper.end(URI, PREFIX, contentHandler, "cookies");

     * Method used to return a cookie object based on the name or the index that was passed
     * If both name and index of cookie to be extracted is passed in, name will take
     * precedence. Basic thing followed is that, when name is passed, index should be -1 and
     * when index is passed name should null
     * @param objectModel
     * @param cookieName Name of the cookie which is to be found and returned back
     * @param cookieIndex Index of the cookie which is to be found and returned
     * @return cookie object is returned
    public static Cookie getCookie(Map objectModel,
                                   String cookieName,
                                   int cookieIndex)
        boolean retrieveByName = false;
        boolean retrieveByIndex = false;
        boolean matchFound = false;

        int count = 0;

        Request request = ObjectModelHelper.getRequest(objectModel);
        Cookie currentCookie = null;

        if (cookieName != null) {
            retrieveByName = true;
        } else if (cookieIndex >=0) {
            retrieveByIndex =  true;

        Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies();
        if (cookies != null && retrieveByName) {
            for(count = 0; count < cookies.length; count++) {
                currentCookie = cookies[count];
                if (currentCookie.getName().equals(cookieName)) {
                    matchFound = true;
        } else if(cookies != null && retrieveByIndex) {
            if(cookies.length > cookieIndex) {
                currentCookie = cookies[cookieIndex];
                matchFound = true;

        if (matchFound)
            return currentCookie;
            return null;

     * This method is used to find a cookie by it's name or index and place it in
     * the XML resulting tree
     * The xml structure that will be inserted will be,
     * <pre>
     * &lt;cookie&gt;
     *     &lt;name&gt;......&lt;/name&gt;
     *     &lt;value&gt;.....&lt;/value&gt;
     *     &lt;comment&gt;...&lt;/comment&gt;
     *     &lt;domain&gt;....&lt;/domain&gt;
     *     &lt;maxage&gt;....&lt;/maxage&gt;
     *     &lt;path&gt;......&lt;/path&gt;
     *     &lt;secure&gt;....&lt;/secure&gt;
     *     &lt;version&gt;...&lt;/version&gt;
     * &lt;/cookie&gt;
     * </pre>
     * @param objectModel
     * @param cookieName name of the cookie which is to be found
     * @param cookieIndex index of the cookie which is to be found
     * @param contentHandler
     * @exception SAXException
    public static void getCookie(Map objectModel,
                                 String cookieName,
                                 int cookieIndex,
                                 ContentHandler contentHandler)
        throws SAXException
        boolean retrieveByName = false;
        boolean retrieveByIndex = false;

        String tempStr = null;
        Hashtable nodeTable = new Hashtable();

        if (cookieName != null) {
            retrieveByName = true;
        } else if (cookieIndex >=0) {
            retrieveByIndex =  true;

        if (retrieveByName || retrieveByIndex)
            tempStr = getName(objectModel , cookieName , cookieIndex);

        if (tempStr !=null) {
            XSPObjectHelper.start(URI, PREFIX, contentHandler, "cookie");

            // name
            nodeTable.put("name", tempStr);

            // value
            if ((tempStr = getValue(objectModel , cookieName , cookieIndex)) != null)
                    nodeTable.put("value", tempStr);

            if ((tempStr = getComment(objectModel , cookieName , cookieIndex)) != null)
                nodeTable.put("comment", tempStr);

            if ((tempStr = getDomain(objectModel , cookieName , cookieIndex)) != null)
                nodeTable.put("domain", tempStr);

            // maxage
            if((tempStr = getMaxAge(objectModel , cookieName , cookieIndex)) != null)
                    nodeTable.put("maxage", tempStr);

            // path
            if((tempStr = getPath(objectModel , cookieName , cookieIndex)) != null)
                nodeTable.put("path", tempStr);

            // secure
            if((tempStr = getSecure(objectModel , cookieName , cookieIndex)) != null)
                nodeTable.put("secure", tempStr);

            // version
            if((tempStr = getVersion(objectModel , cookieName , cookieIndex)) != null)
                nodeTable.put("version", tempStr);

            Enumeration keys = nodeTable.keys();
            while (keys.hasMoreElements())
                String nodeName = (String)keys.nextElement();
                String nodeValue = (String)nodeTable.get(nodeName);
                XSPObjectHelper.elementData(URI, PREFIX, contentHandler, nodeName, nodeValue);

            XSPObjectHelper.end(URI, PREFIX, contentHandler, "cookie");

     * Method to return the value of comment for a particular cookie based
     * on it's name or index
     * Rule for passing name and index of the cookie remains same as specified in
     * previous method(s)
     * @param objectModel
     * @param cookieName name of the cookie whose comment is to be passed
     * @param cookieIndex index of the cookie whose comment is to be passed
     * @return a string is returned containing the comment of the cookie, if not found
     *         then null is returned
    public static String getComment(Map objectModel, String cookieName, int cookieIndex)
        return returnCookieProperty(objectModel , cookieName , cookieIndex , "C");

     * Method to return the value of domain for a particular cookie based
     * on it's name or index
     * Rule for passing name and index of the cookie remains same as specified in
     * previous method(s)
     * @param objectModel
     * @param cookieName name of the cookie whose domain is to be passed
     * @param cookieIndex index of the cookie whose domain is to be passed
     * @return a string is returned containing the domain of the cookie, if not found
     *         then null is returned
    public static String getDomain(Map objectModel, String cookieName , int cookieIndex)
        return returnCookieProperty(objectModel , cookieName , cookieIndex , "D");

     * Method to return the value of maxage for a particular cookie based
     * on it's name or index
     * Rule for passing name and index of the cookie remains same as specified in
     * previous method(s)
     * @param objectModel
     * @param cookieName name of the cookie whose maxage is to be passed
     * @param cookieIndex index of the cookie whose maxage is to be passed
     * @return a string is returned containing the maxage of the cookie, if not found
     * then null is returned
    public static String getMaxAge(Map objectModel, String cookieName , int cookieIndex)
        return returnCookieProperty(objectModel , cookieName , cookieIndex , "M");

     * Method to return the value of name for a particular cookie based
     * on it's name or index
     * Rule for passing name and index of the cookie remains same as specified in
     * previous method(s)
     * @param objectModel
     * @param cookieName name of the cookie whose name is to be passed
     * @param cookieIndex index of the cookie whose name is to be passed
     * @return a string is returned containing the name of the cookie, if not found
     * then null is returned
    public static String getName(Map objectModel, String cookieName , int cookieIndex)
        return returnCookieProperty(objectModel , cookieName , cookieIndex , "N");

     * Method to return the value of path for a particular cookie based
     * on it's name or index
     * Rule for passing name and index of the cookie remains same as specified in
     * previous method(s)
     * @param objectModel
     * @param cookieName name of the cookie whose path is to be passed
     * @param cookieIndex index of the cookie whose path is to be passed
     * @return a string is returned containing the path of the cookie, if not found
     *         then null is returned
    public static String getPath(Map objectModel, String cookieName , int cookieIndex)
        return returnCookieProperty(objectModel , cookieName , cookieIndex , "P");

     * Method to return the value of secure property for a particular cookie based
     * on it's name or index
     * Rule for passing name and index of the cookie remains same as specified in
     * previous method(s)
     * @param objectModel
     * @param cookieName name of the cookie whose secure property is to be passed
     * @param cookieIndex index of the cookie whose secure property is to be passed
     * @return a string is returned containing the secure property of the cookie, if not found
     *         then null is returned
    public static String getSecure(Map objectModel, String cookieName , int cookieIndex)
        return returnCookieProperty(objectModel , cookieName , cookieIndex , "S");

     * Method to return the value for a particular cookie based on it's name or index
     * Rule for passing name and index of the cookie remains same as specified in
     * previous method(s)
     * @param objectModel
     * @param cookieName name of the cookie whose value is to be passed
     * @param cookieIndex index of the cookie whose value
     * @return a string is returned containing the value of the cookie, if not found
     *         then null is returned
    public static String getValue(Map objectModel, String cookieName , int cookieIndex)
        return returnCookieProperty(objectModel , cookieName , cookieIndex , "V");

     * Method to return the version of comment for a particular cookie based
     * on it's name or index
     * Rule for passing name and index of the cookie remains same as specified in
     * previous method(s)
     * @param objectModel
     * @param cookieName name of the cookie whose version is to be passed
     * @param cookieIndex index of the cookie whose version is to be passed
     * @return a string is returned containing the version of the cookie, if not found
     *         then null is returned
    public static String getVersion(Map objectModel, String cookieName , int cookieIndex)
        return returnCookieProperty(objectModel , cookieName , cookieIndex , "Ve");

     * Method returnCookieProperty will be used to retrieve the property
     * value of cookie. This method will return the value based on the name
     * or the index of the cookie that is passed.
     *     Cookie properties,
     *         comment = "C"
     *         domain  = "D"
     *         maxage  = "M"
     *         name    = "N"
     *         path    = "P"
     *         secure  = "S"
     *         value   = "V"
     *         version = "Ve"
     * @param objectModel
     * @param cookieName Name of the cookie whose property is to be returned.
     *                   This value will be null if cookie index is specified
     * @param cookieIndex Index of the cookie whose property is to be returned.
     *                    This property will be -1 if cookie name is specified.
     *                    If both name and index are specified, name will take
     *                    preference.
     * @param propertyPrefix Specifies the property whose value if to be retrieved.
     *                Properties have been specifed above
     * @return     If the name or index that is passed is improper then a null value
     *             will be returned, otherwise whatever will be the extracted value of
     *             the property will be returned.
    private static String returnCookieProperty(Map objectModel,
                                               String cookieName,
                                               int cookieIndex,
                                               String propertyPrefix)
        Cookie currentCookie = getCookie(objectModel, cookieName, cookieIndex);

        String returnValue = null;
        if (currentCookie != null) {
                returnValue = currentCookie.getComment();
            else if(propertyPrefix.equals("D"))
                returnValue = currentCookie.getDomain();
            else if(propertyPrefix.equals("M"))
                returnValue = Integer.toString(currentCookie.getMaxAge());
            else if(propertyPrefix.equals("N"))
                returnValue = currentCookie.getName();
            else if(propertyPrefix.equals("P"))
                returnValue = currentCookie.getPath();
            else if(propertyPrefix.equals("S"))
                returnValue = String.valueOf(currentCookie.getSecure());
            else if(propertyPrefix.equals("V"))
                returnValue = currentCookie.getValue();
            else if(propertyPrefix.equals("Ve"))
                returnValue = Integer.toString(currentCookie.getVersion());

        return returnValue;

Related Classes of org.apache.cocoon.components.language.markup.xsp.XSPCookieHelper

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