// shutting down a thread pool is a 2 step process. First we try graceful, and if that fails, then we go more aggressively
// and try shutting down again. In both cases we wait at most the given shutdown timeout value given
// (total wait could then be 2 x shutdownAwaitTermination, but when we shutdown the 2nd time we are aggressive and thus
// we ought to shutdown much faster)
if (!executorService.isShutdown()) {
StopWatch watch = new StopWatch();
LOG.trace("Shutdown of ExecutorService: {} with await termination: {} millis", executorService, shutdownAwaitTermination);
if (shutdownAwaitTermination > 0) {
try {
if (!awaitTermination(executorService, shutdownAwaitTermination)) {
warned = true;
LOG.warn("Forcing shutdown of ExecutorService: {} due first await termination elapsed.", executorService);
// we are now shutting down aggressively, so wait to see if we can completely shutdown or not
if (!awaitTermination(executorService, shutdownAwaitTermination)) {
LOG.warn("Cannot completely force shutdown of ExecutorService: {} due second await termination elapsed.", executorService);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
warned = true;
LOG.warn("Forcing shutdown of ExecutorService: {} due interrupted.", executorService);
// we were interrupted during shutdown, so force shutdown
// if we logged at WARN level, then report at INFO level when we are complete so the end user can see this in the log
if (warned) {
LOG.info("Shutdown of ExecutorService: {} is shutdown: {} and terminated: {} took: {}.",
new Object[]{executorService, executorService.isShutdown(), executorService.isTerminated(), TimeUtils.printDuration(watch.taken())});
} else if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Shutdown of ExecutorService: {} is shutdown: {} and terminated: {} took: {}.",
new Object[]{executorService, executorService.isShutdown(), executorService.isTerminated(), TimeUtils.printDuration(watch.taken())});
// let lifecycle strategy be notified as well which can let it be managed in JMX as well
ThreadPoolExecutor threadPool = null;