// for non-L0 compactions, pick up where we left off last time
Collections.sort(getLevel(level), SSTableReader.sstableComparator);
int start = 0; // handles case where the prior compaction touched the very last range
for (int i = 0; i < getLevel(level).size(); i++)
SSTableReader sstable = getLevel(level).get(i);
if (sstable.first.compareTo(lastCompactedKeys[level]) > 0)
start = i;
// look for a non-suspect keyspace to compact with, starting with where we left off last time,
// and wrapping back to the beginning of the generation if necessary
for (int i = 0; i < getLevel(level).size(); i++)
SSTableReader sstable = getLevel(level).get((start + i) % getLevel(level).size());
Set<SSTableReader> candidates = Sets.union(Collections.singleton(sstable), overlapping(sstable, getLevel(level + 1)));
if (Iterables.any(candidates, suspectP))
if (Sets.intersection(candidates, compacting).isEmpty())
return candidates;