Package org.apache.batik.gvt

Examples of org.apache.batik.gvt.CompositeGraphicsNode$ListItr

        // 'requiredFeatures', 'requiredExtensions' and 'systemLanguage'
        if (!SVGUtilities.matchUserAgent(e, ctx.getUserAgent())) {
            return null;

        CompositeGraphicsNode cgn = new CompositeGraphicsNode();

        // 'transform'
        String s = e.getAttributeNS(null, SVG_TRANSFORM_ATTRIBUTE);
        if (s.length() != 0) {
                (SVGUtilities.convertTransform(e, SVG_TRANSFORM_ATTRIBUTE, s,
        // 'visibility'

        // 'text-rendering' and 'color-rendering'
        RenderingHints hints = null;
        hints = CSSUtilities.convertColorRendering(e, hints);
        hints = CSSUtilities.convertTextRendering (e, hints);
        if (hints != null) {

        // first child holds the flow region nodes
        CompositeGraphicsNode cgn2 = new CompositeGraphicsNode();

        // second child is the text node
        FlowTextNode tn = (FlowTextNode)instantiateGraphicsNode();
        tn.setLocation(getLocation(ctx, e));
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     * @param node the graphics node to build
    public void buildGraphicsNode(BridgeContext ctx,
                                  Element e,
                                  GraphicsNode node) {
        CompositeGraphicsNode cgn = (CompositeGraphicsNode) node;

        // build flowRegion shapes
        boolean isStatic = !ctx.isDynamic();
        if (isStatic) {
            flowRegionNodes = new HashMap();
        } else {
            regionChangeListener = new RegionChangeListener();
        CompositeGraphicsNode cgn2 = (CompositeGraphicsNode) cgn.get(0);
        GVTBuilder builder = ctx.getGVTBuilder();
        for (Node n = getFirstChild(e); n != null; n = getNextSibling(n)) {
            if (n instanceof SVGOMFlowRegionElement) {
                for (Node m = getFirstChild(n);
                        m != null;
                        m = getNextSibling(m)) {
                    if (m.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                    GraphicsNode gn =, (Element) m);
                    if (gn != null) {
                        if (isStatic) {
                            flowRegionNodes.put(m, gn);
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            if (childNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {

        CompositeGraphicsNode glyphContentNode = null;

        if (numGlyphChildren > 0) {  // the glyph has child elements

            // build the GVT tree that represents the glyph children
            GVTBuilder builder = ctx.getGVTBuilder();

            glyphContentNode = new CompositeGraphicsNode();

            // need to clone the parent font element and glyph element
            // this is so that the glyph doesn't inherit anything past the font element
            Element fontElementClone
                = (Element)glyphElement.getParentNode().cloneNode(false);

            // copy all font attributes over
            NamedNodeMap fontAttributes
                = glyphElement.getParentNode().getAttributes();

            int numAttributes = fontAttributes.getLength();
            for (int i = 0; i < numAttributes; i++) {
            Element clonedGlyphElement = (Element)glyphElement.cloneNode(true);


            CompositeGraphicsNode glyphChildrenNode
                = new CompositeGraphicsNode();


            NodeList clonedGlyphChildren = clonedGlyphElement.getChildNodes();
            int numClonedChildren = clonedGlyphChildren.getLength();
            for (int i = 0; i < numClonedChildren; i++) {
                Node childNode = clonedGlyphChildren.item(i);
                if (childNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                    Element childElement = (Element)childNode;
                    GraphicsNode childGraphicsNode =
               , childElement);
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                if ((pgn == null) || !(pgn instanceof CompositeGraphicsNode)) {
                    // Something changed in this element but we really don't
                    // care since its parent isn't displayed either.
                CompositeGraphicsNode parent = (CompositeGraphicsNode)pgn;
                // Check if 'display' changed on this element.

                int [] properties = evt.getProperties();
                for (int i=0; i < properties.length; ++i) {
                    if (properties[i] == SVGCSSEngine.DISPLAY_INDEX) {
                        if (!CSSUtilities.convertDisplay(elem)) {
                            // (Still) Not displayed
                        // build the graphics node
                        GVTBuilder builder = getGVTBuilder();
                        GraphicsNode childNode =
                            (BridgeContext.this, elem);
                        if (childNode == null) {
                            // the added element is not a graphic element?
                        int idx = -1;
                        for(Node ps = elem.getPreviousSibling(); ps != null;
                            ps = ps.getPreviousSibling()) {
                            if (ps.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
                            Element pse = (Element)ps;
                            GraphicsNode gn = getGraphicsNode(pse);
                            if (gn == null)
                            idx = parent.indexOf(gn);
                            if (idx == -1)
                        // insert after prevSibling, if
                        // it was -1 this becomes 0 (first slot)
                        parent.add(idx, childNode);
            } if (ctx != null && (ctx instanceof BridgeUpdateHandler)) {
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    static Rectangle2D getViewportBounds(GraphicsNode gn,
                                         GraphicsNode child) {
        // See if background is enabled.
        Rectangle2D r2d = null;
        if (gn instanceof CompositeGraphicsNode) {
            CompositeGraphicsNode cgn = (CompositeGraphicsNode)gn;
            r2d = cgn.getBackgroundEnable();

        if (r2d == null)
            // No background enable so check our parent's value.
            r2d = getViewportBounds(gn.getParent(), gn);

        // No background for any ancester (error) return null
        if (r2d == null)
            return null;

        // Background enabled is set, but it has no fixed bounds set.
        if (r2d == CompositeGraphicsNode.VIEWPORT) {
            // If we don't have a child then just use our bounds.
            if (child == null)
                return (Rectangle2D)gn.getPrimitiveBounds().clone();

            // gn must be composite so add all it's children's bounds
            // up to child.
            CompositeGraphicsNode cgn = (CompositeGraphicsNode)gn;
            return addBounds(cgn, child, null);

        // We have a partial bound from parent, so map it to gn's
        // coordinate system...
        AffineTransform at = gn.getTransform();
        if (at != null) {
            try {
                at = at.createInverse();
                r2d = at.createTransformedShape(r2d).getBounds2D();
            } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException nte) {
                // Degenerate case return null;
                r2d = null;

        if (child != null) {
            // Add our childrens bounds to it...
            CompositeGraphicsNode cgn = (CompositeGraphicsNode)gn;
            r2d = addBounds(cgn, child, r2d);
        } else {
            Rectangle2D gnb = gn.getPrimitiveBounds();
            if (gnb != null)
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            // System.out.println("Null GN Parent: " + child );
            return null;

        if (gn instanceof CompositeGraphicsNode) {
            CompositeGraphicsNode cgn = (CompositeGraphicsNode)gn;
            // See if background is enabled.
            r2d = cgn.getBackgroundEnable();

        // background has definite bounds so return them.
        if (r2d != null)
            return  r2d;
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        Rectangle2D r2d = null;
        if (gn instanceof CompositeGraphicsNode) {
            CompositeGraphicsNode cgn = (CompositeGraphicsNode)gn;
            r2d = cgn.getBackgroundEnable();

        List srcs = new ArrayList();      // this hides a member in a super-class!!
        if (r2d == null) {
            Rectangle2D paoi = aoi;
            AffineTransform at = gn.getTransform();
            if (at != null)
                paoi = at.createTransformedShape(aoi).getBounds2D();
            Filter f = getBackground(gn.getParent(), gn, paoi);

            // Don't add the nodes unless they will contribute.
            if ((f != null) && f.getBounds2D().intersects(aoi)) {

        if (child != null) {
            CompositeGraphicsNode cgn = (CompositeGraphicsNode)gn;
            List children = cgn.getChildren();
            Iterator i = children.iterator();
            while (i.hasNext()) {
                GraphicsNode childGN = (GraphicsNode);
                // System.out.println("Parent: "      + cgn +
                //                    "\n  Child: "   + child +
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                                     Object[] params) {
        String message = formatMessage(base, code, params);
        Map props = new HashMap();
        props.put(BROKEN_LINK_PROPERTY, message);

        CompositeGraphicsNode cgn = new CompositeGraphicsNode();
        return new GraphicsNodeRable8Bit(cgn, props);
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    protected CanvasGraphicsNode getCanvasGraphicsNode(GraphicsNode gn) {
        if (!(gn instanceof CompositeGraphicsNode))
            return null;
        CompositeGraphicsNode cgn = (CompositeGraphicsNode)gn;
        List children = cgn.getChildren();
        if (children.size() == 0)
            return null;
        gn = (GraphicsNode)children.get(0);
        if (!(gn instanceof CanvasGraphicsNode))
            return null;
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                                              Element e,
                                              SVGDocument imgDocument) {
        CSSEngine eng = ((SVGOMDocument)imgDocument).getCSSEngine();
        subCtx = ctx.createSubBridgeContext((SVGOMDocument)imgDocument);

        CompositeGraphicsNode result = new CompositeGraphicsNode();
        // handles the 'preserveAspectRatio', 'overflow' and 'clip' and
        // sets the appropriate AffineTransform to the image node
        Rectangle2D bounds = getImageBounds(ctx, e);

        if ((bounds.getWidth() == 0) || (bounds.getHeight() == 0)) {
            ShapeNode sn = new ShapeNode();
            return result;

        Rectangle2D r = CSSUtilities.convertEnableBackground(e);
        if (r != null) {

        SVGSVGElement svgElement = imgDocument.getRootElement();
        CanvasGraphicsNode node;
        node = (CanvasGraphicsNode)subCtx.getGVTBuilder().build
            (subCtx, svgElement);

        if ((eng == null) && ctx.isInteractive()) {
            // If we "created" this document then add listerns.

        // HACK: remove the clip set by the SVGSVGElement as the overflow
        // and clip properties must be ignored. The clip will be set later
        // using the overflow and clip of the <image> element.
        // HACK: remove the viewingTransform set by the SVGSVGElement
        // as the viewBox must be ignored. The viewingTransform will
        // be set later using the width/height of the image element.
        node.setViewingTransform(new AffineTransform());

        // create the implicit viewBox for the SVG image. The viewBox for a
        // SVG image is the viewBox of the outermost SVG element of the SVG file
        String viewBox =
            svgElement.getAttributeNS(null, SVG_VIEW_BOX_ATTRIBUTE);
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Related Classes of org.apache.batik.gvt.CompositeGraphicsNode$ListItr

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