Package org.apache.camel.util

Examples of org.apache.camel.util.StopWatch

    protected void doSuspend() throws Exception {
        EventHelper.notifyCamelContextSuspending(this);"Apache Camel " + getVersion() + " (CamelContext: " + getName() + ") is suspending");
        StopWatch watch = new StopWatch();

        // update list of started routes to be suspended
        // because we only want to suspend started routes
        // (so when we resume we only resume the routes which actually was suspended)
        for (Map.Entry<String, RouteService> entry : getRouteServices().entrySet()) {
            if (entry.getValue().getStatus().isStarted()) {
                suspendedRouteServices.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

        // assemble list of startup ordering so routes can be shutdown accordingly
        List<RouteStartupOrder> orders = new ArrayList<RouteStartupOrder>();
        for (Map.Entry<String, RouteService> entry : suspendedRouteServices.entrySet()) {
            Route route = entry.getValue().getRoutes().iterator().next();
            Integer order = entry.getValue().getRouteDefinition().getStartupOrder();
            if (order == null) {
                order = defaultRouteStartupOrder++;
            orders.add(new DefaultRouteStartupOrder(order, route, entry.getValue()));

        // suspend routes using the shutdown strategy so it can shutdown in correct order
        // routes which doesn't support suspension will be stopped instead
        getShutdownStrategy().suspend(this, orders);

        // mark the route services as suspended or stopped
        for (RouteService service : suspendedRouteServices.values()) {
            if (routeSupportsSuspension(service.getId())) {
            } else {

        if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
  "Apache Camel " + getVersion() + " (CamelContext: " + getName() + ") is suspended in " + TimeUtils.printDuration(watch.taken()));

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    protected void doResume() throws Exception {
        try {

  "Apache Camel " + getVersion() + " (CamelContext: " + getName() + ") is resuming");
            StopWatch watch = new StopWatch();

            // start the suspended routes (do not check for route clashes, and indicate)
            doStartOrResumeRoutes(suspendedRouteServices, false, true, true, false);

            // mark the route services as resumed (will be marked as started) as well
            for (RouteService service : suspendedRouteServices.values()) {
                if (routeSupportsSuspension(service.getId())) {
                } else {

            if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
      "Resumed " + suspendedRouteServices.size() + " routes");
      "Apache Camel " + getVersion() + " (CamelContext: " + getName() + ") resumed in " + TimeUtils.printDuration(watch.taken()));

            // and clear the list as they have been resumed
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            randomAccessFile = new RandomAccessFile(target, "rw");
            // try to acquire rw lock on the file before we can consume it
            channel = randomAccessFile.getChannel();

            boolean exclusive = false;
            StopWatch watch = new StopWatch();

            while (!exclusive) {
                // timeout check
                if (timeout > 0) {
                    long delta = watch.taken();
                    if (delta > timeout) {
                        CamelLogger.log(LOG, readLockLoggingLevel,
                                "Cannot acquire read lock within " + timeout + " millis. Will skip the file: " + target);
                        // we could not get the lock within the timeout period, so return false
                        return false;
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        // just return if no routes to shutdown
        if (routes.isEmpty()) {
            return true;

        StopWatch watch = new StopWatch();

        // at first sort according to route startup order
        List<RouteStartupOrder> routesOrdered = new ArrayList<RouteStartupOrder>(routes);
        Collections.sort(routesOrdered, new Comparator<RouteStartupOrder>() {
            public int compare(RouteStartupOrder o1, RouteStartupOrder o2) {
                return o1.getStartupOrder() - o2.getStartupOrder();
        if (shutdownRoutesInReverseOrder) {
        }"Starting to graceful shutdown " + routesOrdered.size() + " routes (timeout " + timeout + " " + timeUnit.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + ")");

        // use another thread to perform the shutdowns so we can support timeout
        currentShutdownTaskFuture = getExecutorService().submit(new ShutdownTask(context, routesOrdered, timeout, timeUnit, suspendOnly, abortAfterTimeout, timeoutOccurred));
        try {
            currentShutdownTaskFuture.get(timeout, timeUnit);
        } catch (ExecutionException e) {
            // unwrap execution exception
            throw ObjectHelper.wrapRuntimeCamelException(e.getCause());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // either timeout or interrupted exception was thrown so this is okay
            // as interrupted would mean cancel was called on the currentShutdownTaskFuture to signal a forced timeout

            // we hit a timeout, so set the flag

            // timeout then cancel the task

            // signal we are forcing shutdown now, since timeout occurred
            this.forceShutdown = forceShutdown;

            // if set, stop processing and return false to indicate that the shutdown is aborting
            if (!forceShutdown && abortAfterTimeout) {
                LOG.warn("Timeout occurred during graceful shutdown. Aborting the shutdown now."
                        + " Notice: some resources may still be running as graceful shutdown did not complete successfully.");
                return false;
            } else {
                if (forceShutdown || shutdownNowOnTimeout) {
                    LOG.warn("Timeout occurred during graceful shutdown. Forcing the routes to be shutdown now."
                            + " Notice: some resources may still be running as graceful shutdown did not complete successfully.");
                    // force the routes to shutdown now

                    // now the route consumers has been shutdown, then prepare route services for shutdown now (forced)
                    for (RouteStartupOrder order : routes) {
                        for (Service service : order.getServices()) {
                            prepareShutdown(service, true, true, isSuppressLoggingOnTimeout());
                } else {
                    LOG.warn("Timeout occurred during graceful shutdown. Will ignore shutting down the remainder routes."
                            + " Notice: some resources may still be running as graceful shutdown did not complete successfully.");
        } finally {
            currentShutdownTaskFuture = null;

        // convert to seconds as its easier to read than a big milli seconds number
        long seconds = TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(watch.stop(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);"Graceful shutdown of " + routesOrdered.size() + " routes completed in " + seconds + " seconds");
        return true;
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        // gather list of files to process
        List<GenericFile<T>> files = new ArrayList<GenericFile<T>>();
        String name = endpoint.getConfiguration().getDirectory();

        // time how long time it takes to poll
        StopWatch stop = new StopWatch();
        boolean limitHit;
        try {
            limitHit = !pollDirectory(name, files, 0);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // during poll directory we add files to the in progress repository, in case of any exception thrown after this work
            // we must then drain the in progress files before rethrowing the exception
            log.debug("Error occurred during poll directory: " + name + " due " + e.getMessage() + ". Removing " + files.size() + " files marked as in-progress.");
            throw e;

        long delta = stop.stop();
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Took {} to poll: {}", TimeUtils.printDuration(delta), name);

        // log if we hit the limit
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        return threadStopWatch.get();
    public void beforeTestMethod(TestContext testContext) throws Exception {
        StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch();
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    public void afterTestMethod(TestContext testContext) throws Exception {
        StopWatch watch = threadStopWatch.get();
        if (watch != null) {
            long time = watch.stop();
            Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(testContext.getTestClass());

  "Testing done: " + testContext.getTestMethod().getName() + "(" + testContext.getTestClass().getName() + ")");
  "Took: " + TimeUtils.printDuration(time) + " (" + time + " millis)");
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        try {
            if (is == null) {
                is = exchange.getIn().getMandatoryBody(InputStream.class);

            final StopWatch watch = new StopWatch();
            LOG.debug("About to store file: {} using stream: {}", targetName, is);
            if (endpoint.getFileExist() == GenericFileExist.Append) {
                LOG.trace("Client appendFile: {}", targetName);
                channel.put(is, targetName, ChannelSftp.APPEND);
            } else {
                LOG.trace("Client storeFile: {}", targetName);
                // override is default
                channel.put(is, targetName);
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Took {} ({} millis) to store file: {} and FTP client returned: true",
                        new Object[]{TimeUtils.printDuration(watch.taken()), watch.taken(), targetName});

            // after storing file, we may set chmod on the file
            String mode = endpoint.getConfiguration().getChmod();
            if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(mode)) {
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        assertEquals(TimeUnit.SECONDS, camelContext.getShutdownStrategy().getTimeUnit());
    public void testStopwatch() {
        StopWatch stopWatch = StopWatchTestExecutionListener.getStopWatch();
        assertTrue(stopWatch.taken() < 100);
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        try {
            if (is == null) {
                is = exchange.getIn().getMandatoryBody(InputStream.class);

            final StopWatch watch = new StopWatch();
            LOG.debug("About to store file: {} using stream: {}", targetName, is);
            if (endpoint.getFileExist() == GenericFileExist.Append) {
                LOG.trace("Client appendFile: {}", targetName);
                channel.put(is, targetName, ChannelSftp.APPEND);
            } else {
                LOG.trace("Client storeFile: {}", targetName);
                // override is default
                channel.put(is, targetName);
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Took {} ({} millis) to store file: {} and FTP client returned: true",
                        new Object[]{TimeUtils.printDuration(watch.taken()), watch.taken(), targetName});

            // after storing file, we may set chmod on the file
            String mode = endpoint.getConfiguration().getChmod();
            if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(mode)) {
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Related Classes of org.apache.camel.util.StopWatch

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