// To conserve memory, open SSTableReaders without bloom filters and discard
// the index summary after calculating the file sections to stream and the estimated
// number of keys for each endpoint. See CASSANDRA-5555 for details.
SSTableReader sstable = SSTableReader.openForBatch(desc, components, metadata, client.getPartitioner());
// calculate the sstable sections to stream as well as the estimated number of
// keys per host
for (Map.Entry<InetAddress, Collection<Range<Token>>> entry : ranges.entrySet())
InetAddress endpoint = entry.getKey();
Collection<Range<Token>> tokenRanges = entry.getValue();
List<Pair<Long, Long>> sstableSections = sstable.getPositionsForRanges(tokenRanges);
long estimatedKeys = sstable.estimatedKeysForRanges(tokenRanges);
StreamSession.SSTableStreamingSections details = new StreamSession.SSTableStreamingSections(sstable, sstableSections, estimatedKeys, ActiveRepairService.UNREPAIRED_SSTABLE);
streamingDetails.put(endpoint, details);
// to conserve heap space when bulk loading
catch (IOException e)
outputHandler.output(String.format("Skipping file %s, error opening it: %s", name, e.getMessage()));